I saw my parents coming towards the house with some bags in their hands
Yuna: Gareki, I'm home!
Kotetsu: Yeah! And this time with everything we needed to buy!
Gareki: Great! I'm really hungry.
I had decided not to tell them what has happened since I was worried about the reaction I would have gotten
Yuna: Where is Kanako? She asked while putting everything they've just bought in their place.
Gareki: She said she will visit someone and told me to not expect her returning tonight.
Yuna: Oh, I see. Well then, her loss! I was about to cook my specialty; Rustic Rooster Delight.
Gareki: mmm… Can't wait!
I said as I started to help her place the vegetables in the fridge.
Kotetsu: So how's your training been lately?
Gareki: Oh it's alright, Kanako teached me a new skill today but… I couldn't really master it…
Kotetsu: Really? Tell me about it.
Gareki: it's a wind spell called "Whirlwind" Kanako told me it's great for defence and offence since the twirling motion works as a repellant to incoming spells or other projectiles and the same works on people too! Not that I could use it against you… yet.
Kotetsu: haha ha…
He laughed but he was creeped inside. I could feel it.
*Meanwhile at the knights HQ of Emporia Aegis is talking to a group of knights*
Aegis: Yes, he attacked out of nowhere without a reasonable motive however, it can't just be that right? I for one am linking it with the appearance of that revived boar from the forest of Silent Silverwood
Man1: What are you suggesting general?
Man2: I hope this isn't another one of your greedy intentions of trying to "save" people from a such "Disaster"
Aegis: I hope you understand what I have seen. A revived boar, a dark magic user and his need to attack the where I was in order to keep me distracted from something else!
Man3: Aegis, we know you've vowed to forever try to keep peace however you need to understand one thing.
Man4: How do you know that the man that attacked you didn't have any other conflicts with anyone else around you? Or how do you know that he is planning on doing something bad to that little village.
Man5: Without enough evidence, we cannot move our troops away from the capital! He shouted.
Man5: You should already know better than anyone since we've been through this so many times!
Aegis: But sir-
Man5: I don't want to hear it Aegis! You always come up with these kind of ideas and solutions. If you really want to do something to defend those villagers then go there yourself and act as their guardian! But do not involve a whole army into this.
Aegis stood silent for about 5 seconds.
Aegis: Thanks for your time. Stormhart Aegis, forever at your disposal.
Aegis left the headquarters and it seemed as if someone was waiting for him outside
Woman voice: So how did it go?
Aegis: They declined
Woman voice: See, I'm telling you, you need to stop talking to those guys! It's really pointless, unless you can come with a war threatening calamity that is ehe.
Aegis: I don't have time for your jokes Ava, I'm heading to the village.
Ava: Huh? Why so upset? Did I hit a nerve by any chance?
Aegis: it's not that, HQ masters told me to take actions into my own hands. And so I will.
Ava: Whoa- come on now. If whatever you say it's true then you alone won't stand a chance!
Aegis: You'd prefer that it all turns out to be true in the end and a whole village does down knowing I could have at least tried?! He desperately shouted.
Ava: Ugh… Aegis, why you gotta be always so selfish…
Aegis: I made a promise…
Ava: In that case… I've made a promise too.
Aegis: Huh?
Ava: Remember? When I promised value your life over mine when you became a knight?
Ava: What? What are you talking about?
Aegis: I got accepted into the knights! Can you believe it? It's only been a dream but now… I am finally here. I can't wait to see what the future has got for me.
Ava: …
Aegis: Wha- Aren't you happy for me?
Ava: What?! Of course I am you dummy! It's just that… you know what I've always thought about the knights. They are dumb people giving their life to help some hopeless people valuing anyones life over theirs…
Aegis: Well, if valuing your life over mine makes me a dumb person then I will gracefully be one! He smirked
Ava: *Blushes* That's not what I meant you idiot!
Aegis: eh he he…
Ava: *Blushing* Fine then, if you're putting other people's lives over yours then I'm putting yours over mine! Hehehehe… *Evil laugh*
Aegis: What? You can't do that!
Ava: Yes I can, I just did. She bites her tongue at him
Aegis: This is dumb, come on you should know what's dumb and what isn't…. right?
Ava: Maybe, or maybe we're just both being dumb right now *punches him*
*Flashback ends*
Aegis: You're still with that even till this date? Come on Ava… you should
Ava: Hey, you've kept your promise so let me keep mine alright? Hehe… Plus, what's so bad in having a mage help you out in battle? The more firepower the better right?
Aegis: Fine just promise me that you will run away and live for me if anything bad happens and is overwhelming both of us
Ava stood silent and smiled
Aegis: Alright then, let's head out to the village, we don't have much time.