Chapter 14 - -Roommates-

Sage<3: 'What was it like in your past life? It's cool that you can remember it'

Aqua_waterfairy: 'Hm, I didn't really have a good past life, I mostly studied and focused on school'

Sage<3: 'So you were a huge nerd?'

Aqua_waterfairy: 'I mean, I guess so'

Sage had been texting Aqua nonstop since they had texted him, he liked learning about the River Domain, which is where that cottage was, and where Aqua used to live. Apparently all the fairy villages in that domain are completely underwater, and since water fairies can breathe underwater and no humans can, it's perfectly safe.

Well from hunters at least, it's also difficult to find food and sea creatures could be dangerous.

Aqua hadn't been allowed to go to the surface for a while, but they're allowed now since they've been sent on a 'quest', although they had been neglecting to tell Sage what the 'quest' was.

Aqua had been traveling to the Mushroom domain during the day and camping at night for two days now, and today they were close to where Sage was. So close, in fact, that Sage was sitting in a nearby park, texting Aqua and waiting for them to arrive to take them to his house.

This way, if this whole thing was elaborate trap designed by hunters, at least they wouldn't know where he lived.

Sage<3: 'How close are you now?'

Aqua_waterfairy: 'Not sure, I'm following this small creek on Turner street though'

Sage<3: 'Oh hey, I know where that is, I'm coming to you don't worry :)'

Sage lifted himself from the park bench and made his way quickly down a familiar path. He didn't really know why he was so excited, but when he got to the creek he saw someone with bright blue hair on the other side, that must be Aqua.

Sage waved to them, they waved back.

As they got closer, Sage noticed they were no longer in a wetsuit but dressed casually in a t-shirt and shorts.

"Hey, you." Sage said when Aqua finally reached him.


"Um...your wings..." Sage looked at Aqua with a concerned expression, they weren't hiding their wings, leaving them in plain sight in a public park.

"Oh uh, the invisibility wore off, one second..." Aqua dug through their purse and pulled out a bottle with a small amount of blue glowing liquid in it, they then drank the liquid and promptly disappeared.


"Still here."


Sage reached out into the air trying to find Aqua's hand, he then held Aqua's hand and led them out of the park.

"Why do you need to go invisible? Can't you just hide your wings?" Sage asked.

"All fairies under 18 were given the spell that reversed their age, but not all fairies were given the spell that helps them hide their wings." Aqua explained.

"Why was I given the spell?" Sage asked.

"I guess your parents wanted to further protect you." Said Aqua.

"And yours didn't?" Sage asked.

"My parents are dead."

Sage stopped walking when he realised he was definitely prying too much into Aqua's life.

"Oh...sorry..." Sage knew he had made a mistake bringing that up.

"No, don't be. I actually never knew them, I live with my aunt instead, and I love her very much. We used to live in the Mushroom Domain together but when it was attacked we moved to the River Domain."

"The Mushroom Domain was attacked?" Sage said, looking at the space where Aqua would be standing if they were visible.

"Did Brooklyn teach you anything?"

"Hey! ...No, she really didn't."

This reminded Sage, he had yet to tell Aqua that he had failed Brooklyn's class and couldn't move up in his studies unless he took it again. Considering that Aqua took school very seriously he should probably approach this in a sensitive way and explain why he struggled so much.

"Oh yeah by the way I totally bombed that class." Sage said.

"That's okay, I'll start from the beginning when I teach you." Aqua said, completely unfazed. Maybe they're cooler than Sage had thought.

"You see that over there?" Sage pointed ahead of them, "That's my house!"

"Oh cool, nice garden."

"Thank you."

Sage braught Aqua into the backyard instead of through the front door.

"You know no one can see me, right?" Aqua said.

"Yeah, but they might hear you."

Sage opened the back door and led Aqua through the main floor, up the stairs, and into the spare room.

"You can sleep here, and don't leave this room until I wake up, okay? I don't want anyone seeing you." Sage said, while getting some pillows and blankets from his room. Aqua looked around the room suspiciously.

"There's no bed here?"

"There's a table."

"You want me to sleep on a table?"

"Listen man, it's either the table or the floor." Sage said, tossing the blankets and pillows to Aqua and closing the door behind him.

This is gonna be a fun summer.