Centuries ago, a 5'4 black, buff old man with a wooden staff and ripped clothes stood on top of a mountain in a vast, rocky plain, facing the growing danger of a massive dimensional portal with numerous different kinds of vicious beasts passing through it with nothing on their minds but murder. Before engaging in combat, the old man speaks uplifting words to himself.
"I must stop this disaster. I'm the only one in the world with the power to close that portal."
Before the old man can even move, multiple beasts surround him with drool dripping from their mouths, looking for their next meal. The old man flexes his muscles to the maximum. The beast simultaneously, with no hesitation, releases elemental attacks at the old man. The old man, with a face of determination, deflects every attack with his staff. The old man screams out, "Move out of my damn way!"
The old man launches his staff at the heart of each beast that surrounds him, killing them instantly. The old man glances behind him and sees swarms of beasts of all kinds standing between him and the dimensional portal. The old man, with no hesitation, jumps into the pit of beasts and proceeds to fight them off one by one with one strike each.
No matter how much the old man could kill, more and more beasts came out of the dimensional portal. The old man finally falls to the ground. Now beaten and battered, covered in blood, he spits the blood in his mouth to the ground and stands back up with a more intense determination. Now faced with even more hungry beasts, the old man grabs his staff and points it at the army of beasts.
The beast charges up more elemental attacks and sends them at the old man with the extreme intent to kill. The old man then proceeds to close his eyes while the staff in the old man's hand glows. The old man opens his eyes and releases a huge beam of energy from his staff, eradicating every beast in sight. The energy beam was extremely effective, but it took a lot out of the old man, causing him to fall to the ground.
The old man, trembling, gives himself more words of encouragement.
"I'm almost there; I can't stop now. The world is counting on me. I won't let a lack of energy stop me here!"
The old man gets up, plants his feet on the ground, and flexes his muscles one last time. The old man's staff glows with even more power than before. The old man cocks his arm back, holding his glowing staff, and launches it straight into the dimensional portal. The dimensional portal cracks instantly, shaking the earth to its core. The sky goes completely black, with lightning strikes coming from the sky and tearing apart the earth. The ground bursts into an inferno, burning everything in sight.
The dimensional portal turns into a ball of glowing light so bright that you can see it from space. The ball of light continues to grow, engulfing the entire planet. As the ball of light engulfs the planet, the old man, now completely out of energy, has turned frail but has a prediction to make before he goes. The old man smiles and speaks.
"This is an event in history that will start a completely new era for humans. One more advanced than any human now or before could imagine. Ha, I wish I could see this far-distant future, but for evolution, something must be sacrificed."
The old man starts to crumble into small, light particles. Even though the old man will never be able to see that distant future, he smiles, knowing he helped create it.
The earth completely gets engulfed in light. The light becomes so intense that it looks like there's a second sun glowing in the solar system.
The intense shine lasts for hours until the light fades. The earth has completely been transformed and is now broken into four zones. The only thing that is the same is where the old man had his last breath, which has a huge abyss leading to a place unknown.Â
Prologue end