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Beyond Astral World

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The story is all about two siblings living in the magical world. Ieza Horgan and Naruwa, living in the same aristocrat family yet having different traits and personalities. One day in their lives, they accidentally found a guarded secret magic spell - that is marked as forbidden by the law of Akgardia Kingdom, namely Time Reversal Magic. It is rumored that the caster can switch the present to the past and do things that will change the course of the past onward - at a greater cost that they will soon find out throughout the journey.

Chapter 1 - Horgans and The Magic

Year 1813 Summer

Kingdom of Akgardia


Blissful waves of wind gusting through the branch of the tree

Two birds chirping at each other, calming whoever passing nearby.

The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky.

Across the tree, sighted a man and a woman, walking through the line of patches grass

A woman wearing tosca green dress, humming beautifully. giving a calming breeze to those whom hearing it. Especially the man beside her. Wearing ivory waistcoat and ivory trousers, matching the sunset and the sky color. He gently smiled.

He stares on the skies

"It's been a long time, the last time we're here, the grass was taller, as if it's covering our whole feet. Do you remember, Felicia?"

"Yes." She smiled back and continues humming.

She opens her arms widely, raised one leg and spin herself gently, almost as if she's dancing with the wind.

The man looking at her. He feels his chest suffocated with uneasiness.

He remembers something awful in the past, something connected to the woman in front of him.

"I'm sorry about trouble brought by my parents to you. Look, I'll promise you, when I've attained High Wizard Rank, our lives would be much better. I can recreate something like this. We don't have to hide from our parents anymore."

The wind breeze, passing by those silence between two people.

"Does it matter?" She responded back, now with the faint smile across her lips. A slight, slivery tear dropped from her eye.

"It is not because your social status that makes me love you. Your kindness and gentle care made me. But your parents, and my parents, saying the same truth, we are not destined to be together."

He reached her hands, grabbing it with both palm of hands.

"Felicia, you are the only one in my life. Have faith on me, please."

A sudden strong wind gushes both of those two lovers.

The man cannot bear much of the wind, he closes both of his eyes.

"When the time is right, we will meet again." Felicia said with faint echoing voice.

"What do you mean?"

By that time, he senses something empty from his hands. The warmth of her hand disappear. While the wind still gushing strong, he forces to open his eyes.

All he sees were the faint smile of hers.

"Ieza..., Ieza."

He heard the faint voices

"Wake up, Master Ieza."

He opens his eyes, he sees green ceiling, and a Victorian hanging lamp.

He looked left, a maid opening and tying the curtains, from there he sees an oak tree, from its branch he also seeing two birds chirping

A maid turned, facing Ieza - still laying on the bed. With gentle voice she said:

"Your breakfast is ready, Master Ieza."

He wakes up, sighed and murmuring to himself.

"The same weird dream again, I wonder."

He goes off from bed, then walks to the dining room, accompanied by his maid.

He finds himself in the dining room, with big oval table with four chairs. On the table there are various silverwares. On the walls surrounding the dining room, there are two family portraits hung on each side of the wall, facing each other. A giant window spreading gentle morning sunshine, enough to brighten entire dining room.

Ieza asked her maid to wake his brother up, Naruwa

The maid nodded, and she walks away from dining room. Meanwhile, Ieza picked his favorite chair, that is further from the window side. He opens the silver lid and put it aside, finding himself an omelet - made by his maid. He picked up his spoon and fork, ready to dig in to his food.

Before he finishes the food, a maid assigned to wakes Naruwa up, comes back.

"I'm sorry, Master Ieza. Naruwa doesn't seems wanting to wake up."

"He is slothful as always, huh."

Ieza decided to wakes his brother up. he walks to Naruwa room and casting wind spells on his blanket.

The blanket flies, almost touching the ceiling.

Naruwa wakes up in panic, as if he was having a bad dream. He looks up, left and right.

"Did you just cast wind spell on me? I'm still going to take a rest, brother. It is too early for me to wake up!"

"We both know it is not possible, if our parents find out about this, we are getting scolded again. Remember we are having magic examination tomorrow, so let us practice."

"You!" Naruwa felt his limit. "I don't get it. I never asked to be here and studying magic. Your parents pick me up from orphanage themselves, I already helping enough of those family duties until I was sleeping late. Can you just give me some time for me so I can rest enough today?" He said with trembled voices.

"Be very careful of what you said, brother."

Ieza sighed, it appears that is not what he wanted to say.

"Our family future have been decided from start. If they never listened to me, neither yours will be. Don't make things complicated again. You've been warned." Ieza replied firmly, and walks away.

Naruwa genuinely angry, he clenches his fist, slammed his fist on the pillow.

"There he goes, the same annoying words he uses. I will definitely speak up for myself to those bastard parents." He mumbling himself, then scratches his hair while also being annoyed.

Then he jumps off the bed, walks himself to the dining room. Her maid is cleaning up Ieza's plates and silverwares, left Naruwa unopened lid of food, and few silverwares.

He asked to the maid "Where is father and mother, Shaeri? I would like to speak with them."

She replied "They were going to Akgardian Council this early morning. They say the meetings could take themselves a half day long. But worry not, they will return on midnight, Master Naruwa."

"I see." Naruwa replies, while chewing his food.

"Anyway, you don't have to call me Master. You know i'm adopted son here, right?"

"I'm sorry, Master Naruwa. I'm afraid I cannot do that. It is the mandatory rules of the maid to address the family member as Master."

"I see, it feels weird for me. You know I liked you, Shaeri. My parents weren't here today so why can't we drop the formalities?"

Shaeri smiled, and she remembered something.

Today is Ieza birthday, Ieza should be 15 years old, while Naruwa still 13 years old.

She replies reluctantly, while maintaining gentle voice "You are still too young, Master Naruwa. Besides, I cannot have relationship as a maid. It is also the mandatory rules for all the maids in Akgardia."

Before Shaeri continue her words, Naruwa slammed both hands on the table.

"Rules here, rules that. This family, no. This world is just really obsessed with all those complicated rules!"

Naruwa left the dining room furiously. Shaeri only watches him walks to the hallway.

Then she continues to work her duty as a maid. She did not feel sad, nor disappointed from Naruwa action just now. She understands very well their behavior since they were babies - the phase where they are still learning how to crouch.


Somewhere in Akgardia, in the Plaza, where the morning sun is shining, brighten all the buildings, corners, alleyways and the citizens of Akgardia

Somewhere in Akgardia, in the Plaza, where the morning sun is shining, brighten all the buildings, corners, alleyways and the citizens of Akgardia. Moving shadows and colors, as if it is the river of people flowing on the street - backward and forward.

Here lies the busiest activity among all areas. For Akgardian citizens, this area connected to almost all-important buildings - including the Seven Council of Akgardian (*1).

This area also the center of Akgardian citizens from all statuses gathered for various vital activities. From aristocrats to mid class citizens. People trades on markets, boutique stores, jewelry stores, restaurants, inns, hawkers, street performers - that is mostly magicians doing tricks, musician, and street speakers.

Surrounding on the plaza street lies seemingly endless of Victorian building, above those streets were decorated by all kinds of colored bunting flags. Signifies Akgardian Plaza as the busiest zone, among all crowded zone in Earth.

Two gentlemen sighted wearing black long coat with black fedora hat. On their front coat they are wearing silver insignia. It is shaped as flying eagle facing 45 degrees upward (*2).

They are riding black horses on the busiest part of plaza street. Even in here, all people surrounding them, gave way to those two gentlemen. They acknowledge those two gentlemen as the Council members, the important politician figure of Akgardia.

They pass the plaza to the large bridge - that is heavily guarded by soldiers of Akgardia. They eventually stopped in front of the magic gate of the General Affair Council. The gate is shaped as gigantic circle with unique lines and writing on it. It is revealed that the gate is very strong, no weapons or any person would pass the gate without destroying themselves into dust. Only ones with authorization spell imbued by Magistra Council can enter and exit at ease.

Two soldiers guarding the gate - wearing blue striped white full body armor - bowing to those two gentlemen passing through the gate.

After getting through the gate, one gentleman with heavy accent starts talking.

"Tell me what happened."

"We found the item you've requested, Mister Olford. It was found inside the Silver Mine, near the peaks of Akgardia Mountain. However, there is a slight problem."

They're stopped their horses. One man removes his fedora hat, putting it on the saddle of the horse. He has one battle scar from his forehead to his left eye. He swipes his right hand to fix his black hair backward.

"Go on."

"The item were stolen by two bandits. According to the latest report from patrolling guard, our troops guarding the caravan were poisoned by some type of sleeping gas spell. One guard shot only one bandit and have him detained in the military hospital for recovery process. The other bandit was pursued not for long before eventually captured with the patrol guard near the riverside. However, upon closer investigation, both bandits did not carry the black chest."

"So, you're saying, the bandit might hide the chest somewhere while in the pursuit?"

"Yes, Mister Olford." The man with fedora hat folded the report paper, gazing straight to Mister Olford brown eyes.

"Rest assured, we have already pinpointed our searches. Currently the soldiers of Akgardia conducting the search on all the area of last night pursuit."

Mister Olford scratches his chin, he moves his face closer to the man's right ear.

"Make sure nobody except our troops holds it. If anyone being seen holding the chest or its content. Make sure you or your troops take it by any means, without alerting public. If the public knows, fabricate the story and make it believable. I'll trust you on that side. Head of Public Relations and General Affair, Farrell Stevan."

"You have my full support, Mister Olford. We will carry the duty right away without fail, Sir." Farrell responded firmly and slammed his right hand to his own chest, slightly bowing toward Mister Olford as a sign of respect. Then he gallops away with the horse.

A guard with white horse coming to Mister Olford right side, giving him a letter and a report. Mister Olford nodded and gallops away to the Council Meetings.


Meanwhile near the Riverside, sighted Ieza and Naruwa doing some magic training, and other crowds conversing, some of them sitting on bench, some of them talking in group. There are also some kids playing and running.

Ieza, reading the spell carefully from his magic book, while he moves his right hand.

A splash of water raising up from the river, mimicking the moves of his right hand. He clenched his fist then opened his right palm slowly, mimicking the blossoming phase of the Lotus flower.

The water changing shapes, it spreading gently, almost as the water shaping itself as lotus flower, and as he notices that, he chanted freezing spell to lock the shape at his will.

Ieza successfully creating lotus flower from water. He raised his fist and pulling it down. He smiled and proud of himself. Many people watching him - cheering on what he did.

He is truly Horgan successor alright, said from one of those people from behind

Beside Ieza, sighted Naruwa, struggling in his own to even lift one drop of water. He tries chanting the spell and moving both of his hands nonchalantly. But to no avail.

He is frustrated, he tried it again on the second time, still failing.

And he tries again, still failing

He tries again, nothing happened

The people behind him mocked and laughed him

And he tried on his fifth attempt, the water did appear from his hand. Not much of water but he accidentally splashing the water to nearby people.

The people watching him shocked, some of them even taking two steps back.

"Hey, be careful! You are ruining my clothes." Yells the person behind him

But Naruwa seemingly do not care about it. He still giving his best effort to try again. Before he finished the chanting, Ieza grabbing his right hand, telling him to stop.

"What?" Naruwa replied loudly in shock.

"You almost casting flame magic. I hear you chant the spell differently."

Naruwa notices the magic book pages are flipped to the flame magic spells.

"So what? I haven't cast any single spell properly yet. This training is your idea, brother."

Ieza sighed, then he gazing straight into Naruwa's eyes, while also holding both of his shoulders.

"Listen, if you keep defending yourself like this, you won't learn anything about this lesson."

That makes Naruwa silenced for a brief moment, until he swipes away Ieza both hands from his shoulders.

"When will I do things by myself? Everything you do is just telling me to do this, to do that." Naruwa responded, at the same time he looks away.

"Naruwa, this lesson is not entirely for me. It is for your own. You wished to be successful, to be able to prove yourself better, especially to our parents. Yet you decided to do things off the book. Look, all you have to do is just follow through, complete the basics then from there you can grow forward on your own way. Is that hard for you to do?"

"Alright, alright. I will follow the book, Mister Wisest among the all galaxies and universe." Naruwa replies while in the same time mocks him.

Naruwa continue the training, with Ieza guiding him this time.

Naruwa chanted the water spell on his magic book, following Ieza's hand movement. Swirling their hands in the air, then making a circular pattern. Then they clenching their right hands, opening their right palms and successfully raised both waters, making two lotus flower above the river.

This time both Ieza and Naruwa did it. The people cheering them up.

"So this is how you do it." Naruwa responded and laughed shortly afterward.

"You still have many things to learn, brother. Keep up the pace." Ieza replied

Then they continue the training.

When they are about to make the first-hand move, suddenly there's a splash of water coming onto Naruwa's face.

And heard the laugh from people, the laughter is louder from the kids.

Apparently, the kids did imitate the Horgan brothers spell chanting and the movement as they are watching. Yet they successfully hit the water onto Naruwa's face.

"Hey you! What's the problem kids?" Naruwa yelled at those kids

The kids laughed even louder and running away. Naruwa immediately chanting wind spell

Ieza notices this and shouting to Naruwa

"Naruwa, don't do that! You're gonna hurt those kids!"

Naruwa chooses this spell. He's thinking that wind spell has the quickest chanting time and also apparently what he is mastered since he was 5 years old.

He wanted those kids to float up for brief moment before falling to the ground. He immediately speeds up the chanting and casted the wind spell. The wind itself not particularly strong enough to push adult people, but at least worked for those kids.

The people might or might not realizing, but Ieza, with his quick perception talent he has as magician, being able to see the magic starts accumulating up, decided to chant dispell to that wind magic.

The wind magic dispersed, but it touches the kid and one of them tumbled to the ground. The kid immediately crying while his friends help him getting up.

The people now notice what was happening just now and switches their eyes to the Horgan brothers.

Naruwa become even furious, to see his magic dispelled by his own brother. He turned his neck toward his brother with disgruntled expression on his face.

"So, you decided to defend those pranksters instead of your brother, Ieza?"

"Naruwa, what you did is wrong. It's just harmless prank. And you just escalate it any further. Let's go home before the guard notices this ruckus and creates another problem for us."

"I don't care, Ieza! Those kids need to learn a lesson for not disturbing me." yells Naruwa near Ieza's face.

Naruwa chants the wind magic to envelope his feet, making his feet lighter to run. And rushes away from Ieza and the crowd, straight line following the river flows.

Ieza, being weak on wind spells but excels on water magic, decides to use the river water as the frozen slides for him to chase. He chants the water spells repeatedly while at the same time reaches both of his hands forward.

They are travelling about the same speed. But soon to catches up with Naruwa

Naruwa's wind magic have several flaws, one of them is that the caster won't be able to repeatedly chant to maintain the magic duration, and almost has no other factor included such as physics helping him to maintain the magic - except it depends heavily on his physique and his stamina. The same is true for Ieza's water magic, except Ieza cleverly made natural waves along the slides he creates once it is melted, added with the variant speed of the river flows. Casting magic requires stamina and Naruwa just uses his stamina way more than Ieza does.

Naruwa notices this and he decided to cast wind spell, this time to add obstruction on Ieza's way. He deliberately throws winds to the rocks and leaves on his side, aimed to Ieza's face.

And it worked. Ieza's direction slightly distracted by the stuns of those rocks and the dirt that came from those leaves. He corrects the water slides back on track to continue pursuing Naruwa.

"Oh, now you've done it this time, Naruwa. I won't let you go away for sure."

Ieza chants more water waves behind his legs, his sliding speed increases. And he chants more water spell Infront of himself to make a launching slope, and then he leaps toward Naruwa.

Ieza catches Naruwa from the back, causing them to roll together for quite a distance. Before they even realizing, both of them hitting a tree near the riverside, causing them to tumble back into the river.

Both of them tries to regaining the surface, since the river is very deep and the spot they are jumped in also nearby the waterfall spot - the spot where the flows of water increases.

Naruwa surfacing near the roots of the tree, and he tries hard to grab it. He notices something awkward on his hand and his right leg while grabbing the root. He sees a black chest and something is pulling him. He grabbing the black chest but it doesn't hold long before eventually they are drifted back to the body of river water.

Ieza, still grabbing his brother's leg, trying hard to surfacing up. He is having hard time to chant the spell due his limited movement underwater. When Naruwa fails to hold onto the root, Ieza felt his body moved rather fast underwater. The water pressure causing them to drift until reaches the waterfall, and they are being thrown by the river, freefalling to the other body of water below them.

Chapter 1 - End