over 20 carriage arrived in the azrael main kingdom after guiding the people into the tents lara walked into the castle and reported of what happened. the contact of the king to the 5 heroes was nothing ever since the heroes walked inside the hole of the abyss it has been a week since his last contact to them... .. .. .. after arriving in the azrael kingdom kenny told anna that she was going back to the demon kingdom and left .. anna talked to duke and he comforts her telling that him lara nalia and kile are there for her their affection increases for one another.. the gust of winds flow upon anna's face as she walked in the training site where she invited duke and lara along since kile and nalia was still healing mentally.. anna readies her rapier and sets up a stance and she will break her promise to sebastian and apathy that she wont use magic in front of other people other than them. its because she doesn't want to lose the only friends that is left.. ...
~ 5 years later~
in the forest there was a faint whistle 3 soldiers followed the sounds upon arriving where the sound is coming from their heads flung into the air witnessing a armored monster standing on two legs has the smell of blood and a horn pointing like of lamb with a tail of that a demon.. CRUNCH! CRUNCH!! the sound of flesh being torn and bones being eaten the forest was silent the air being blocked by the trees and the animals avoiding where the sound and stench is coming from.. he upon finishing his meal he walks forward into a water fall and cleaned himself after washing his armor he took it off and swam. a woman arrived in the water fall to gather water to the village she saw a armor laying a=on the ground she looks around for the owner but she saw nothing.. getting closer at the armour she looks at it and picked it up meanwhile he walked behind her slowly like a ambushing predator arriving close enough he pounced and started mauling the woman it cried for help but it was in vain. finishing his snack he trew the body into the water fall and putted his clothes once more and he slowly walked in the path following it and finding its dinner. for the day.
anna has gotten better at sword fighting while training she used her magic to buff her self she slashed at her master but it easily block parry and dodges her attacks. after a while anna drops to the ground exhausted. young one you should not attack out of pure power and push through everything. you should keep calm and wait for your opponent to get exhausted once that happens its the perfect chance for you to attack. patience always wins young one now get home and have some rest. yes sir!. before going home anna stopped by a ramen shop and ate. while eating she and duke saw each other. he was also working to be a imperial knight so they have currently the same goal in mind. they then ordered some beer and drank while talking about the time they spend in the capital. she was now 20 years old even though apathy hasn't been with her for the last 5 years she still celebrates his birthday and talks with the picture. you really miss your brother don't you he said. yeah she took care of me all the time there's no way i will not miss him im also planning next week to visit sebastian in the forest of illusions along with kenny. i see. the clock tower rang signifying that its almost curfew. the both of them left the ramen shop and goes home. arriving home she took a book on the book shelf and started reading it after quite some time she fell asleep while reading it. the week arrives anna packed up her things and met up with kenny they got on the carriage and headed for the forest of illusions. also by chance of luck lara duke and their comrades was sent to explore the forest of illusions and why no one escapes there alive. before the carriage got in the forest kenny and anna got off the carriage and started walking. wait why did you both got off the carriage lara asked them. well its much easier to dodge the fog while on foot besides once the fog hits your carriage your horse will dissapear as well. ehh we did not know about that a soldier said. the two of them went in the forest the rest of the people had no choice to follow since they don't want to get lost in the forest. after walking about 5 hours.. gaaa! im tired the soldiers said while they arrived at a house in the forest anna knocked on the door.
knock knock knock. a old man opened the door, anna immediately hugs the old man sebastian!. it has been a while anna and kenny my child the old man looks around by the way where is apathy?. kenny and anna reveals a sad look on their face sebastian. a-apa-apathy's gone.. upon hearing the words sebestian looks down in sadness ill cook a stew tell you friends to get inside the fog is coming.yes sebastian.
apathy continues to walk in the darkness witnessing what he has been doing his humanity slowly drifted away to the darkness and his monstrous self grins in happiness apathy takes off his helmet revealing a newly born demon king the demon king of gluttony and laziness. [sloth knight avarice] has turned onto [sloth king gluttony] [sloths pain] has turned onto [sloths happiness of pain] [sloth of illusions] has turned into [absolute control] and [sloths madness] turned into [blood lust]. apathy arrives at a town it somehow feels familiar once he arrives at the center of the town he started the massacare he killed every single one he saw flee or fight was the only option for the prey he hunted them down and then he got hit with a huge battle axe sending him flying into a building stay where you belong fiend and be prepared to beheaded the last name you will hear is berost beneminaru!!