Chereads / Fairytale: Prince of the Mushroom Domain (1) / Chapter 2 - -Fight or flight-

Chapter 2 - -Fight or flight-

"Fairy type? There are types?"

Mylo's eyes scanned the application form for this fairy school. "Water, fire- ohhhh they're like elements!! Mmmm not sure..." He hit the option for 'other'. The application form was weird, asking questions he wasn't sure how to answer. "Are your parents alive?? Who asks that?" He clicked yes and scrolled further but the questions didn't start making any more sense. He hit apply, and went on with his day. Trying to get out the door quick enough to not turn up late for school. He rushed past his mom in a hurry.

"Hi mom"


"Bye mom"


And like that he was gone in a flash. racing to his bus station.

He wouldn't have been in such a rush if he'd filled out that form yesterday, but it took him a full night to figure out if he even wanted to. Everything was normal a week ago, and suddenly his life feels straight out of a movie. Although he's getting better at telekinesis, he can make more than just pencils float now. He saw his bus stopped at the station and started booking it. "HEY WAIT!!!" But no one was really in a hurry to get on the bus and he easily snuck into the crowd. He took one of the back seats and stared out the window. It was cold outside.


He never really spoke to anyone in his classes, he wouldn't have anything to talk about anyway. He just didn't like anything his classmates would, plus there were always rumours about him, everyone thought he was kind of weird. One of his classmates came to the front of the class to grab a pencil, but he didn't return to his seat after...

He lingered over Mylo's desk.

Oh boy.

"Hey!" he said, it kind of startled Mylo, no one usually spoke to him.

"Hey?" Mylo said awkwardly

His classmate looked down to the book he was reading

"The movies are better."

Mylo could've had a whole argument with him in that moment but of course he let it go.

"Okay?" Mylo's eyes returned to his reading.

"I just wanted to see if you could talk."

Ah yes. Kids at his school often thought he couldn't talk, as if it was impossible he just didn't want to talk to them...

The kid did not leave Mylo's desk, and after a short moment of silence he said

"Why are you so weird?"

Mylo finally looked up...with a face of utter disappointment.

Next time a kid at school tried to talk to him, he'd plan an escape route.

"Hey! Um...Ms. Gartier? Can I go to the washroom?" This would have to work for now. This kid did not take too kindly to Mylo's exit plan. Just as he ran out the door he heard that kid yell at him.


Mylo shut the door.

He didn't need to hear the end of that.

He walked about 2 steps before realizing he forgot his book.

He walked into the empty washroom, all the stall doors were open, he turned back around to the mirror, he checked to make sure no one was there one last time, and then looked back to the mirror.

He felt his feet leave the ground as he started to fly, just inches above the ground. He did this all the time now, he just liked looking at his wings. They were kind of transparent, but they had a strip of minty green at the top, with a little swirl in the middle, they fluttered keeping him afloat until he landed. He could move them, it felt odd, like having two sets of arms. And he could look at them for as long as he wanted, they would only disappear when he wanted them to. But he better get back before his science teacher puts up missing posters.


Mylo thanked the lord for the bell finally ringing, he'd meet his friends for lunch.

He sat in the stairwell they called their spot, tossed his lunch bag beside him, and waited on his friends. Man, they would have a laugh at what that kid pulled last block.

He smiled when he saw Alexander come and sit beside him in the stairs.

"Heyyy, how was french?"

Mylo always loved to ask this, since he hated his french teacher so much he always had a complaint.

Mylo found this very funny.

"I'm gonna get suspended." Alexander said

"What, why?" Mylo questioned

"Because I'm gonna punch this man."

Mylo gave a sympathetic laugh, as Alexander crossed his arms, no doubt about to tell Mylo about what he did today.

"He gave us something to read in another language, guess what language it was."

"French?" Said Mylo hesitantly


Mylo laughed a little less sympathetically this time.

"Oh my goddd, literally how is that a french class?" Mylo asked

Alexander sighed.

"Yo, guess what happened to me in science?" Mylo said changing the subject

"I'm guessing you didn't read mandarin."

Alexander was correct.

"That kid came up to me, y'know the one who ate rocks in grade 7? What was his name? Jerk-face McGee or something?"

"Oh, Jonathan you mean?"


Mylo was happy to put a name to the face finally.

"Johnathan yes. He came up to me, saw the book I was reading, and told me the movies were better."

"What? How would he know? I didn't think he could read." Alexander interjected.

"Oh it gets worse. Then, he said he was just seeing if I could talk?"

"He's seen you talk to me!! We were in the same class last semester!!" Alexander interjected again

"No, no. It gets worse. Then he watches me read for a couple seconds, and then asks 'Why are you so weird?'"

"Wow. You should've asked him why he was so annoying." Alexander said

"Oh, if only I had the confidence."

Alexander would always have to win Mylo's battles for him, he always wished he would stick up for himself but instead he avoided confrontation like the plague. Although now that they weren't in each other's classes Mylo was fending for himself quite a lot, if you could call it fending, it was mostly fleeing. But it was one last day till the weekend, and so close to summer break too, it wouldn't be a good idea to start anything, he knew how to pick his battles. A single bell ring and Mylo would be on his own again.

He was always on his own.


When he got home, Mylo wasn't even thinking about the application until he got a notification on his phone that he got the results back. He made his way upstairs and opened his computer to check if the application had been accepted, not only did he find that he had been accepted, he had a reminder to finish his assignment for the day. He checked what the assignment was, and to be honest it wasn't actually an assignment it was just something he had to read through. Easy enough.

"Us fairies have a long and un-discovered history. Humans have covered up our past, no one believes fairies are more than fairytale creatures. But we existed long ago.

There was a time where there were two species that had advanced to be able to communicate, the humans and the fairies. This was when we entered the peaceful era, when humans and fairies were at peace, helping each other learn to survive. But our magic evolved quickly, soon enough fairies were learning to control the weather, the tides, and time itself. The humans felt out of control, a fairy could wipe out all of them with a hurricane if they wanted to, and so they decided to attack before we could. That's when they decided to make fairies extinct, eradicate every last fairy, and so they started a group they call "The hunters".

They started killing us off, going village to village, that's when our rulers created a spell that would save our young. Every fairy below 18 was given a spell that turned them back into babies, and another spell that concealed their wings until they were 15. They would still be able to hide their wings at will until they reached 17. Then, we gave away our young to live with human parents, this was our safest bet, humans would never hurt what they thought was their own children. So yes, if you have human parents...

They are not your own. "