Chereads / OGI: The Hunt for Level Three / Chapter 6 - Battle in Grava forest part one

Chapter 6 - Battle in Grava forest part one

One of the men surrounding Kage and Unknown starts to shout commands at them.

"Hey, you two, leave this forest now before we make you leave!"

As Kage and Unknown stand back to back, surrounded by multiple level one OGI users, they start to strategize on how to get out of their predicament.

"Hey Kage, these guys are probably the ones that put up that sign at the front of the forest."

"Really? What makes you think that?"

"Did you hear what that guy said? He told us to leave the forest, even though Grava Forest is a free area. It's obvious they're hiding something in this forest."

"I think you're right. In that case, let's split up; you go deeper into the forest, and I'll stay here and fight all these guys here."

"Yeah, good idea. I'll go find out what's going on in this forest."

"You're not even going to ask me if I can handle these guys on my own."

"No, why would I? Can't you handle these losers on your own?"

"Ha, of course, these guys are light work for me; just get out of here, and I'll make sure to clear a path.

Kage activates level two and points his right fist at the many suspicious men standing in front of him, then grabs his right shoulder with his left hand and says silently,

"Energy manipulation: energy shotgun"

A shockwave of energy shoots out of Kage's fist, blowing away the multiple men standing in his way.

"Now, Unknown go! I cleared a path!"


Unknown activates level one and rushes through the path Kage has created for him to go deeper into the forest. As Unknown runs past the suspicious men, one of them screams, "Hey, where the hell do you think you're go–?"

Before the man could finish his sentence, Kage kicked the man in the back of the head.

"Hey, if you want to get to him, you have to go through me!"

Kage starts to send energy beams at every enemy but can't seem to take them down in one shot.

"Damn, it seems this will be harder than I thought. It's time for me to get serious!"

Unknown, now a far distance away from Kage's battle, he starts to think to himself.

"What the hell is going on in this forest? Those people seemed to want to hide something. Whatever it is, it can't be any good, so I have to stop them."

As Unknown runs through Grava Forest, he stumbles upon Nest's camp. Unknown hides behind a tree and inspects the area.

"So I'm guessing this is the camp of those guys I saw earlier, but I need to know what they're doing."

As Unknown scans the camp, he notices a heavily guarded tent in the middle of the camp.

"That tent seems to have something important in it."

Unknown leaves the tree he was hiding behind and sneaks into a bush next to two guards. While hiding in the bush, he overhears the two guards talking.

"Hey, did you hear there are intruders in the forest?"

"Yeah, Nest is pissed."

"When is he not pissed? The other day, all I did was nod off a little bit, and he pulled out his weird blades and tried to cut my throat."

"Yeah, let's just hope those kids don't piss him off again, or it might get even worse for us."

"Yeah, lucky for us, we're leaving this forest tomorrow."

Unkown, listening to this conversation, starts to think to himself.

"So Nest is the leader of this camp, and did they just say, kids? Don't tell me they're talking about the kids that have gone missing all over the Grava Zone. Shit, this is worse than I thought."

One of the guards near the bush walks away, and Unknown quickly jumps out of the bush. He rushes for the middle tent, and as he does, many guards jump in his way.

"Hey, where the hell do you think you're going? Are you one of the intruders?"

"Maybe, who knows? But what I do know is that I need you to move out of my way."

Unknown activates level one and starts to fight the guards one-on-one with a ferocious look in his eyes. As Unknown starts fighting his way through Nest's camp, Kage on the other side of the forest is fighting a one-vs.-eight but seems to be having issues.

"Ok, so you guys aren't all bums. Even so, you all are going down here whether you like it or not," he screams with many brusies on his body.

"Hey kid, instead of talking shit, you should put your money where your mouth is!"

Kage takes a strong fighting stance and smirks.

"Yeah, you're right! I will put my money where my mouth is!"

Kage plants his feet on the ground and grits his teeth.

"Now let me show you my real power!"

Kage throws out multiple balls of energy at all his opponents, and the energy balls explode on contact.

"Energy manipulation: energy cutter!"

Kage sends out multiple slices of energy at all eight opponents, leaving all of them on the ground in critical condition. Kage wipes sweat off his head and remarks, "Damn, fighting multiple people who are level one is kind of intense. Now it's time to catch up with Unknown."

Kage starts to run deeper into the forest to catch up with Unknown. Unknown on the other side of the forest is still fighting hard against many level one OGI users. While breathing heavily, he gets into a fighting stance.

"I'm going to have to strategize my way out of this with so many enemies."

Unknown starts to retreat into the forest behind him, and as he does, the guards chase him down.

"Hey, you son of a bitch, get back here! Come on, men, we can't let him get away, or Nest will have our heads!"

The guards go into the trees and have completely lost track of Unknown.

"Where the hell did he go? He was just here."

"Ok, let's split up and look for that bastard."


The guards split up to search for Unknown. As the guards search, Unknown is up in the trees, ready to attack.

"Now that those guards have split up and are alone, I can take them out one by one."

Unknown jumps down from the tree and smashes each guard's head into the tree one by one with great speed. Once he defeats the last guard, he lets out a breath of relief.

"Only if I had level two, I could take these guys head-on. Kage probably took on all of those guys head-on with no fear of losing. He's such a fucking idiot, but I've got to admit he's one of the strongest people I know, so him being an idiot isn't a problem."

Unknown returns to Nest's camp to finally get into the middle tent. As Unknown returns to Nest Camp, he thinks to himself.

"Ok, I'm sure of it; that middle tent has the missing kids I saw on the news."

Unknown makes it to the middle tent and opens it, only to be met with a shocking and bloody sight. He sees a cage full of scared children covered in the blood of the dead children next to them. He backs away from the cage and falls to the floor with a face full of shock. He then starts to tremble and, with a voice of disbelief, says, "What the hell is this? This can't be real. Who in the world would be so fucked up in the head to do such a thing?"

"Well, since you asked, I'll tell you who did this; it was me, Nest, but you can just call me your worst nightmare!"

As Unknown sits on the ground, still in disbelief, Nest appears behind him. Unknown jumps up and backs away from Nest in shock.

"You son of a bitch, you did this. Do you have a fucking heart? These are children!"

"Ha, so what if I did? What are you going to do about it?"

Unknown activates level one full of rage and punches Nest out of the tent. The impact from Unknown's punch sends Nest sliding on his back out of the tent.

"Damn, that was a good punch. I see you're pretty powerful, but I didn't see any sign of you using the flex technique."

"What the hell is a flex technique?

"Oh, I see, so I'm guessing you don't know what a level-one technique is; that's perfect. I love when they make it easier on me."

"I don't know what the hell you're on about, but I know that I have to beat you."

"Well, if that's what you think will happen, I'll just show you why you're wrong."

Nest pulls out two curved blades and spins them in his hand at great speed.


Nest suddenly disappears in the blink of an eye to Unknown's surprise.

"What the hell, where did that sick bastard go?"

Chapter 6 end