Chereads / Loki reborn / Chapter 41 - Vol 2 ch 29

Chapter 41 - Vol 2 ch 29

"Meet up my forces outside of that village on the morrow." Victor had said. As he was leaving. He said. "People have taken to calling it Doomsberg" A hint of pride in his voice.

'Well, that fixes it. I am gonna help a baddy today.' Loki had thought to himself. The name spoke for itself.

As he at first wanted to scout out the surroundings before approaching the small village.


It had not been an easy life for Victor Von Doom. Throughout his life he had struggled a lot. He had to fight for everything that he had gotten. He remembered his own childhood, how his father had been killed by the count when he could not save the count's wife. Victor had grown up among refugees in an intermittent camp. He had one childhood friend, Venessa who had accompanied him. Life may not have been good but he had been happy.

That was until his father was hunted down and killed before his very eyes as an example. That day he had been filled with such hatred. He had gone through his father's belongings until he had found a book. One which belonged to his mother. He had looked through it and found out that magic was real. That day, his eyes were truly opened for the first time in a long time. He opened his eyes to the possibilities that existed within this world.

He had delved even deeper into the mysteries, and then he had found out how he had lost his own mother. His mother had sacrificed her soul to mephisto for power. All to protect her own people. Yet she was tricked.

So, Victor had taken a lesson from there, he would not give himself up or make deals with such higher powers. That had admittedly limited him by a lot. But he is Victor Von Doom and such things are beneath him.

He had been unable to access the higher mysteries for this very reason.

But he had gotten access to a scholarship and had gone to the USA for that very reason. There he had met Reed Richards and Benjamin Frankalin. There they had worked together and eventually had established their own companies.

Victor had made Doom industries and had funded Reed and his inventions. Eventually, Victor had given Reed hints regarding other dimensions, it was difficult for him to explain everything without bringing up magic but he had preserved.

They had worked on a portal together. Victor had hoped that it would open a portal that would allow them to tap into the another source of resources.

Victor himself had been a skilled scientist and engineer specialized in aerospace engineering, electronics, energy systems, physics, robotics, superhuman physiology and weaponry.

He had been selling weapons to USA like stark, however he had been working on a variety of other projects as well like cleaning up the ocean and the like.

Victor had sunk his entire capital into doing the project. Making the same portal in space to test it safely. A space station built by him for that purpose.

But they had miscalculated and Doom was stuck in the portal for an entire year.

For an entire year, his body had been exposed to the dimensional energy within the now called negative zone. So, he had recalled his knowledge of the mystic arts that belonged to his mother and had managed to survive. He had in turn absorbed those energies and used them as his own. He had been changed forever, in that one year.

Reed had rescued him, but time flowed differently in both dimension, for him it had been one entire year. When he had come back, he found out that he could access the higher mysteries. He could manipulate the energies from the dimension. There was a permanent anchor in his body similar to the Fantastic 4. The difference was that he could manipulate it.

His company was done for and declared bankrupt. The count had found information about him and convinced the americans to declare his company a liability. A threat. The military was moving to confiscate his weapons and research. He had destroyed his company by his own hand and secured his own research. He had left, hearing rumors of Tibetan Monks who could perform miracles.

Eventually, he had found them and joined their ranks. He was then approached by the ancient one. Who had begun to teach him, and so he had access to even more knowledge. It all came to an end when he had asked the ancient one about why did she not help humans. Help them become better then they are, help them to be more. To stop all this hate and crime.

She had told him that they protected Earth from mystical threats, it was not their job to guide Earth or share their gifts. He had argued against it, he cited examples of his own country. Where thousands were killed, persecuted and torn asunder. They did not have modern medicine. Nothing. Should those that have powers not help those without one. Guide them and Protect them.

The ancient one had not answered him. Eventually, he had left. If being the sorcerer supreme restricted him like that. He was not interested in its powers or the title itself.

He had been approached by his childhood sweetheart Valeria. But in the end, this had all turned out to be an ambush. Victor had taken them all down and started to leave when he was stopped by Valeria.

"Victor, I did not know that this was an ambush." She had begged him. "Please, stop."

Victor had turned around. "For how long will our people suffer. No I will deliver them from these bloodthirsty hounds."

He had begun to leave.

"I am the last heir of Latveria. I can make our country better." She had revealed to him

VIctor had stopped and had turned around. He had said. "One year, you have one year. If you can't change anything. Then I will be your reckoning." His voice had been dark and heavy. For the first time he had put killing intent into his voice.

Victor had said, as he had covered his face and left.

During this one year, he had forged an armor for himself. Powered by mystical energies from the negative zone. He had made an army, a legion of doombots to command for himself.

Soon, one year was up. And he had gone back.

He had come to a scene of Latveria Romanian people being led to a firing squad. His entire tribe and everyone that he knew. Things were worse now.

The count was intent on killing them in order to find him and win some favor from the Americans. His blood was boiling with rage. He had seen everyone that had raised him in that gypsy cavern. Those that had helped him. And so he had controlled the energy of his thirsters and had landed in front of his tribe.

"I am Doom and I am here." He had told them. The soldiers raised their guns and fired at him. He only raised his hand, a shield formed in front of him and the bullets were deflected off of them.

He had looked behind him and said one word. "Leave." They had started to pack up and leave.

Victor had kept his shield in front of him patiently, until everyone left. After that, he had let it drop. And began to step forward. The soldiers still fired at him but his personal deflector shields were activated and it deflected all the bullets.

He had reached the officer who was in charge of the operation.

"How long will Latverian people kill each other for a fool who sit on a throne of pretention."

He had picked up him by the collar. "How Long!" He had yelled at him.

"I am Victor Von Doom and I am back." He had told them as he had thrown him down.

Activating his boots, he had gone to where the main castle was.

He had seen Valeria talking with her father.

Victor had broken in through the window and seen them.

"I gave you one year Valeria, one year. And they were about to to slaughter the people we grew up with. The people who raised us." Victor had said in rage.

Her eyes widened as she had stared at her father. "Is that true."

"Yes, and you delivered yourself right to me." The baron had smiled. As he let a hand fall. A bunch of people began firing at him. The intensity of the firefight had caused dust to rise up.

Eventually it cleared as the soldiers started to reload.

"One year." He stated. He looked around at the soldiers that surrounded him and realized that they were mercenaries. They would all be killed eventually if they don't heed his warning.

"Your time is up, I will lead this country in a new age." He stated as he left.

As he was leaving, he saw one girl approach the women he used to love and say mama.

"I will destroy the entire royal family." He had told her as he had looked her in the eye.

Valeria had hugged her daughter as she looked at Doom leaving. She had thought that her marriage would have helped her country, but now when she had looked at the King and the prince her husband standing together. She realized that in the end she was once more used. And now she may loose her own daughter because of that.

Victor had left. There was a feeling of relief in his heart as well. Atleast, now he won't have any regrets. He could now truly focus on his own revenge and his own goals.