"Hello, everyone! Now, before we dive in, yes, the title might sound a bit… alarming, but there's a perfectly good reason for it." That reason being that we don't know what to talk about! ( ̄□ ̄;)
"Quite right, Narrator. After wrapping up our discussions on magic, we realized something rather unsettling. We have no clue what our next topic should be."
Seriously, we've been stressing over what might be interesting to talk about! We even had a bunch of drafts for different subjects, but we couldn't decide if any of them would actually be worth it, so we ended up semi-scrapping them.
"And when that happened, The Author loomed over us and demanded we produce a chapter, so… this is it. We need your help!"
Please tell us what topic you want to hear about! It could be anything—literally anything—and we'll talk about it. Want lore? We'll dig into it. Got random questions? We'll answer them. Hell, send us multiple topics! If it doesn't warrant an entire chapter, we'll just rapid-fire through them. Just please, please help us!
"We are utterly at your mercy. You wouldn't want to know what The Author has in store for us if we don't deliver something compelling…" You wouldn't, trust me. (T_T)
"And with that, we conclude this humble cry for help—I mean, this chapter. Goodbye, and may your suggestions save us all!"