after arriving at the aether city
kenny and apathy bought them selves a mask that covers their whole face
so that no one would recognize them
the night rises
the sun falls two hooded figures awaits on top of
the clock tower robes flying softly upon the wind grazing it
kenny chants teleportation it teleported them on top of the
building inside the walls
they fall feet first in the ground crushing it and it
vibrated across the entire front yard and sounds
that can be heard 1 kilometer away
the guards caught off guard got pierced by purple arrows in their hearts
apathe takes out his great sword runs through the door instantly breaking it
and making a hole in it apathy runs throught the halls
and crushing the guards who were in the middle of apathy and the wall
and those who did not die at apathy's charge were killed by
kenny a buff man appears apathy recognized the weapon it was holding
it was his so it was taken from his home
apathy targets the man and without giving it time
apathy cuts its body half then he picks up his weapon
now holding the greatswords dual wielded
the hunchback heard the emergency while he was preparing to ubduct anna
upon hearing anna noticed the presence of the hunchback
anna told lara and the others so they followed
what stumbled upon them that the company of exenon was being attacked
lara noticed the hunchback entering through the wall
they decided to follow
apathy and kenny barged through the owners office to see
the owner standing ontop of a stairs upon the clap of his hand he summons 10
mechanical beings
go my bots devour them!!
the bots jumps at apathy but apathy grabs both of the sword in two hands
and activate sloth knight avarice, percice eyes and sloth pain
crushing the bots with no trouble shocked the owner before they could get to him
the hunchback appeared and anna lara kile duke nalia serena appeared behind
apathy and kenny but apathy and kenny ignored them and focused at the hunch back
apathy charged at the hunch back and kenny was fought by lara and the other's
in the middle of the chaos the owner escaping summoning more bots behind him
the hunchback recognize sloth knight avarice! how are you even alive
you mice apathy answered have you heard reviving someone as a ghoul!?
apathy releases a barrage of slices at the hunchback but it was blocked
hahahahha! even though your'e alive again your'e still weaker
the hunchback shouts at apathy apathy drops his two great swords
and started punching im going to kill you with my own fist
just like what you did to me! and before i kill you
ill torture you heal you and torture you again i
still remember the times you revived and killed me 5 months ago
apathy's fist strengthened his punches and manages to grab the hunchback
but he activates a spell grasp heart!!
but nothing happened apathy told him with a huge grin in his face
apathy! you fucking bastard ill fucking kill you again
apathy brakes the hunchback's hands and slowly crushes the hunchbacks head
making it a painfull long death
anna upon hearing apathy's name he stopped fighting as well as the others
kenny lets hurry up before that man escapes!
apathy and kenny runs up the stairs and destroying every thing in their path
anna lara cant belive what they just heard
apathy's and kenny was thet two person and the murderer was in plain
sight the whole time
are you guys gonna stand there and follow
duke made anna and lara come back to their senses and they began the chase not for the two
but for the owner anna then activates ACCELERATE STAGE 2!!!
anna with just a blink of an eye disappeared