when one is bitten or happens to consume the blood or any other part of the creatures/beast that roam free beyond the cities walls, they will be considered tainted or turned. The most well know term for those who show signs that aren't human like are often called 'Infected'. Each creature/beast that roams outside these city walls has a term for there creations that used to be human, some can regain they're humanity while others can only trained to be who they once were. These stages are the first known stages to becoming those creature/beast that hunt human's without mercy. Anyone within the city can be 'infected' at any time or day of the year, hunter or commoner, each person is susceptible to the bite or scratch of the creatures/beasts that's only purpose to humanity is to inflict pain and suffering, with or without reason.
Energy drainer/vampire
Building a taste for blood takes time as the victim's system becomes more corrupt. Energy is the first thing they start to take; the only flaw of this stage is that most of those who are corrupted don't even know they are draining the energy of anyone that touches them. They're skin will starts to have a soft glow once they start to take the energy of anyone that happens to be in contact with in that moment and small fangs will protrude from their gums. The only indication that they may be an energy drainer/vampire. They also have a resistance to the sun, the more energy they take, the longer they can resist the sun's effects on them. The worst-case scenario for someone who has been drained of their energy is becoming paralyzed for a few days or being in the infected's presents when they gain their thirst for blood. Once the thirst for blood hits their system and the sun begins to do major damage to their skin, they are officially lost to the vampire venom, and deemed untreatable by the vaccine created by the hunters.
Turning into a beast with the body of a human and head of a wolf, this first stage is the most recognized by its unusual appearance. Not only does the corrupt victim's system start to crave meat immediately after they're first shift, but they become more ruthless in attitude as they're humanity slowly slips away and turns into a mindset only caring about their survival, even if it means killing their own flesh and blood. Like the wolf packs outside the city's walls, they will start to group up and form pack of their own, these packs will get bigger and bigger if these victims aren't cured by the vaccine or put down. Each shift not only increases the chances of the victims to fully shift to the wolf they were bitten by, but makes them more dangerous every time they give into the wolf that slowly kills they're humanity overtime, and may cause they're blood to be forever tainted, or to never be cured by the vaccine.
Death enchantress
Once scratched or bitten by these creatures that roam the rivers, sea, or the skies. One's beauty is increased and often blinds people with they're unusual, enchanting appearance. Like the energy drainers/vampires, death enchantress's aren't even aware of their voices or why they suddenly have a desire to sing around the people they find attractive or feel hatred towards. Most of death enchantress found within the city have killed more than ten people they wished to sing around, there are little to none survivors that have escaped the death enchantress's songs that capture their hearts and renders their mind useless as they often killed themselves because they can never truly have the death enchantress, or become the death enchantress's next meal. Death enchantresses are the slowest to turn, and hardest to find because there are hardly any survivors. The victims that are becoming finned are found by the rivers that run throughout the city and often cover their legs, hips, and lower back, while the winged can be found in open spaces or high places/buildings and often cover their arms, neck, and upper back. Once the victims of the scratch or bite become full winged or finned, it is imposable to cure them with any vaccine or cure crafted by the hunters.