Chapter 15 - -Lesson one-

The morning sun beamed through the window in the spare room, casting its rays and burning Aqua's eyes.

It was actually a pretty nice way to wake up, despite the fact they were lying on a table.

Still too tired to move from their bed, Aqua looked up to the ceiling and saw the circular light. They flicked their hand and the light came on, that meant they weren't rusty after not using their powers for a while. They reached to the side and checked the time on their phone, it was 6. Too early for...anything really.

And so Aqua was forced to wait until Sage woke up.


They found a water bottle in the spare room, with water still in it, so they practiced some of their powers to see how they worked on land.


They checked their purse, no invisibility potion, they had to make more at some point.


Flew around a couple times, still an exceptional flyer.


Lesson plan, had to know what they were going to teach Sage today.


Made the bed, some contemplating, more lesson plans, read a bit.

Aqua had cracked open a book titled 'Nature fairy magic & connection to land', although there were some fairy powers that were universal, Sage's powers would be a bit diffrent to theirs, since they were completely different fairy types. Aqua was glad they had thought to bring it. Their head perked up when they heard a noise coming from the door.

-Knock knock-


-Knock knock-


-Knock knock-


Aqua opened the door before Sage could knock again.

"Morning." Sage said, smiling at Aqua.

"Do you have a notebook?" Aqua asked.

"" Sage responded.

"Well, go get one."

"We're starting now?"

"Yes! Of course we are!"

"Oh...okay." Sage hurried off to his room to find a notebook and pencil.

When he returned to the spare room, Aqua was sitting on the table, and there was a chair facing the table for Sage to sit in. So Sage sat down, opened his notebook and looked up at his new teacher.

"As a nature fairy, most of your power will come from the land, so our lessons will consist of a short lecture and then we'll go outside and test what we've learned." Aqua explained in a very professional manner.

"Mkay, but what if it's raining outside?" Sage asked.

"Then get an umbrella." Aqua responded.

"What if it's a thunderstorm?" Sage asked.

"Then...class is cancelled I guess."

Aqua opened their book again, "It says here that you may be able to do more flying and telekinesis than element-specififc types of magic."

The book Aqua was reading suddenly started hovering above their hands as Sage demonstrated his telekinetic ability.

"Okay, so you know a little already, that's good." Aqua turned a couple pages in their book, to skip past the very beginner stuff.

"I know a lot! I did actually get something out of Brooklyn's classes, you know..."

Of course he got something out of Brooklyn's class, it wasn't a waste of time at all. He jeopardized his grades in human school for a reason. And this was the reason wasn't it? Being able to fight back if another hunter decided to shoot at him.

"Okay." Aqua closed their book, "Today we're going to learn about speeding up the natural growing process."

"Oh, I already know how to do that as well." Sage interjected.

"Do you know how to grow a plant from the seed?" Aqua posed a good question.

"Uh, no not exactly. But I can make flower buds open." Sage said.

"Well you can try it with other plants then. Do you know what actually happens when you make a flower grow like that?" Aqua asked.


"Well...yes. But that's kind of a simplification. Magic is a kind of energy, and when you hold your hand over the flower you transfer a tiny bit of that energy into the flower, resulting in the increase in size. If you were to deplete all of that energy you would likely pass out."

As soon as Aqua said that Sage's eyes darted towards them.

" could pass out if you made a potted plant grow huge vines and throw people out a door?"

Aqua looked at him with a confused expression.

"Yeah, that definitely sounds like it would take a lot of magic. But you wouldn't be able to do something like that with the skills you have right now."

Sage nodded and looked down at the floor as he thought of the events of the last fairy ball. Aqua continued talking, but after a while it was clear to them that Sage wasn't listening.

"Okay, let's go." Aqua abruptly hopped down from the table he was sitting on.

"What do you mean? Where are we going?"

"Well, clearly you'd rather make stuff grow than listen to me explain how it works."

They both left the spare room and made their way down the stairs.

Aqua made their way to the glass sliding door that led to the backyard. They confidently pulled the handle towards themself and the door refused to move.

Sage held back a few giggles and pulled the sliding door to the side for them.

"After you."

Aqua stepped into the backyard and started looking for plants they could use for the lesson.

They landed on a small sprout with two leaves sticking out of it.

Both of them sat by the plant and Aqua looked at Sage.

"Well? Make the plant grow."

"I...can't" This confused Aqua.

"But you just said you could make flower buds open, how is this different?"

"I don't know...but I can only do that with flowers."

Aqua took Sage's hand and forcefully moved it over the plant

"Just try, okay? All you have to do is give it a tiny bit of your energy." Aqua said with a re-assuring smile.

"How do you give something your energy?" Sage asked, and Aqua wasn't quite sure how to answer, "Its hard to explain." they said.

Regardless, Sage still tried to grow the plant further, he held his hands over it and tried to 'transfer energy' or whatever Aqua was on about. Nothing happened.

"Sorry." Sage said, finally accepting that he couldn't grow the plant.

"It's okay, we'll try again tomorrow." Aqua stood up.

"Wait...that's it?" Sage said, confused.

"Well I didn't expect you to amaze me on your very first day." Aqua replied, leaving the plant and heading back towards the sliding door.

"I haven't amazed you?" Sage questioned.

"No, not in the slightest." Aqua said, pulling back the sliding door.

"Where are you going?" Sage asked.

"I'm going to make more invisibility potions, or else I'll be stuck here all day."

Sage nodded and watched Aqua leave the backyard.

Then he hovered his hands over the small plant again.