Chereads / OGI: The Hunt for Level Three / Chapter 12 - Presentation time part one

Chapter 12 - Presentation time part one

Mr.Mink puts six cards into a bowl and shuffles them up.

"Ok, class, you know what time it is; whoever I pick out of this bowl has to present first."

Mr.Mink pulls out a card from the bowl and looks at it.

"Ok, let's see, the first one to present their project is Wayne!"

At the front of the class closest to the door is a brown-skinned, slightly jacked 16-year-old boy with long black hair at the height of 5'9 wearing a red shirt with a design of a beast from the Moro zone and black jeans named Wayne sitting in his desk. Wayne gets up out of his seat and walks to the front of the class. Mr.Mink takes a seat at his desk and says:

"OK, now Wayne, go ahead and tell us what you think can help someone reach level three."

"Ok, sir, to start, as you all know, I'm the lowest rank in class one, and to add more salt to the wound, I'm a level zero. A person with no OGI at all. I don't have enhanced human ability or powers to speak of, and to top it all off, I can't reach level three even if I wanted to. So now all of you have probably been wondering the entire year why a level zero like me is even going to this school.

Wayne grits his teeth and says:

"I'm here because I was told long ago by my father that it doesn't matter whether I have OGI or not; I can still go out there and achieve my dreams. Speaking of my dream, Wayne points at the beast on his shirt and says:

"I want to spread the beast kingdom so far that in every zone you'll see a beast running around happy."

After Wayne makes his bold statement, Mr. Mink says:

"Hmm, what an interesting goal you have, Wayne. Ever since the creation of the four zones, beasts have dominated the Moro zone, and for reasons unknown, they choose to stay in that zone."

"Yes, you're right, Mr.Mink, and with that, my presentation."

Wayne puts out his hand and says:

"Come on out, Lex; it's time to show the class how amazing you are."

Lex, a tiny orange beast with a cute face, four short legs, four black feet, and six live snake tails, materializes in Wayne's hand. Lex cheers with a joyful expression.


Lex hops onto Wayne's shoulder and rubs its cheeks against Wayne's face. As Lex sits on Wayne's shoulder, both Selena and Akira at the back of the class say, "With sparkles in their eyes.

"It's so cute!"

"Yes, my Lex is cute, isn't he? Lex has been my best friend since I was a kid, and he's followed me ever since. He even left the moro zone to follow me, which is rare for a beast to do. I chose Lex for my project because he's a friend who helps me with everything. He has special powers that he can use to help me battle; that's how I was able to convince Principal Nixion to let me take the entrance exam. Even though I can't attempt to reach level three, I'm sure if I could, having a good friend like Lex at my back would be a great help."

Mr.Mink gets up and starts to clap his hands in satisfaction.

"Yes, yes, well," said Wayne. "Having a good friend in your corner is always a great way to reach a goal. "I'll give you a strong A+."

"Yes!!! We did it, Lex. I couldn't have done it without you."

Wayne pats Lex on the head, and Lex remarks:


Wayne, with Lex in his arms, goes back to his seat. Mr.Mink goes back to the front of the class and goes straight into the next presentation.

"That was a great presentation, Wayne. Now it's time for our second presentation."

Mr.Mink puts his hand back into the bowl and pulls out another card.

"Ok, let's see what we have here. Selena, you're up!"

"perfect! I've been waiting for this all day."

Selena walks up to the front of the classroom. With a big, warm smile on her face, and starts her presentation.

"I know I didn't have to go and grab something physical for my presentation, but I just couldn't resist!" This item I have is one of the most beautiful items I have ever read about!"

Selena pulls out a shiny blue crystal.

"This right here in my hand is what researchers call adaptive ore. This ore is found at the Grava mines. Now what makes this ore special is that when broken, it expands and becomes more durable, which is helpful if you need a quick defense.

Selena throws the blue crystal on the ground. The blue crystal turns into a big blue shard. You see, this crystal can take a lot of attacks if needed. Now you're probably wondering how this will help me reach level three. It's really simple; everyone knows that to go from level one to level two, you need to practice and fight other OGI users. I feel that with this item, newer OGI users would have an easier time gaining the experience they need."

Mr. Mink stands up and shouts with a smile on his face.

"Yes, Selena, you did amazing like usual, always thinking for the little guy. A+. Now go ahead and take your seat."

Selena walks back to her seat. Mr.Mink goes back up to the board, puts his hand back into the bowl, and pulls out a card.

"Ok, great Kage "You're up next."

"Bang!! " It's my turn; it's time for me to do my thing."

Kage walks up to the board confidently.

"Ok, class today, my presentation is on a little thing called level one technique accelerate!! This is a technique I learned about in my battle against an evil creep in Grava Forest. This technique increases your speed, and depending on how masterful you are with the technique, you can completely disappear from your opponent's vision. Now how to use this technique is simple: "Let your OGI flow to your legs, and boom!"

Kage runs extremely fast to the back of the classroom and back to the front.

"I had no idea there was a way to increase my speed even more than usual until yesterday. This technique is a great way to help you reach level three because everyone knows that if you outspeed your opponent, it's almost impossible for you to lose, and the more you win, the stronger you'll become."

As Kage finishes his sentence, Mr.Mink says:

"Ok, that's good." Kage, You really have improved yourself by learning the accelerate technique; maybe one day you'll never be late just like me. Now with your presentation, you get a B-, and if you're wondering why, it's because you focused too much on the battle aspect when the road to level three is unknown and we don't know if strength and power will be enough to reach it."

"Hmm, ok, B, I'll take it; at least I passed."

Kage walks back to his seat. Mr.Mink stands up and says:

"Ok, no need for a shuffle this time, Unknown; you're up next."

"Right, I've been practicing this all night."

Unknown walks up to the front of the board.

"Ok, my project is also on a level one technique. This level-one technique is called flex. With this technique, you can increase your strength even further by letting OGI flow mostly through your muscles. Once you do that, you can do some strength feats that you couldn't do with just level one. Now, why this is a great help to reach level three is that it eliminates obstacles that could need you to be strong. It might not eliminate all obstacles, but it sure does help. Now for a demonstration, I'll use Selena's presentation."

The muscles in Unknown's arms start to glow. Unknown, with a very focused look in his eyes, raises his arm in a chopping form. Unknown slams his arm down on the blue shard from Selena's project. The blue shard cracked, leaving the class amazed at his strength.

"Now that is just one example of how the flex technique can be used. It can also be used as a defense. Now, Kage hit my arm as hard as you can!"


Kage stands up in his seat and runs up to unknown. The muscles in unknown's arms start to glow once again. Kage punches unknown's arm with great force. Kage's fist bounces off of his arm with great force.

"You see, the flex technique can also be used as a great defense."

Mr. Mink claps his hands in satisfaction.

"That's just great; unknown, you showed off the flex technique amazingly, and I liked how you pointed out that the flex technique can't cover all grounds to reach level three A+."

"Thank you, Mr.Mink."

Unknown goes back to his seat.

"Now, in class, we only have two more students that need to present their project, and to make it more exciting, I'll flip a coin: Akira is heads and Paul is tails."

Mr.Mink flips the coin into the air. The coin lands back in Mr.Minks's hand.

"Ok, it was tails, so that means Paul, you're up next!"

Chapter 12 end