Chereads / HP: The Epiphany / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Prologue

HP: The Epiphany

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Prologue

It was currently September 1, 1976 and every student and staff member was in the Great Hall waiting for Professor McGonagall to arrive with the first years to get sorted. At the Gryffindor table, sat four boys all doing different things. The boy with brown hair and hazel eyes was staring wistfully at a red-headed green-eyed girl down the table thinking about how to ask her out again. The raven-haired boy with startling grey eyes was waiting impatiently for Professor McGonagall to get on with the sorting so he could get on with the feast. The light-brown haired boy with amber colored eyes and scars running down his face was ensnared within a book and finally the last boy with blonde hair and blue eyes was sleeping with his head on the table and snoring slightly. These four boys were named James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew, respectively. They are also known as the Marauders at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

At the Slytherin table, the students sat stoically and patiently even though in their minds, they wanted the sorting to hurry up and arrive so they could eat, but their pureblood etiquette classes would never allow them to show that. Regulus Black was thinking about his brother and how much he missed him, although his pride would never allow him to say it out loud. Severus Snape was thinking about different potions that he wanted to make.

At the Ravenclaw table sat Bartemius Crouch Jr. also known as Barty. He was reading a book absentmindedly while thinking about the Dark Lord. He knew he wanted to join just to spite his father but to also prove to people that he was worthy.

The Great Hall doors opened and the entire student body collectively looked at the doors to see Professor McGonagall walking into the Great Hall with the first years trailing after her like how a duckling would. Or maybe in McGonagall's case, kittens.

The quick flew by and as Dumbledore stood up to give his usual speech, a letter popped in front of him, effectively silencing the Great Hall. He checked the letter for any curses or spells and found none, so he picked it up and read it aloud to everybody.

"To People of the Past,

If this letter has arrived like it should then it will currently be September 1, 1976 right after the sorting ceremony. This letter is from the future and along with the letter is one big book about the future. The goal of this was to allow the past to change the future for the better. Whatever happens in this timeline won't affect ours. The future has an unnecessary war and pointless deaths. Tomorrow, some guests will be arriving to read the book with the students and staff at exactly 10 a.m. along with seven of us from the future. As you begin reading the books, time outside the Great Hall will stop. Food, bedrooms, and bathrooms will be available and nobody will be able to use magic to prevent accidents happening.

The Future Generation,

E.P., T.N., B.Z., D.G. D.M., A.G., S.B."

As Dumbledore finished reading the letter, the Great Hall exploded into chaos. Everybody was screaming about how it shouldn't be possible, or that it was fake, etc. Dumbledore shot a bang out of the Elder Wand and yelled at everyone to calm down. Eventually they did and he spoke that if it was possible they would see it tomorrow morning. The feast continued on, but everybody was talking about the mysterious letter and it was no different for the four boys at the Gryffindor table.

"Do you think it's true Pads?" An excited James Potter asked, thinking if his future children will be mentioned.

"I don't know Prongs, it sounded real, but come on, books? Why couldn't we watch a movie or something." Sirius replied, feeling annoyed with the fact that they would be reading a book for so long but excited about things he would learn about the future.

"Calm down Padfoot, Prongs, we'll find out tomorrow what it is really about now come on, let's head back to Gryffindor Tower." Remus Lupin said, as the four of them stood and walked back to the Tower.

The next morning, the Great Hall was buzzing with excitement and anticipation. Both students and staff were feeling excited about the possibility of learning of the future. Like the letter said, at exactly 10 a.m., the Great Hall doors opened and the Malfoy's, Nott's, Zabini's, Greengrass', Black's, Potter's, Lestrange's, Tonks' with their three year old daughter, Weasley's with their 6 year old Bill and 4 year old Charlie and their newborn son Percy, and a sane Tom Riddle walked in. A Tom Riddle with all of his horcruxes reabsorbed into his soul.


Tom Riddle, or more commonly known as Lord Voldemort was currently in his study filling out paperwork when he suddenly passed out. He woke up in a completely white room and as he looked around he saw two figures standing in front of him. One of them was shrouded in complete black with the feeling of a dementor, while the woman had black hair and piercing green eyes looking at him with a calculating face. He quickly took out his wand, only to find that he didn't have it with him.

"Who are you and what do you want?" He demanded rather rudely.

"I am Death and she is my mistress. In three days time on the first of September, Hogwarts will get a letter from the future asking them to read a book about the future to change it for the better." The deity calmly told him, as if Death was talking about the weather, completely ignoring the fact that Tom went even paler than he already was at the proclamation of who exactly was standing in front of him.

"And what does that have to do with me?" He swallowed thickly, trying to push down his fear.

"Well, the future you is completely different from the you now, so we are going to give you back your horcruxes except one with the one condition, so you can go back to your original plans in this timeline." The woman finally spoke.

He looked at the pair of them as if they were the ones who were crazy. "Do I get a choice in this because I'm really not feeling like I have one." He asked suspiciously.

"No." The woman said and Death promptly put his fingers on Tom's temples to transfer all the horcruxes as Tom passed out from the overload of memories and emotions that he had locked away in his horcruxes. As Tom was re-absorbing all of his horcruxes, Death looked at its mistress and told her to start to prepare for traveling to the past. The woman left the in-between back into her own world and started getting ready with her companions who would be traveling back with her as well.

Tom gasped as he woke up from the influx of emotions and looked around until he remembered what happened. He saw the woman and said the words he never thought he would say in his entire immortal life.

"What the bloody fuck." He deadpanned, as the woman tried to stifle her giggles.

"I see you remembered everything and got your sanity back, Tom." She said as she stood up to walk over to him and sit down next to him.

"Yes, I do remember and I hate the fact that I went completely off track with my actual plans and that my sanity was so bad I didn't realize and was also too drunk on the power." He asked, wondering about the complex situations of time.

"As you get your memories and emotions back, I'll give you time to sort out your occlumency barriers." She told him while he looked blankly at the floor.

"What happens to me when you and I leave this place? Also why did I have to get my horcruxes back?" He asked sadly.

"You needed to get your horcruxes back because like Death said, on the first of September, you along with others will be asked to read a book about the future to change the course of fate for the better. Also because of who I am and what I am to you, in your timeline I am not born yet and you needed your sanity back in order to actually carry out all your plans."

"Who and what are you to me?" Tom asked, confused.

"Well, I am Eliza Potter, my parents are James and Lily Potter, and I am your soulmate." She said with a blank face, while Tom looked at her like she just lost her mind.

"What." Tom deadpanned.

"Well, we are soulmates in every world and timeline so, you just have to wait as the Eliza Potter in this timeline is born. Which by my calculations is in about 4 years. You can use that time to make the Wizarding World the way you wanted it, and with the book we are going to read, it'll be significantly easier. No matter what happens though, you will end up together with the Eliza Potter in this timeline and every other timeline and dimension." Eliza explained to him as she took his bigger hand into her smaller one and he belatedly realized he looked human again.

"What do you mean by soulmate?" He asked confusedly, not thinking he was capable of love.

"Basically it's fated for us to be together no matter where we are or when we are. And as every version of me is the mistress of death and therefore immortal, you are also immortal along with me the moment I am born." She told him while looking at him with an expression reserved only for him.

"Oh. Okay so, what happens now?"

"Now, I send you back to your body and in three days you'll get a letter requesting you come to Hogwarts for something important. You get three days to basically sort out your memories and emotions along with preparing everything and I will see you in three days." She stood up in front of him and put her hands on his head to put his soul back into his body.

"Be prepared this might hurt a little, I'll see you soon Tom." Eliza said as a sharp pain went through his body and his vision blackened.

Previously Lord Voldemort, now Tom Riddle, shot up from his desk with a gasp and groaned as his entire body, mind, and soul was in agony. He got up and went to his rooms as he took a warm bath and sorted out his memories and feelings.

In those three days, he met with all of his death eaters and explained what happened, reconciled with his old friend Alexander Nott and started making his identity for the public. Then like Eliza said would happen, in the afternoon of September 1, 1976 a letter arrived for him asking for his presence tomorrow at exactly 10 in the morning.

As the entire Great Hall looked at the visitors who walked in, everybody except for the staff missed the bright light at the front of the Hall, which now stood 7 figures. All the staff members whipped out their wand at the group of seven as Dumbledore spoke to them.

"Who are you and how exactly did you get past the wards?" He boomed, which drew everybody else's attention to the group that had arrived without anyone noticing.

All seven of them sneered at him as one of the females, which Tom recognized as Eliza, walked in front of the group, as if shielding them from Dumbledore, and spoke with a loud voice so the entire Hall could hear.

"Put down your wand Dumbledore, we are from the future and if you had read the letter which had stated 7 of us would be coming as well, you would know who we are." She spoke to him with a sneer on her beautiful face. A face that James Potter recognized as a female version of his own but with more pronounced Black Family features, with little differences here and there.

The staff put down their wands and asked the group to introduce themselves.

"I am Susan Bones, I was a Hufflepuff and I am 23 years old." A girl with red hair and brown eyes introduced herself as. The Bones perked up at this.

"I am Daphne Greengrass, I was a Slytherin and I am 23 years old." A girl with icy blonde hair and blue eyes introduced herself proudly. The Greengrass family looked up sharply at her, assessing her with a calculating eye before nodding, liking what they saw.

"I am Astoria Greengrass, Daphne's younger sister, I was a Slytherin and I am 21 years old." A girl with brown hair and blue eyes shyly introduced herself. Like they did with Daphne, they ran a calculating eye over her before nodding as well and looking proud of the fact that they have two kids because most purebloods only have one child.

"I am Draco Malfoy, I was a Slytherin and I am 23 years old as well." A boy who looked like a carbon copy of Lucius Malfoy, introduced himself haughtily. The Malfoy's along with the Black's looked him over and gave him a nod which he returned with a small smile that was more of a smirk.

"I am Blaise Zabini, I was a Slytherin and I am 23 years old also." A handsome boy with dark skin and dark eyes with a body of Greek god, charmingly introduced himself as. His mother looked over at him, but he paid her no mind and instead sought out Sirius Black and Remus Lupin and gave them a little smirk, and while Sirius and Remus didn't know who he was now, they assumed he knew the future them so they gave him a small smile, which made his grin even larger.

"I am Theodore Nott Jr., I was a Slytherin and I am 23 years old." The final boy established himself. He had blue eyes and mousy brown hair and seemed to be the shortest of the males. As he finished introducing himself, the entire student body along with the staff members looked at the final woman. She had black hair and piercing green eyes the color of the killing curse and even from far away, everybody could tell that she was powerful.

"I am Eliza Lily Potter, I was a Slytherin and I am 23 years old," she introduced herself with a smirk on her face, mirroring the one on Tom Riddle's face.

All of the Great Hall collectively gasped as murmurs traveled within the student body, never thinking that a Potter would ever be a Slytherin. James Potter looked at her before asking, "Who is your mother?"

"Lily Potter neé Evans," She told him with a small smirk as she turned to face her father. The father she never got to grow up with. James Potter looked at her blankly before standing up and cheering," I GOT EVANS! I GOT THE GIRL! WOOHOO!" He quickly ran over to a shocked Lily Evans and kissed her on the cheek. To his pleasure, and everybody else's surprise she blushed bright red before looking away from all the teasing grins her friends were sending her.

Everybody in the Great Hall all grumbled as many galleons were being passed around to their friends, including one smug Minerva McGonagall sitting at the Head Table as Filius Flitwick and Pomona Sprout handed her twenty galleons each.

"Okay, so the rules are as following,

1. No magic in the Great Hall, if you need to blow something up, there will be a room provided for you, where you can use magic.

2. Don't jump to conclusions, not everything is at it seems

3. No fights or hurting one another

4. Food, drinks, bathrooms and bedrooms will be provided

5. Time outside the Great Hall will be stopped once we start reading and will resume when we stop reading

Those are the five rules that you need to follow. Now can the guests please introduce yourselves for those of us who don't know who you are."

"Abraxas Malfoy"

"Lucius Malfoy"

"Narcissa Malfoy"

"Alexander Nott"

"Thadeus Nott"

"Isabella Nott"

"Anastasia Zabini"

"Cyrus Greengrass"

"Naomi Greengrass"

"Arcturus Black"

"Melania Black"

"Pollux Black"

"Irma Black"

"Walburga Black"

"Orion Black"

"Cygnus Black"

"Druella Black"

"Charlus Potter"

"Dorea Potter"

"Fleamont Potter"

"Euphemia Potter"

"Bellatrix Lestrange"

"Rodolphus Lestrange"

"Rabastan Lestrange"

"Andromeda Tonks"

"Ted Tonks"

"Molly Weasley"

"Arthur Weasley"

"Lucretia Prewett"

"Ignatius Prewett"

"Tom Riddle"

As Dumbledore heard that last name, he froze and discreetly took out his wand with the intention of harming Tom, before he was stopped by Eliza's menacing glare.

"Now can we sit down and get onto reading the book?" Eliza asked, as everybody went to sit down with their families. All the tables in the Great Hall turned into beanbags, couches, and sofas. Susan went to sit with her parents and aunt, while Daphne, Astoria, Draco, Theodore, and Blaise sat down with their families, The Blacks along with the Lestrange's sat next to the Malfoy's, while the Weasley's, Tonks', and Potter's joined their families. The Weasley's joined the Prewett twins, Tonks' joined Sirius, and the Potter's joined James. Tom also sat next to Alexander Nott and Abraxas Malfoy, while Eliza sat next to Theodore Nott. Everybody seemed shocked that she sat with the "Dark Side" before remembering she had been a Slytherin.

As everybody got settled, a book popped onto the head table in front of Professor McGonagall indicating for her to read first. She grabbed the book and started reading in a loud voice as the students waited in suspense.