Chereads / Loki reborn / Chapter 44 - Vol 2 Ch 32

Chapter 44 - Vol 2 Ch 32

Victor walked to and fro in front of the soldier, his bots keeping the soldiers faces focused on his face.

"I have had enough, and I am going to rip those ivory towers down. So that, atleast we will have enough to eat. So that, we don't have to die from the fucking flu. So that we can live with some damn fucking pride, our heads held high." Victor had stood still, his hands behind his back. He faced each and everyone of the soldier as he said. "My name is Victor Von Doom and I have had enough."


It had been a few days since that speech and the rebellion had continued on. One after another, prison camps were liberated. Then entire town were liberated. As more and more of the loved ones met their families who had been taken prisoners. Victor's popularity among them had continued to grow even more.

It was not unusual for entire battalions to defect and join Doom's side. And so their series of victories had continued. Loki's own legend began to grow the masked man with Lord Doom who sneaks behind enemy lines and moves with such grace. Stopping and rescuing each and every person within the prison camp. A man with access to sorceries like Dr Doom. One of his companions.

Both of the presence of Victor and Loki had forced the King's hand. As he had called in special forces that he had access to. The king had looked at both of the individuals who had answered his call as he smiled at them. These two would be enough to catch both of this Loki and Victor. They had their own units with them as well.

"You need not worry your majesty. We have laid down a trap. One that they cannot ignore." The unknown voice had consoled the king as it had begun to move. A katana was strapped to his back along with a staff.

"However, both of us may be a bit overkill."

"You are right, I alone would be enough." The other unknown figure said.

"We shall see." The first one said as he glared at the second figure.


"We have taken care of most of the outskirts. We are in a good position to finally take the castle and end this war." Victor was looking over the map as he was detailing the current situation. "The last part of the Latverian army is gathered up around the castle. Its time for a final push."

"And what comes after this war is over." Loki had asked Victor.

"We will need to rebuild. Make this country anew." Victor was replying when someone barged nto the tent.

"Lord Doom. There is urgent news." An old man had entered, he was completely out of breath. He wanted to explain further but he could not as he had not yet had the chance to catch his breath.

"Breath for a moment. Catch your breath and then tell me what is wrong." Victor had spoken in a calming voice.

The old man took a few moment to catch his breath. "My lord. They are going to execute them all. Please save them." He had said as he had fallen to his knees crying.

"They have rounded up everyone in Hassenstadt. All the men women and children. They are going to kill them all." He said, his voice horse and he was tired.

"Someone, get this man some water." He had yelled out. Then he grabbed the shoulders of the trembling man as he said. "Do not worry. We will save them."

"Tobi, it's time to go." He had said.

"Lord Doom, please wait. They gave me this message to give to you." The old man had handed him a piece of paper with instruction written on top of it. He had then kneeled in front of Victor. "Please Lord Doom, save our people. This old man can't give you much but I can give you my loyalty, I will grind my bones to dust for you. So please save them."

Victor had nodded as he had left. Loki in step behind him.

He had looked at the letter.

It demanded the presence of both him and Tobi alone and unarmed. They must hand themself over to be executed or the residents of the entire city were going to be executed.

Loki had seen what was written on the paper.

Victor had crumpled it and thrown it away in anger. Moving with large strides away.

"This is a trap." Loki

"Then it is one we must walk into." Victor had answered him.

"And what if I have a plan." Loki said while continuing pace with him.

Victor stopped. "Go on."

"I can create clones. One of that clone can take my place with you while I go around and see how I can rescue the people of the city." Loki had answered him.

"Hmm". Victor weighed his own options. "I just need to act as the distraction." Victor had said. "So be it. Do it."


Victor and clone Loki had proceeded to the place that they had been told to hand themselves over at. They had reached the outskirts of the city.

Victor had proceeded forward and raised his hands to indicate his surrender and Loki soon followed suit. A few mercenaries approached them, these one looked more skilled compared to what both of them had seen.

Three of those had their guns pointed at them and the other two had approached Victor and Loki. The guards had grabbed both of their raised hands behind their back and proceeded to slap a pair of handcuffs on them.

They had been approached by guy wearing a mask.

"Guns down, men. There would be no need for that." Victor had recognized the figure.

"Deathstroke." Victor had spat out. "What agenda does the league of assassins have here."

"Who knows?" He had shrugged. "What matters is that you have been captured, and the king believes that if he puts you down. He can put this rebellion down."

Victor had glared at him, his hands behind him. "Understand this Slade, when you had involved my people in this. You made this very personal."

Deathstroke shrugged. "This is what the prince and the king insisted needs to be done." He signaled his own men to follow him as he was leading the way inside. "Believe me , I know hat killing you will make you a martyr. But he is signing my paycheck. So my hands are tied. As for your people, that was the prince's proposal."

Deathstroke had turned to the masked mercenary that was also handcuffed.

"Ra's al Ghul was also interested in you. Pity, you will die soon." He had gotten lost in thought. "If you survive, the old man may give you a ring someday."

"Atleast your death would be made into a spectacle." He had said as they passed the streets. People were peeking out at them from windows. A look of despair on their faces as they saw Victor being led down. They knew that he was only here to protect them.

The King had taken plenty of hostages from among them to prove a point.

And a point would have to be made.


(Deathstroke POV)

The king and the prince wanted to deal with Victor and Tobi personally. And that fucking women with him had continuously fueled the flames. If he had not gotten orders from the league of assassins. He would not have moved like that at all. He would have personally killed the fucking royal family himself.

Fucking idiots. Deathstroke thought to himself. There was no use killing Victor and Tobi right now in such a public setting. Just end it silently. There was no need to make them into martyrs. This would lead into even more rebellions down the line. A thought passed through his head. Maybe , this was what Ras ul Ghul wanted. He wanted there to be a rebellion here for some reason. But he could not tell what angle the women was working. She was not part of the League of Assassins or any of their affiliates. That was something he could tell. Just what was she playing at.

For what purpose would she want a rebellion here?

No matter. Deathstroke relaxed. He would deal with these problems as they come up. for now, he had a role to play.