Chereads / AZI: Burial of a Selfish Lunatic / Chapter 158 - AZI Volume 4 Chapter 2

Chapter 158 - AZI Volume 4 Chapter 2


Dressed in their original attire, Long Hua and Tian Cheng scan the area.

For convenience, Long Hua had stored his backpack away in his storage pouch.

Only a few sources of light are present—to keep the vicinity bright, so it's impossible to see how the entirety of it looks like.

However, set apart at specific intervals are glossy black monoliths with words carved onto them.

"Those things aside… What other items did I get out of 70 rolls?"

Opening the gacha system interface, Long Hua sees a fourth option that is simply labeled as "X-Rolls."


(In case you need it again in the future. Don't you think my customer service is superb?)


Ignoring the Tai Xuan Emperor's remark, Long Hua opens the history section.

At the same time, he also takes out three spirit herb cigars, and ignites them before putting them to his lips.

"A healing pill?"

As Long Hua sucks in the fumes of the cigars—to replenish his spirit Qi, ashes fall, as the cigars begin to shrink at an astonishing rate.

Spitting out what remains of the three cigars, Long Hua takes out the healing pill, and swallows it whole. Immediately, his wounds—whether it be external or internal, begin to close, while the aches subside at a gradual rate.

According to the pull history, there are still two more of the same pills left.

Looking at the rest of the pulls—

"Freaking hell, what kind of scam is this? A ten-roll doesn't even guarantee an SR?"

Seeing two ten-rolls not landing him a single SR rarity item nearly causes Long Hua to go on a rant, to which, the Tai Xuan Emperor replies—

(Your luck wasn't too bad. In the next two ten-rolls, you managed to acquire more combat bodies.)

"The hell are those combat bodies good for? Is there a limit break system that would require duplicate items?"

(Your doll can use them as spare bodies, and form a squad out of them.)

Hearing this, Long Hua retrieves them from within his storage pouch, and turning to Tian Cheng, he says—

"Link up with them."

Having her vessel reply with a nod, the Tai Xuan Emperor links her main body to the dummy units.

Simultaneously, the dummy unit bodies begin to expand in volume—to create a maid uniform.

The differences that these dummy units have—when compared to the main unit, is the difference in their hair color, and all of them having blue-colored eyes that are kept open.

The first unit possesses red hair; the second possesses blue hair; the third possesses gold-colored hair, and the fourth possesses green hair.

"Keep them in your storage pouch when not in use. …Shit, I feel like I'm going to end up becoming Zhou-laoye II…"

Replying with a nod, Tian Cheng stores the dummy units away.


Looking at the rest of the pull history, Long Hua can't help but grind his teeth together. Aside from some dynamites, most of the remaining items are just quality-of-life products that he may, or may not ever use.

(Come now, *-laoban, tell me your thoughts on the Machina Frame.)


Thinking for a bit, Long Hua is actually quite satisfied with the item in question.

The most surprising aspect of it—is its ability to amplify his divine arts, which is something that the MAUs of this world aren't capable of.

However, if there is something that he is dissatisfied with, then it would have to be—

"It feels… Incomplete. Other than its Slashers, it doesn't have any other remarkable weapons."

(Ah, I see. Incomplete, is it? Well, I have extremely good news for you, *-laoban. Inside the gacha system's pool are its exclusive armaments! For the low, low price of one million spirit stones you can-)

Twitching an eye, Long Hua shouts back—

"Shut your trap, you con-artist! You're basically admitting to the fact that you sold me a half-assed product!"

(Tsk, tsk, haven't you heard of the words, "accessories sold separately?" It's a common business tactic to make customers return for more.)

Clenching his right fist, Long Hua begrudgingly says—

"If I could enter the dreamscape right now, I'd beat the living shit out of you!"

(Come now, violence isn't the answer. Resources of immeasurable wealth! That is what will solve all your problems! You've already tasted the joys of being able to pilot a Machina Frame; what other choice do you have—other than to continue pouring more resources into it? So long as you're willing to cough up resources, I'm more than willing to cough up its armaments to let you build the ultimate war machine!)

Before his blood can rush to his head, Long Hua rotates the Tranquil Heart Incantation, and asks—

"…So? What exactly are you going to use that crystal cluster for?"

(*-laoban, I have a special fondness for rare materials.)

With how quick the Tai Xuan Emperor is in answering, Long Hua didn't think she'd be honest about it—even if he is to press her for more details.

"Ai, whatever."

Moving over to a monolith, Long Hua and Tian Cheng look to the words that are carved onto it.


Looking between one monolith to the other, Long Hua can't help but frown.

The shape of the words—from one monolith to the other is very different, hinting at the possibility of them coming from a completely different set of tongues.

Touring around the vicinity, Long Hua and Tian Cheng eventually find a monolith—with words that are similar to the written language of this world.

"…Master, they seem to be names?"

"Evil Warding Tribe?"

Reading the words, that are carved onto the top of the monolith as such, Long Hua remarks—

"Is each monolith meant to serve as the memorial of a different tribe?"

Chapter 193, AZI Volume 4 Chapter 36