Emma was quite skilled, so despite the fact that they had to knock down a tree using only their knives and carve out the bows using the same tree and knives, she still managed to make three bows in a single day while also teaching Kane and Jacob what they should and shouldn't do while making a bow. It was a very time-consuming job, but given that their lives were on the line, they had to accept that.
Much to their surprise, the bows they created even increased their dexterity by one point. As long as those weapons were with them, they would be able to make full use of that bonus. It was quite weird that a weapon that he had no experience in using could help Kane in using the same weapon, but then again, magical world and all that blah, blah, blah... He didn't have time to question every single little thing.
"Now we just need to craft some arrows," Jacob said while he was texting the flexibility of his new weapon.