Chapter 3 - -Misfortune-

Not his real parents...?

Mylo's eyes immediately went to a picture of him and his family, sitting atop his shelf.

But...he looked just like them...

Who were his real parents?

They're fairies like him, they would know what was happening, and it was so crazy to believe that they exist somewhere, parents that weren't these ones.

Mylo went to the home page of website, he was sure he saw a phone number listed...

He rung his teacher.

"Hello?" He finally heard the voice of his teacher, Brooklyn.

"Hi, I had a question about the thing we were supposed to read..."

"Oh yes, many students want to know who their parents are. That is why you called, right?"


Well apparently this was common.

"I can see if I can find who you were given up from with the names of your human parents."

Mylo told her the names of his human parents.

"Oh. Oh honey..."

The voice of his teacher became suddenly very soft and quiet, as if to touch on a touchy subject...

"Your parents were very brave warriors..."

Mylo didn't like the word 'Were'.

"I knew them personally, the most amazing fairies I'd ever met!! And I knew you personally too."

He didn't know why his heart suddenly felt heavy, a second ago he didn't even know he had any other parents.

"I'm sorry, I really am. But if you'd like to know more, I could tell you what your name is."

"My name?"

He hadn't thought about the fact that different parents would have given him a different name.

"Oh another student is calling, same question probably."

"Wait!! Can you at least tell me what my name is?" Mylo said, panicking slightly.

"Goodbye, Sage."

His phone made a click as his teacher hung up.

Sage smiled.