I deactivated my demon sword skill and walked back inside. I forgot to put the dishes away in the sink so I placed them there. I know maids are supposed to do work like this. I just like doing some work. I don't want to get so lazy I can't even put dishes from one place to another.
Maybe when I am older. I can be like that but I am 18 years old right now. I am not old enough to be lazy. I am young and full of testosterone. I must do some work or I will go crazy. I left the city and it took me a few hours but I am where I need to be.
The city is near the mountains. If you say a few hours of traveling by foot is the definition of near. I think if an army can march in lockstep and it takes a few hours. Then to me, that is close. Anyways time to get deep in the woods.
I wonder if I can go into a cave? I know wolves won't live there but I need to gather supplies. Well wolves could live in a cave, but most demonic beasts that live in caves are blood bears. They are a B-ranked monster. The only reason why I would even think about exploring a cave is because of one reason.
They immediately stop attacking after you take a step out of their cave. That is the common knowledge of blood bears. Everyone knows even kids to run outside if a blood bear is mad. I didn't believe that until I did it myself.
A blood bear came out of nowhere in a cave my friends and I always played in. When it tried attacking us we just escaped the cave. After we stepped out we fell. We didn't die because the bear stopped and started walking back into its cave.
Since I lived it I believe in the common sense known in this world. I won't take everything at face value. No one should be naive and relaxed. That mindset is what kills humans.
I walked for another 10 minutes into the forest that is on the mountains. I thought it was a small. That is why I called it the woods. Nope, it is large and thick. This is a forest full of life. Not some back of the roads scary woods.
I made a mistake. I should have brought camping gear! I thought I could walk through a forest and back home in a day. I just hope I meet someone today that will be nice and give me a tent. I would be happy with just a blanket.
Who needs a blanket in a forest? This place is hot as hell. I am whipping with sweat every minute. Full leather high in the mountains was not a good idea. I need to stop focusing on lust. Armor needs to be a high priority. Something that protects me but doesn't bake me on the inside.
I was a dumb 14-year-old. If I wanted to have intimacy there are other cheap places. I didn't have to spend everything on Rita. I didn't spend everything on Rita. I just spent it on her. Now that I look back on it.
If I activated my system when I was 14 years old. I could have been at least an A-ranked adventurer. Well, it was going to be my first time. You want to have fun with a nice pretty girl. Not some girl you can pick off the streets.
I need to focus on upgrading my skill. I am complaining to myself because I am sweating bullets. I should stop complaining to myself. Even I am making myself mad complaining to myself like the opposite sex.