My mind: "I feel like I'm living in a world where my screams go unheard,
where my scars go uncovered,
where my smiles are just an act.
It's as if everything inside me is fake,
like the emotions in my eyes are phony.
I feel like a person who is utterly useless,
who serves no purpose, and who is doomed to suffer in silence."
Do you feel the same way?
Me to myself: "If you do, I want to tell you that you shouldn't.
You are not useless, and your life has value.
You are a person who is worthy of love, respect, and happiness.
Don't let the world bring you down or make you believe otherwise.
You have the power to rise above your struggles and find your own path.
You are not alone, and together,
we can overcome the pain and find the strength to keep going."