as they went down the well they found traces of blood
like it was being dragged deeper in the well
lets go deeper lara said with caution
they walked inside for munites without end in sight
then the traces of blood stopped
they continued walking forward until they heard screams
they hurried and saw a feint light and looked up
they say saw in the darkness with glowing red eyes
staring at them they could not move like they were being grabbed limb by limb
then anna sees a head of one of their guild members going into the abyss
and disappearing like it was ingulped by a mouth
anna started shaking in fear but the sloth knight manages to break free
and grabbed each one of them and ran he ran as fast as he can but he tumbled
down in the ground and yelled at them RUN!! what about you kenny told the knight
dont worry about me ill be fine just go! apathy was dragged back in to the abyss just
like what happened to the man before he struggled at the right moment when
the grasp lighten a little he pulled himself and lighted a torch
COME AT ME! apathy ran into the abyss knowing he might not come back
apathy running felt like it has been hours and saw a giant cavern
and inside is an altar apathy went inside then the door of the cavern
suddenly closes and came out a deformed humanoid laughing
oh my little ghoul youre braver than i thought apathy ignored the humanids words
and launched an assault on the humanoid wai wait let me finish my dialouge first stop
apathy ignored the words and decapitated the humanoid
you see monster let me tell you something in this world its
and you chose to be killed and thats that
apathy then looked inside the altar and it was piles of skeletons
and a stench of rotting meat was on the side it was the body of
anna's guild mates apathy has gotten hungry so
apathy then took of his lower side of the helmet and feasted on the
flesh and not leaving a single one
after eating a human apathy felt nothing its like his
mind has also turned into a ghoul after looting the place apathy putted his lower mask and headed out the well without his armor being scratched
apathy comes out of the well without realizing it he was covered
in blood leaving the well blood dripped down his armor
kenny stood up quickly and hugs apathy and said im glad youre okay
what happened down there? duke asked
a darkness controlling humanoid and im afraid to tell you that the person
you were meant to save is dead
he was eaten lets go kenny we have places to go
the knight then turned around and left as a good bye
take care of your selves dont just jump into danger without plans
especialy you anna then the knight left