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Zombies In Deep Dive.

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A deep dive zombie apocalypse video game comes to live, trapping several million players inside, and they now need to figure out to escape....ALIVE.

Chapter 1 - Welcome to Zombieworld!


DAY 0.





"Tyler, WHAT is THIS obscene thing?"

The shrill, condecending question was met with a sigh as a teenage boy took the case for his latest Deep Dive videogame, Zombie World. The world's first, only, and most realistic postapocolpytic survival horror game.....period. The teenager spoke in a tired tenor as he took the game from his foster mother as she glared condescendingly at him.

"It's Zombie World. You know. That horror game I picked up the other day?"

"That cover is HORRIFIC."

"Michelle, it's SUPPOSED to's a ZOMBIE game. Like Night of the Living Dead....but in color."

Michelle sighed.

"I WILL be watching, Tyler. If I do not like what I see, I WILL rip that helmet off you."

Tyler merely pulled out the handbook on how to use the deep dive Virtual Reality helmet that was not unlike a football Helmet but made of more comfy material. The tired teenager slid the game disk into the helmet and opened the book as the game went about it's installation process. He flipped pages until he got to the one he needed.

"Ah. Here we go. Safety and Disengaging the Reality Helmet. STILL a stupid name and you will never convince me otherwise. To disengage from the helmet SAFELY and WITHOUT RISK of neroulogical or physiological injury, the user must use the interface of the helmet. To do so otherwise may cause damage to the brain, the spinal column, and may result in severe tramua to the nervous system. So, in OTHER WORDS, NO you will NOT rip it off my according to DA RULES that you ALWAYS preach about, that's not the PROPER way to do it."

Michelle snatched the handbook out of his hand in an offended fury.

"Give me that. it does NOT cause harm to just take a helmet off."

Tyler sighed as he went to the bathroom and came back out.

"THIS kinda helmet it does. The thing uses electrosignals to hijack the brain's functions and basically create a coma that sends us to the game world via a neroulogical uplink. Don't ask me how exactly it does it, I dunno."

Michelle glared at him as he settled on the bed in a comfy position.

"I WILL be watching on the TV, Tyler. If I DO NOT like what I see you will never dive again in MY house."

He pulled the visor of the helmet over his face that was not unlike Iron Man's faceplate HUD and laid on the pillow. He relaxed and Michelle spoke louder.

"Did you HEAR me?"

"I heard you....just didn't need to respond."

"That's it. NO div-"

"Dive now."

His vision flickered as his foster mother went on a tirade about defiance, listening to her and how she doesn't tolerate such bullshit, blah, blah blah, BLAH. Tyler blinked and when he reopened his eyes he was standing inside a white room surrounded by millions of other people all looking to get into their own games. Tyler smiled as his panel of games opened up and the one for Zombie World was seen.

"Let's go to Hell together!"

A few nearby players all opening the same game chuckled at that as the teenager hit the Access button. The floor dropped out from under him and he landed inside a dimly lit and blood smeared attic with the game's description written in blood on a wall beside him.

Zombie World was an Unrateable Open World Ultrarealistic experience. In idiot terms, it was a perfect copy of real life but inside a digital space. There were no guides, no waypoints, no hitmarkers, no borders. There was literally nothing you could not do inside the gameworld due to it's own form of artificial Intelligence program that allowed it to print new activities, areas, and anything else those inside the game could need in real time. The premise was your usual zombie survival shooter but in virtual reality deep dive. You start out by coming to on the side of a beach or a forest or inside a hospital, anywhere really in nothing but a handpicked outfit and that's it. You then had to scavange supplies and craft your own to survive. The overarching goal of the game was to piece together the origin of the infection, synthysis a vaccine, and distribute it to the rest of the ingame populace. This would end the outbreak and in such save humanity. That was whaty the goal was SUPPOSED to be according to rumor that is. Truth was no one knew HOW to beat the game as the developers had kept it VERY secretive and only released a scarce few details and promises the game would be unlike anything that had every been seen. This alone had inspired MILLIONS to pick up a copy. The in game progression worked around experience points and skills. More zombies, people, animals, and other such stuff you killed, more resources you gather, and the more stuff you craft the more experience you earned. Once you level up you can then choose a perk that would grant a wide range of benefits spanning from combat and survival to construction and medical. Tyler smiled as he opened a closet door to access the starting attires. He looked ay himself in a mirror and blinked as a small girl was barely visible behind him in the mirror.

"OOOOKay. Jumpscare right out the gate. Cool."

He was a tall boy at 5 foot 11 inches with a slender, 230 pound build that would change accordingly in game depending on his activites. His skin was pasty white from lack of sunlight while his eyes and hair were dark brown. He was naked and smirked at the dangling from his legs as he selected clothes. He pulled the thin black T-shirt, denim jeans, and work boots on before spotting a pair of fingerless black gloves for his hands. He closed the closet and smiled as he saw no other items he could take. There was also no tutorial as once he walked out the bedroom door, he would be in the game world. He cracked his neck and knuckles and walked to the door....when a series of floating buttons appeared before him with one beeping. He hit the thing curiously, and got another bloodsmeared writting description of the ingame buttons. These basically including the logout button....and that was about it. TYler smiled as he closed the barren interface and opened the door to access the game world. He walked through...and was hit in the head with something hard before his vision went black.


DAY 1.






Tyler came to with the sound of gently lapping waves in his ears, the feel of a bright sun warming his back and grainy sand under him. He opened his eyes to find he'd been dumped amidst the wreckage of a passengar plane. The once mighty 747 jumbo jet was now in pieces along the beach with the remains of it's 300 passengars were strewn about the beach, floating in the waves, or were impaled on parts of the plane. Tyler smirked as he found himself to be uninjured and got off the sandy floor.

"So the only survivor of a plane crash. How unoriginal."

He dusted himself off and looked around at the mess of metal, siding, and luggage mixed in with the rotting corpses of it's passengars. The lone survivor spotted a large blue bag further up the beach and walked over to it. The air was heavy with the cloying scent of rotting human flesh mixed with the salty air of the sea. Tyler had an ear up as a profound silence was to be heard mixed with the cry of seabirds and the lapping ocean behind him. He found the zipper of the bag had broken he shrugged and used a bit of wire from the plan to improvise a loop to pull the zipper open. He opened gthe thing to be faced with soaking wet clothes and a badly rotted leather wallet.

"Makes sense."

He shrugged and went over to where a larger section of the plane sat. The fuselage of the 747 had fragmented on impact and scattering. Tyler walked over to one and poked his head over the lip of the former walkway. People had been crushed to mush by the crash and some were still fastened to their seats. The scavenger walked away from the wreck with a shrug.

"It'd be too freakin easy for the starting area to have anything of worth."

The plane had crashed on the beach just outside a small town with a mere 30 buildings. Tyler was walking quietly along the asphalt roadway drinking in the wrecked cars, shattered glass, torn aparty human bodies, and bloodsmeared carcass of what had once been a flourishing small town. He whistled quietly as one poor bastard had been eaten to his waist....and from the bloody straks on the sidewalk had been alive nearly the entire time.

"OOF. Poor bastard. eaten alive from the toes up."

He looked at the houses around him and picked one with blue siding he thought was pretty. The Survivor walked over to the door and noted the large window looking out at the street had been smashed. so he climbed through it. Front door is too maninstream. He smirked at his own idiocy as he went to the kitchen. There he found a large kitchen knife of light steel with a plastic grip in a wooden holster on the stone counter. The blade was sharp...but had rust along the spine from the salty air hitting it. Tyler nodded as he took his first weapon.

"Durability IS a thing here."

Next he threw open cupboards and cabinets seeking food or supplies. Only to come up with rotten food and mouse eaten drinks. That made him sigh and head for the bedroom.

"Yeeeah. These kinda games aren't for everyone."

He found the bedroom door ajar and hefted the 8 inch knife in one hand as he nudged the door open with a gentle shoulder. The door swung open with a slight reveal a 5 foot man covered in gaping wounds along his body standing there with sightless eyes and pale green skin. Tyler pounced nearly instantly as the man didn't react to the teenager behind him. The knife was plunged into the back of the zombie's head and it dropped without a sound as the assassination was carriered out. A golden +25 EXP appeared over the dead zombie and Tyler smirked as he pulled his knife free...only for it to snap from the force. He sighed at this and looked around the bedroom. the bed was covered in mouldering blankets and rot from the attack that got the zombie. TYler went to the nightstand and pulled the drawer open and found a bible. He smirked at this as the bible was large. And hardcover too. It weighed a good 4 pounds and was an oddly swingable size.

"I'mma beat a zombie to death with a bible. BEHOLD THE POWER OF GOD."

The irony secured, the hunting teenager went to find a zombie to BEAT to death with a holy bible. He walked out of the house and into the next one across the street. This one was empty and yielded no supplies and so he headed along the street taking note of the heavily damaged buildings. Makes sense the houses that are the most badly damaged are also empty of anything of use. Since someone's been there before. Tyler wwalked towards the house when his HUD pinged.... and He sighed at the blood spattered buttons and hit the blinking one. Michelle appeared with an angry glare on a floating panel that also had a list of options including minimize that would still allow her to talk to him. she was an older woman with more wrinkles then skin and muddy brown eyes. Her attires were also gaudy colors and she spoke in a raspy tone to the teenager.

"I hope you enjoy yourself in there. Because this is the last time you dive in MY house for the way you spoke to me."

TYler sighed as he rubbed his eyes.

"Yeeeet I am PAYING for EVERYTHING. The GEAR, the INTERNET, the POWER, yeah. I WILL keep diving as I'm the one PAYING for it. Like you always preach. You pay for it, you set the rules."

He hit the minimize button as she glared at him.

"This is MY house-"

"I pay rent. We've been over this. YOU can't tell me not to dive....and I still am. Anyway."

He hit a button that would mute her newest tirade and walked along the street looking at the damaged homes noting the amount of damage was steadily decreasing the further from the beach he got. He saw one house with the windows intact and walked over to the thing...only to find the front door locked. So he took a walk around the outside testing the various windows to find they too, were locked. He went back to the front door and crossed his arms as he looked at the red paneled thing.

"Now HOW am I getting in without making a racket?"

He looked at the walls around the door before the keen eyed teenager spotted a seam of panel where there shouldn't have been a seam. Curious he pushed on it and slid it like a panel, there was a click before he found a minicompartment that had the spare set of house keys. This discovery made him chuckle as he unlocked the front door...and had the key snap off in the lock.

"Makes sense. Playerhomes wouldn't be THAT easy to get."

The house had two floors with wooden floors and a wide open layout. Tyler noted not a drop of blood or any signs of a struggle as he walked around the ground floor. He went to the kitchen and found a set of far newer knives in the holster on the granite island. He took three of the larger knives as he had no means to hold the rest and eheaded for the second floor. The floor was carpeted and the Survivor had a knife ready to stab as he approached the first door on a long hallway. He nudged it open and found the thing to be a spare bedroom. He shrugged and went right for the door at the end of the hallway and nudged it open.....only to be greeted by the sight of a man and a woman on a bed with holes in their heads from a six shooter revolver in the hand of the man. Tyler walked over and took the revolver from the man's hand and smirked.

"Ruger GP-100 single action revolver. 4 in the chamber of .357s. Nice."

He pressed the safety to prevent accidentally shooting himself and went to the door in the side of the master bedroom and found the office of the dead man on the bed. There was a computer on a desk and an opened box of .357 ammuntion for the revolver missing the 6 for the current cylinder. Tyler took the thing and nodded at the 24 extra bullets. He slid a fresh two into the chamber and sat at the computer. He hit a key on the keyboard....and got no reaction.

"well power's out. That'dda been pretty freakin cool if it worked like that."

He looked around the bedroom of the house and came upon a simple belt holster and belt in his size. so he slid the short revolver into it and looked for a packpack or anything like it....only to come up empty. Tyler left the house and He remembered the muted videocall and went into an alley between two cleared houses to bring the thing back up. Michelle was seen with a horrified expression as he hit unmute.

"Can you hear me now?"

He leaned on the wall of the house.

"I forgot to mention. I got no way to tell time in here."

She shuddered.

"Those are NOT real people right? In the plane and the murder?"

"Nope. Computer. And that guy was a zombie."

"He didn't seem like one to me."

"eh your light was bad. To me he was puke green and covered in gaping holes."

She shuddered again. Then refocused.

"What do you MEAN you have no way to tell time in there?"

"No clocks or watches. All the ones I've seen have been smashed...and are reading 12PM. It's 2pm out there."

Michelle frowned now.

"Prove it."

He smiled and opened gthe set of buttons and ran through every one of the options that were mostly useless. Only the logout button, the videocall button, and a few filters in the options menus were functioning due to the survival aspect of the current game. Michelle sighed.

"THAT is so stupid."

"It's realistic."

"And what do you want ME to do?"

"Put my watch or my clock in easy view of the TV. There. Bootlegged workaround."

She sighed at this but placed a round clock on a chair in easy view.

"You're still not diving again."

"Thanks for the clock....I gotta go."

He hit mute and minimize before getting going from the alley and crossed the street for the second house and found it was unlocked. He walked inside to find a zombie standing in the kitchen. This time it was a naked woman with gaping holes around her torso and thighs. Tyler stabbed her in the ear with the knife and the zombie dropped with a thud. Tyler retrieved the knife and noted a wrapped granola bar had fallen out of....he didn't really know where it had fallen from. But it was loot from killing the zombie. He slid the thing in his pocket and walked inside the carbon copy of the last one. He found a sharpening rod in the kitchen and ran the knife he'd killed the zombie with along the thing with an oddly satisfying rasp before he went to the second floor. The master bedroom was empty and he opened the closet to find it was a walk in closet. Inside were a few outfits for a grown woman and he went to the other rooms now. He opened one door and found it to be a small kid's room and smirked as he went to the closet. He opened it...

"I figured."

And found a small kid's school backpack with iron man on it. Tyler took it and shouldered the thing...and got a notice as he did.

"A 30 pound carryweight? For THIS ditzy thing? Makes sense I guess. My LL Bean I was able to stuff close to 60 pounds a stuff in and it were twice this thing's size."

Tyler shrugged at this and went back to the master bedroom. He started opening drawers and whistled at the amount of sexy and skimpy underwear he found within.

"wow lady. Now if only you were alive and a few years younger you'dda gotten MY attention!"

Tyler chuckled at his own raunchyness as he went into the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet. He took a bottle of pills out an tilted his head as he pulled the videocall up for a timecheck. Michelle had a look of thunder as he unmuted her.

"Put. The DRUGS. DOWN."

He chuckled.

"I will not. And if you'll GIVE me a minute, I'll explain WHY."

She glared at him.


She rubbed her eyes.

"They're narcotics. And are PAINKILLERS."

"Wait for REAL?"

Michelle looked up sharply at hi now thoughtful tone.


"Ummm, I'm not hurt. soooo I won't. Hm. Painkillers huh?"

He took the first bottle out now and looked in the bottom.

"About....8....pills inside. THAT makes sense now. Cool."

Michelle then remembered the OTHER thing.

"And put the gun down."

"Oh god no. THAT is my ace in the hole. Sides. The ENTIRE point of a survival anything. Get as many guns and as many bullets as you possibly can as fast as you can. I got 28 shots. I gotta make em count."

He looked around the room now as Michelle rubbed her eyes.

"I will be speaking to Christina. Collecting drugs with intent to distribute, handling firearms with those drugs, and just your attitude in general is atrocious."

Tyler minimized the screen and hit mute as she went on a tirade about nothing as he looked at the pills again

"Hm. Prozac? Melitoin, some Alkaseltzer, an a few narcotics. I dunno WHAT this do, but any drugs are better then nothin."

He shrugged and put them in his pack before moving on with his looting.

"Okay. The alkaseltzer is a healing tonic and I am going to HOARD anything that heals. The same with the melitoin. The rest I dunno what it does, so until I do, I'mma keep it for trade. since in any postapoloclyptic world, drugs are a currency."

He put them away and noted the clock read not even 4. The Survivor looked around the room again and noted the shower in the bathtub. Curious, he turned the knob....and a mass of fresh water came out as expected.

"The water's on.....huh."

He shrugged and turned it off before heading out.

"weird how the power's off yet there's still running water."

Tyler shrugged as he walked to the next house. As he walked he noted a car sitting in the driveway with no exterior signs of damage and walked over. He opened the door and found no keys. So he went inside the house to find a man this time at the end of a rope hanging from the a zombie. He'd been nibbled on around the ankles and Tyler chuckled as the thing snarled at him through blackened teeth and tried to reach for him with it's arms.

"Nice try jackass. Next time just shoot yourself."

Tyler pulled his knife and stabbed the zombie in the face. He got the +25 experience and went to the kitchen where he tore open the fridge....and pulled out a full bottle of 150 proof vodka.


He took the glass bottle thoughtfully andlooked it over.

"Huh. I got a lotta uses in you. Molotov cocktail, a HELLUVA goodtime, an antiseptic, hm. eh. I'll figure you out later."

He put the bottle in his backpack and looked at the fridge again and found it to be empty. Next was the cupboards and this was the same. Curious now, he looked for a basement and found a door leading into a fully finished basement decked out for a full on mancave complete with recliner, minibar, a MASSIVE TV, and a full fridge. He opened the fridge to find a SECOND bottle of high end liquor along with a frozen pizza in the freezer. That made him smirk as he went to the minibar and found a full bottle of tequila, whiskey, and a good bottle of red wine. This discovery made the teenager shake his head.

"I'm better supplied right now an some liquor stores. that pizza will be nice too."

He looked at the ingame clock again and found it to read 5:55PM.

"I'll call it here for the first dive. Tomorrow'll be more roaming and looting in the area."

He shrugged and went around the house closing the doors and locking them from the inside before he went down into the basement and locked that up too. The cautious survivor then opened the mancave closet and settled under a pile of colthes that hid his frame rather well. The door was shut but he could still see the Player Panel and access it. He looked out the videocall and found the living room of the small house empty. He shrugged and hit the logout button.

"You're not getting outta here THAT easily!"

Only to be met by a gruff military voice that made the teenager chuckle.

"Okay. That's kinda funny."

He hit it again,

"welcome to Hell you idiot! NO you DO NOT just get to clock out!"

Tyler snorted at the military style shutdown.

"Okay guys. Hey helluva way to give new players a heartattack."

he tried for the THIRD time,

"Okay now you're startin to piss me off Private. YOU are NOT deserting so damn easily!"

Tyler smirked.

"Now many a these did they record?"

He tried again,

"YOU are a STUBBORN bastard aren't ya? I like it. problem IS."

The button shattered and the slot it sat in vanished.

"YOU have better things to focus on."

Tyler blinked at this development.


He looked the menu over and slumped as he found there was no logout button.....ANYWHERE.

"Oh shit."

He looked the interface over seeking a way to contact the outside world to prevent his controlling foster mother from ripping the helmet off him....but to no avai.

"SHit. She'll just rip it off and call it natrual consesquences. GREAAT."

He flipped the lever on the recliner and settled to wait for his certain death at the hands of his foster mother. The teenager didn't have to wait too long before he got a notice on his now useless interface. He opened it to find a new connection had been detected fo his Helmet's link to the game world. He saw the name and smirked in a minor relief.

"MAss general. Good. so she found out BEFORE just ripping the damned thing off. I got a shot!"

The now relieved Tyler went to the minibar's oven and turned it on....only for it to fire right up.

"HA. Be a great freakin end to my adventure. Blowing mysef up tryin to make a pizza."

He slid the thing in the oven and sharpened the knives he had while waiting for the pizza. The thing dinged and he set up at the bar with an easy view of the stairs as the menu pinged. He opened it curiously and found Michelle sitting inside a comfy looking hospital room with a few other ladies around her. He blinked and a slender woman in a white doctor's coat smiled. She was tall with neatly tied blonde hair and a large bust inside her white coat while her blue eyes sparkled. She spoke in a sofr breath.

"You got airlifted."


"I am doctor Hannah Linderman. I'll be your medical professional and advisor during your time in Zombie World. Since the ingame healing is a mirror to real life healing, I'll be here to coach you on how to stitch a suture."

"Simple answer is to NOT get cut."

Hannah chuckled at this sagely wisdom.

"True. Yet you'd be surprised."

Tyler chuckled and looked at Michelle.

"So how far up shits' creek am I?"

The foster mother sighed.

"Right now we have no idea what to do. The game's KILLING people and the deathtoll is well over 5,000. The count of people still well over 15,000,000. The developers have vanished and from what the Pentagon has found, any attempt to breach the game code will result in 15,000,000 deaths."

Hannah nodded.

"No one has a clue how to get you out, Tyler. Since the devs kept the ending so damn hush, hush, we have nothing to go on. ALL their databanks have been erased and dataminers got nowhere."

Tyler crossed his arms.

"Alright. So I'll just explore and build myself a base out here."

A blonde woman with faded blue eyes beside Michelle frowned at this as she spoke in her annoying chirp.

"It's not safe to just WALK out the front door, Tyler. for now just stay put and we'll figure it out."

He smirked.

"Okay. first off? NO. I am NOT just gonna sit here and hide. I WILL get out there and do mah own thing. Two. I LITERALLY can't just sit here....Oooor i'll starve to death. Yes that is a thing in ZW. 3? Remember the first two."

Michelle looked at Hannah.

"we'll give you a copy of his medications and dietary needs, Hannah. We need to TRY to keep a routine or he'll go rotten."

Hannah chuckled.

"UnFORTUNATELY, as of the Zombie World Incident, I am unable to proscribe ANY mind altering substances lest they impede his survival inside the game. And as for his DIET? i got a BMI on him. That kid is as healthy as a horse. So the feed will not change."


The shudden shriek outrage came from Michelle, the blonde beside her, and the fat woman on her side. Tyler merely took another drink of the wine as Hannah jumped. Michelle was red in the face as he set the bottle down.

"You are NOT going to become an alcoholic. YOU'RE 15! PUT THE BOTTLE DOWN, OR I RIP THE HELMET off!"

"NO you will NOT."

Hannah had steel in her voice now as she rounded on the lady.

"I will have you removed from this building if you so much as LOOK in the bed's direction in a way i do not like. I will nopw be having SECURITY sit with you."

Hannah went to a button on the wall as the blonde looked at her in shock.


"He is inside a VIDEOGAME. it's not real alcohol."

Michelle sighed.

"It doesn't matter. It's STILL alcohol."

Hannah paged security and when informed of the threat the two orderlies nodded.

"We'll send this to the Admin."

"Thanks Jack."


Tyler had his Iron Man schoolpack out as he fed on good pizza and was laying his thus far supplies out on the bartop while the scent opf good pepperoni wafted from the oven.

"Hm. GP-100 6 shot revolver, 28 bullets, 1 bottle of vodka, 1 of whiskey, one of tequila, one of red wine, and another of vodka. All 150 proof too. Three 8 inch kitchen knives, one sharpener rod."

He sat back on the bar stool and took the four liquor bottles.

"These i'll split between molotov cocktails and healing."

He took the red wine.

"THIS I gotta a toast in."

He flipped the cork out and took a long pull with a chuckle as he enjoyed pizza and red wine.

"I can hear some frenchie having a heart attack right now over this."

Tyler finished his pizza and pulled the futon out of a couch set against the wall.

"Well. I'mma just passout."

He set the empty bottle on the frame in easy reach.

"I'll be curious to see if I get a hangover in the morning.I do, I got a backup plan."

The screen went out as he closed the call but the ladies were able to see te sleeping teenager from a third person perspective on the hospital TV. Michelle sighed as she looked at the fat woman beside the blonde.

"We'll need to keep him from indulging, Sherry. If we DON'T, he'll NEVER be able to readjust to life outside."

Sherry, the fat woman, nodded. Her voice a whiny squeak.

"Plus with the nature of the game in general? WHO allowed him to BUY it?"

Michelle rubbed her eyes.

"we all did. It's unrated and he said that meant it wasn't 18+ only. He LIED to us."

Hannah chuckled.

"Typical teenager. Telling you exactly what they think you need to know....and nothing THEY don't want you to know. My daughter does it to me all the time. Or so she thinks."

Michelle glared at her.

"YOU need to stop encouraging him. He's not going to keep drinking alcohol and he WILL listen to us."

Hannah shrugged.

"Just remember. ONE MORE TIME, and you're ejected from teh building."

sherry sighed.

"This is going to be an ordeal."

A fat woman beside Michelle sighed in her squeaky, irritating voice.

"We have to get in contact, Doctor. How will we be able to make sure he doesn't break the rules if we can't talk t him?"

The doctor rubbed her eyes tiredly at this.

"Any rules we have, do NOT apply to him in there, sherry. He's fighting for his life against that game and the entire population inside it. YOU are just going to have to accept that."

This made the three women bluster and the thus far unnamed woman spoke now ina disbelieving tone.

"You are condoning a TEENAGER drinking ALCOHOL?"

Michelle looked at the comatose boy behind them as he slumbered. His mind still trapped inside Zombie World.

"We'll increase his medications then. That way his more self-destructive urges won't be as potent."

Hannah looked at her.

"NO you will NOT. Not without MY express permission. As of the Zombie World Incident, I am unable to proscribe ANY mind altering substances lest they impede his survival inside the game. And I will make sure no else will either."

Michelle sighed.

"Great. He's going to enabled to be a bad kid and will be taught the rules don't apply to him."

Sherry looked at the doctor.

"we'll also give you his DOCTOR ORDERED dietary list. Break it, and be sued."

Hannah looked at the paper passed to her.....and snorted.

"That's IT? for a teenager of HIS size? Okay. Rejected. I got a BMI on him. That kid is as healthy as a horse. So the feed will not change. And ss i am a FEDERALLY CERTIFIED DIETICIAN, this will go through."

The third lady sighed.

"My name's Christina. I'm his therapist. we need to figure out a way to contat him, hannah. His sessions HAVE to continue or he'll lose his room at Michelle's."

Hannah looked at the therapist in shock.

"Sooo the fact he's trapped inside a KILLER VIDEOGAME means nothing to you?"

Sherry rubbed her eyes tiredly.

"Just because he is in there doesn't mean the real world just stops turning. He has responsibilities out here and there are rules. If he doesn't follow them he'll be punished. That's just how it is."

Hannah sighed.

"You people are monsters."