Chereads / The 5 Bloodlines / Chapter 18 - Overwhelming

Chapter 18 - Overwhelming

[Kai Hellbound]


[Level 8] (0/800)

[Strength: 14]

[Stamina: 12]

[Dexterity: 11]

[Control: 16%]

Free Stat Point: 2





Kai wanted to see what the two new skills were.

If attacked the user can inflict savage, which is a type of counter that will open a wound on the attacker. This wound is difficult to heal.

The damage depends on the gravity of the attack the user receives.

It can be used 1 per day.

Fiery claws that come straight from the depths of hell. This skill gives the user the ability to manifest its claws.

"These are good skills," Kai said, pleased by this new step of becoming stronger.

"Now the final fight will begin shortly. Dr. Young and nurse Judith will heal you up before that"

Dr. Young went towards Kai while Judithwent towards Arthur who was the clear winner of the B section.

"Who do you think will win out of those two? I mean this Kai guy is pretty strong but Arthur?" A student asked.

"Arthur is on another all his fight he won by overwhelming speed and strength" Another student stated.

This was the main topic between the other students. It was divided right in the middle of who would win this fight.

A warm feeling entered Kai's body

[Hp: 100/100]

Every fatigue, aching or wounded part of Kai's body faded. This was an amazing feeling, but it quickly faded as Dr. Young stepped back.

"What is this type of Mythic is this"

"You're all done please be more careful with your soul weapon" the Dr said as he left.

"Now let's begin the final match" Copper stated quite loud.

Kai and Arthur stood opposite to each other. He was a silver hair guy with blue eyes and a perfect face that went along with his athletic physique. His pale skin fitted him perfectly; it was as if he was the perfect specimen.

"If thi was a story he definitely looked like the protagonist" Kai stated in amazement.

Arthur summoned his soul weapon; it was a katana which he put to his side for a quick draw. After seeing this the system reacted.

[Defeat your opponent without Mythic]

-1000 XP

"1000. That's crazy, is he that strong? Stronger than a knight?" Kai thought surprised.

"Is it because of the Mythic because Tom had way more Mythic than Arthur but maybe he is more skilled with combat without it" Kai arrived at this conclusion.



[For your efforts pf understanding the system]

[Level 8] (10/800XP)

"Begin" this snapped Kai out of his daze and he quickly summoned his gauntlets but Arthur was already in front of him.

"So fast" was the only thing Kai could say before barely blocking Arthur's horizontal slash. Kai matched Arthurs power with a punch towards the blade.

Both the fist and blade didn't budge but in terms of strength there was a clear winner. "I'm stronger than him but his attacks are fast and precise" Kai to himself.

Seeing this was going nowhere Arthur pulled back his blade and in q second appeared behind Kai who was just fast enough to step to the right to avoid a vertical slash.

Kai then threw a left punch towards Arthur who quickly retrieved his blade and clashed it against the gauntlet.

His gaze was cold and emotionless. He jumped back and put his katana in a quick draw stance. Kai prepared for thi but what happened next was unreal.

Arthur took a deep breath while closing his eyes and when he released his breath he was already behind Kai. Who this time was not able to even see him.

Kai kneeled on the floor and he was bleeding from his left ribs. This left a lot of students in shock. The speed and precision was incredible. It was the perfect attack.

"It's over" Arthur said, swinging the blade as the blood spattered on the ground.

Dr Young and Lt. Copper were going to check on Kai, but when they were about to enter the fighting area Kai stood up and stretched his arm signaling them to stop.

"Over, we are just getting started!" Kai shouted while he dashed towards Arthur.

"I need more speed," Kai said.

[2 Free Stat Point Allocated Into Dex]

[Dex 11 > 13]

In that moment the muscles in his legs tensed and launched towards Arthur with an amazing speed. This caught Arthur off guard; he managed to block a punch that Kai threw at him but it punched him back.

"Was he always this fast?" Arthur questioned.

But this didn't stop Arthur from retaliating against Kai. "I'm still falling short on speed compared to him" Kai thought while blocking another slash from Arthur.

This went on for a bit, both launching and blocking attacks. That was until Arthur broke through Kai's defense and slashed Kai's right shoulder but Kai responded by grabbing the blade.

He pulled the blade closer with his left arm and delivered a powerful punch to Arthur's face.

"That hurt a lot!" This was the first time Arthur shouted in anger. He launched himself towards Kai and started slashing him all over the body.

Kai only defended his important organs since it was too much slashing for him to stop. Arthur then jumped back breathing heavily.

Kai's legs were weak and the Lt was going to stop the fight but he could see that Kai wasn't done yet so he decided to pay close attention instead.

"That slowed him down let's end this with one last attack" Arthur ready his katana and dashed forward his speed was way more than before only being able to see a blur.

"Shirogane Secret Sword Art, Gin!"Arthur said under his breath but The Lt noticed the pressure around him changing and quickly launched towards Arthur.

"I forgot he came from a Martial Artist family with powerful sword techniques that they used before magic appeared" but he was too late. Arthur's blade had already reached Kai's shoulder since Arthur was slashing diagonally but the second it touched Kai's skin Arthur was blown away.

And landed on the floor upon further inspection a giant slash was across Arthur's body while Kai stood up looking down on him. Arthur's vision was blurry but the last thing he said was red eyes.

"So.. it's.."

Dr.Young rushed to the injured student on the floor while Judith tended to Kai's wounds. But Kai was distracted by something else.

[Affliction 0/1] (24 hours until it can be use again)

"That skill is really powerful" Kai said he then received what he was waiting for.

[Defeat your opponent without mythic] (Complete)


[Win the tournament] (Complete)


[Level 9]

[Level 10]

[Level 11] (1030/11000XP)

[Reach Level 10] (Complete)

- Class selection

- Evolution

- ??? > All stats will increase by 5

It was too overwhelming for Kai seeing this many notifications. But something that caught his attention was a particular notification.

[System will update after users evolution]

[Evolution Starting]

And immense pain took over Kai's body. Everyone around him looked at him. Even Dr Young couldn't understand what happened. He was shouting at Kai as he fell to the ground and lost consciousness.