There were three more after that, each with their own notes. Eliza picked the first one off the pile and curiously read the letter
Merry Yule Eliza, I know how much you've expressed an interest in our traditions and I hope this will help answer your questions. Make sure to never read it in public though it might not be strictly, well, legal
Eliza huffed a laugh and opened up the boy's presents, her breath catching as she ran an eye over the large leather bound tomb. She couldn't wait to read it and reverently put it aside ignoring the looks Rowle and Fawley exchanged. She doubted they were ones to care about legality and were probably more surprised over the reading material itself. She turned back to her presents and opened the next note."
"I still have that book you know. It's in my private library." Eliza said to Blaise, as he looked happy that she had kept it.
"Dear Eliza,
Merry Yule, I hope you enjoy the day and don't cause any trouble. As a fellow book lover I am sure you won't disparage the gift I have chosen to give you. I hope you can gain some valuable insight from it and that you know better than to showcase a morally dubious book in front of the general public.
Eliza grinned and carefully opened the present reading the title as the dark green wrapping paper fell away revealing a third edition copy of 'The Rise and fall of the Dark Arts Through History'
Oh Eliza had some interesting reading to get through this holiday."
"I definitely did. It was interesting reading both books."
""An interesting selection of books there Potter" Rowle said appraisingly, Eliza smiled back innocently."
"Eliza is far from innocent." Draco snorted.
""Every student has an obligation to broaden their minds.""
The Ravenclaw's all nodded at that, with some other students agreeing as well.
"Fawley and Rowle both snorted at that and Eliza grinned back before turning to her last present. She had no idea who could have sent it. She hadn't even been expecting gifts from Theo and Blaise and she was now extremely glad she had sent them both gifts as well. Even if they were a pain to make.
Eliza hadn't wanted to spend a lot of her trust fund money, she would have no idea what to buy anyway so instead she had created personalised gifts for the two with a hell of a lot of patience and research. She had found all the old etymology and ancestry books in the library in hopes of finding the other boys' house crests. Eventually she had found them alongside a wealth of knowledge about everyone else's family lines including hers. She had then taken some blocks of glass from the transfiguration supply cupboard under the guise of losing her needle in class and had spent hours painstakingly transfiguring the glass into the animals from their respective crests. The Nott families' being a red knot bird and the Zabini's surprisingly being a wolf. She had then carved a few simple runes into the bottom of the figure so that they would glow red if someone tried to intrude their owners 'space'
An arduous task but completely worth it."
"I still have it as well." Blaise and Theo both said, while Eliza looked shocked.
"She ripped off the packaging of her last present under the curious eyes of Rowle and Fawley and studied the cloak that had fallen into her lap confused. Why would someone send her a cloak?
She shifted the paper out of the way and grabbed a note that fell out of it.
Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time I returned it to you. Use it well.
A very Merry Christmas"
"IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS?!" James all but squealed as Eliza nodded with a smirk on her face. Fleamont and Charlus also smirked once they realized what "cloak" they were talking about. But Fleamont narrowed his eyes at his son. He had thought it went missing before James had started Hogwarts.
"It wasn't signed but Eliza had a feeling she knew who had sent it anyway.
She shook the cloak out again and threw it over her shoulders curiously before gasping in surprise. She was invisible!
"I'd store that somewhere extremely safe if I were you" Rowle advised, staring at her wide eyed. "Invisibility cloaks are hard to come by.""
"YOU HAVE AN INVISIBILITY CLOAK?" Many people asked James, as the Marauder's smirked. The Professor's all groaned, knowing exactly how the four troublemakers were getting around without getting caught.
"I thought the cloak went missing when you started Hogwarts." Euphemia said to her son, as he spluttered and tried to make an excuse.
"You stole it, didn't you?" Fleamont asked his son.
"I didn't steal it, I just borrowed it." James said nervously.
"I thought I lost a thousand year old family heirloom, James. You would have gotten it anyways, it's always passed down to the first-born when they turn 11." Fleamont said, as many people looked shocked at how long it had been working for.
Orion, Arcturus, Abraxas, Alexander, Tom, and Dumbledore all thought suspiciously about the cloak, and thought about a certain fairytale. The Tale of Three Brothers.
"Eliza nodded seriously in return, folding the cloak up and running her hands over the silky material. It was simply amazing.
Eliza's wonderment was interrupted when Fawley spoke.
"Now who wants to help me break in my new chess set?" she asked, looking at the pair of them. Eliza smiled wickedly and shoved Rowle out of the way playfully as she took a seat across from Fawley. It had been a while since she had had the opportunity to completely thrash somebody.
The day past quickly after that and soon Eliza was back in her room, the invisibility cloak laid out in front of her and feeling an oddly curious itch to go exploring,
Use it well."
"Oh no." Minerva groaned, knowing exactly what she was going to do.