Chereads / Torajins Arc: Gunmage / Chapter 2 - Chapter two: tiger heart guild

Chapter 2 - Chapter two: tiger heart guild

Catching up from the last chapter As Adela picks up Murata and walks to her grandpas house and as she does that Sigurd picks up all 10,000 of the students and teachers corpses and likes them all neatly in a hole which he then fills up with soil then leaves a giant stone that says "here lies the grave of " and lists talk names without missing a single name then he engraves the logo of the continent ruled by the beast king then in a sad tone says

[{Sigurd: see ya later tigers I'm going to help Murata now I'll come back on this day without fail and tell you all of her journey in defeating the dragon king}]

Then he then catches up with Adela who is walking to Murata's house which is in a forest then he grabs her shoulder then says

[{Sigurd: I'll take her you can go now}]

Adela still mourning the lose of her students then says calmly

[{Adela: no I'll come with you also nows not the time to be saying this but I want to see just how strong this grandpa of hers is to breed such a child and call that average she even said he was stronger then Murata my question being is he even human because what Murata displayed was more godly as if she was tapping into a higher force of some sort her power want up more then tenfold}]

Sigurd then smiles and says calmly

[{Sigurd: your overthinking to much HES an old man him being stronger then us may not be such a stretch I myself am at least a million years old but only surpass the average S Rank who have millions of different things powering them from high tier spirits to literal contracts with beings out of this world meanwhile I'm just a Norse spirit who uses hands and a sword}]

Adela then smiled at him and said

[{Adela: you are probably right although it still doesn't explain that power I'm still confused by how anyone Human could possess something like that it can't be a contract nor can that be from becoming a spirit it's unnatural and makes no sense it's starting to hurt thinking about it..also where is Murata}]

Sigurd looks down to find out Murata is no longer in his hands and potentially disappeared but then Murata in a irritated voice then says

[{ I'm over here can't you sense Mantra I'm up here}]

Sigurd was in shock this is the first time in his life anyone has gotten past his ability to sense Mantra let alone his very ability to feel the movement then he thought

[{Sigurd: what was with that movement she's like a ninja to be able to get past my ability to feel which can even feel the seasoning on a piece of chicken or the ingredients in soups it's impossible for a human to move like that especially at that age it's like her instincts and agility are that of a kunoichi and with a build like hers it's still impossible}]

Then Murata questioned the dragon slayer then said

[{Murata: didn't you notice? I got up and moved when you finished talking then I climbed on a tree and followed you the whole time I was wondering when you would notice but I guess y'all are hopeless and we are nearly there but its getting boring so I'll just teleport there}]

Murata then disappeared instantly and Sigurd who was shocked by Murata's skills in what he assumes is the ninja arts then he looks at Adela and says

[{Sigurd: are we going to just ignore the fact that she was able to get passed a literal demigods senses}]

Adela then starts stretching then says

[{Adela: why are you shocked like I said she may not be human like I said didn't you hear that dragon before Murata killed it. It said something about her not being an ordinary little girl now why would a dragon that surpasses an S Rank Gunmage fear a normal human and say they aren't normal}]

Sigurd looked at Adela like he'd had enough and said

[{Sigurd: even if that was the case either way she says she fights for humanity as a human so we will act like she is one regardless if she is or not now let's go I can sense her power from here she is probably signaling her location to help us now I suggest we teleport or run because I don't think we should make them wait}]

Sigurd then disappeared at blinding speeds where even his shadow still stayed still for around a minute then Adela got into a running stance and said

[{Adela: I ain't losing this race there's a reason why they called me the fastest Gunmage in Torakuni}]

[{Gunmage secret arts: Godspeed}]

He speed was leaving afterimages as she run at a start up speed that surpassed that of Sigurds start up and got faster and faster till she saw a hut then she comes to a complete halt and sees Murata, Sigurd and a old man waiting for her in shock she realised Sigurd beat her. He looks at her with a smile and says

[{Sigurd: why so shocked you didn't seriously think you could put run me even with such a pitiful technique such as Godspeed which I really kept asking then to change it as the term "Godspeed" implies it can equal a god but really it should be called "flash step as it sounds just as cool but doesn't feel underwhelming}]

Then the old man says calmly with a smile

[{Mr Yusha: now now no need to get into the small details such as a name I'm sure they had there reasons now what happened at school I heard Murata slayed a dragon}]

They all where not very amused by his obliviousness as to what happened at school then Sigurd asked in annoyance

[{Sigurd: are you seriously going to ignore WHY your granddaughter was attacked by a titan class entity without any explanation other then she was strong we think the dragon king is after her she isn't welcome in this country as it will bring about war now since this country isn't guarded by a divine king then we are at a huge disadvantage}]

The old man then looked the dragon slayer dead in the eyes and said with confidence

[{Mr Yusha: so? If it's manpower you want I have enough to last long enough also what's this about a titan class isn't the highest level only S Rank}]

They start getting annoyed then Adela pulls out a gun aiming it at Murata's grandfather and says

[{Adela: listen here old man we aren't playing games anymore this country is on the verge of becoming like her school reduced to ashes it would be like hell on earth do you think we have time to play games with you}]

The old man then grabbed the gun and broke it before the S Rank Gunmage could react to it then kicked her outside leaving a huge gapping hole in the wall shocking Sigurd who attempted to strike the old man only to be thrown across the room

The old man then said with a calm but dark tone

[{Mr Yūsha: I'm not the one playing games I'm more then capable of defending my granddaughter as you all have witnessed now don't make me prove it further by flicking this country out of existence don't test me!}]

Everyone except Murata was in shock at the old mans vitality it was almost like he was pretending to be old and skinny. Adela who had just heard the conversation as she was coming inside then remembered what Murata said about her Grandfather being stronger then thought

[{Adela: so this is what she meant when she said she was average? He must have been filling her head with lies because no Gunmage is this strong hell Murata may be the strongest Being in this Kingdom maybe she can become a Gunmage on power alone no need to go back to school}]

But then Adela heard another voice but this time it was a woman who spoke in a very frail tone as if She was sick then said

[{old woman: I wouldn't try that if I were you Murata said recently she wanted to become an adventurer Gunmage so she can travel the world why limit yourself to one country?}]

Adela was then Shocked at what the woman was reading her mind then she said

[{Adela: how'd you know Murata wanted to become an Adventurer she said that at school}]

The old frail woman smiled at the S Rank Gunmage then says calmly

[{Mrs Yūsha: I'm a very good listener}]

Adela then started getting annoyed and agitated then said

[{Adela that makes no sense! There is no way you could have heard that from that distance without some special equipment or abilities which no Gunmage even of the S Rank no human especially with your frail body should have that kind of intuition or hearing!!}]

Murata with a blank expression says completely unfazed

[{Murata: you barely brush your teeth or your hair you actually wake up looking like that, your favourite color is green that's why you are wearing a green shirt under your uniform, you sleep facing the right every night, you don't actually do your paperwork like you where supposed to you would rather watch funny cat videos, your favourite video game is city combat specifically the first one, your favourite music genre is j pop but you don't know why, back to city fighter your favourite character is the main character Sun Wukong, you don't wear makeup because you don't see the point in it and last but not least you don't know if you like men or women did I guess it all correctly?}]

Adela was shocked and yelled

[{Adela: are you some kinda stalker no way you know that base on a guess!!!}]

Murata then looks Adela straight in her eyes impatiently then looks at her grandpa and asks

[{Murata: can I go to the bath house now please I'd like to get all this dust off me and change out of this suit underneath because my arm is itchy for some reason}]

Her grandpa looks at her arm then says calmly

[{Mr Yūsha: you may as well it's basic hygiene at your age but and you may want to check out that itch it's most likely because the dragon king has done more then bomb your school take a first aid kit with you as well}]

Then Murata and Adela go to the bath house that had a roof but no walls it was more outside and was more akin to a Japanese hot spring except in the woods they Tybee get ready to go in Murata then begins to was her hair but Adela who hasn't even started washing herself looks at Murata s Hand and says in shock

[{Adela: when did you get a dragon tattoo? I no wonder you where sweaty the whole time you were at school how long where you wearing that latex suit for?}]

Murata stopped what she was doing and replied in annoyance

[{Murata: it's not a latex suit it's a substance that I made which I call "henna nen'eki jou butsu" because of its texture but it's surprisingly thick for a goo especially when it dries out}]

Adela was confused but still questions her tattoo so she asks

[{Adela: so when exactly did you get the tattoo? It couldn't have been on the way here}]

MUrata who was annoyed at the question just and just wanted to bathe then replied

[{Murata: I don't know it just appeared although it looks similar to the one Sigurd has although it's bigger and is around my entire arm it must have came on me when I slayed that dragon like it's soul was embedded in my arm or something}]

Then Sigurd comes in naked with a towel on his shoulder smiling then says

[{Sigurd: correct you are now one of the legendary dragon slayers every time you slay a dragon you will get stronger although it only happens when you actually absorb the dragons soul instead of just killing it although you probably did it unconsciously seeing as you have high potential}]

Murata looked at the tattoo then looked at Sigurds one then she said with a blank expression

[{Murata: does that mean I can breathe fire and fly ? Also why are you naked are you a pervert?}]

Sigurd gets annoyed then says angrily

[{Sigurd: ITS UNISEX YOU FUCKWIT! And also yes you now can use the primal flames of a dragon even some abilities that they possess as well as the one that the one you killed possessed although you need to be able to draw out ki which for some takes years of practice even for geniuses such as myself took years to master the use of dragon ki as it isn't originally human to begin with which is why you need to train like crazy unlike anything you have before}]

Murata then changes from a blank face to a annoyed and impatient expression then all of a sudden both the dragon slayer and the Gunmage changed to a shocked expression when in the distance they heard something like a portal opening when someone came out he was a skeleton with a silver hood carrying a staff who then shouted in a voice which could only be described as if time itself where speaking it was almost divine as it said

[{Strange god: bring me the criminal known as Yūsha Murata}]

But as he finished talking Sigurd comes out still naked [{Sigurd who are you and why do you want with Murata}]

The strange god then says casually

[{Strange god: well you would definitely be the dumbest man in Greece..I mean I am Cheiristis the one who protects the flow of time from people that don't respect it in the name of chronos but why are we here for Murata well let's just say she meddled with time}]

Sigurd shocked at what he's hearing was about to speak but then Murata interrupted him then says in annoyance

[{Murata: what do you mean by i meddled with time if I did Sigurd would know so explain or else!}]

The apostle of time then spoke in a manner as if he

was handing out the death sentence taped his staff the ground twice and said

[{Cheiristis: I will once you put on some clothes do you not have any shame walking around in a forest with your skin bared}]

Murata then looks at her body then looks back up at the god confused then asks

[{Murata: why does that matter he's naked}]

Murata then points at the dragon slayer but the time deity facepalms himself then says

[{Cheiristis: the man is not a girl what has your parental figure been doing}]

Murata then went from confused to annoyed then says with a frown

[{Murata: doesn't matter what grandpa has been doing answer my question NOW}]

The deity then pulls out a sword that glowed a white almost as if it was a sword made of lightning then he says confidently

[{Cheiristis: no need for a child to know other then you must die for the sake of chronos}]

He then bolted towards Murata only for her to dodge at speeds that not even Sigurd could see and then both the time god and the Gunmage became little blurs only for the time god to stop and say instantly

[{Cheiristis: that's enough I'll have to end this you may be above space time now but are you above this}]

[{multi layered time stop}]

then Tapped his staff as time began to slow down to the point where Murata who was just a blur before could barely move at all until everyone and everything just stopped even the expansion of the observable universe has stopped moving then the god looked at Murata realising that she is still bare and says

[{Cheiristis: you really don't have any shame huh oh well there's nothing you can do even S rank beings who surpass space time and are said to move beyond linear time are rendered useless by this technique bye honoured one you could have lived a good life but you had to meet me if only you where stronger}]

He then lifted up his staff as it started glowing the god then heard someone's voice say

[{strange voice:oh my this is an interesting technique but this isn't enough Murata who said you could rest get up I also fixed your slime suit}]

The god confusingly looked at Murata then back at the old man who just so happened to be Mr Yūsha then he said with confidence

[{Cheiristis: did you not hear what I said there's no way she could move in a multi layered time stop even S rank mages are said to be above the concept of space time yet are rendered immobile by this technique}]

The old man then looked the god dead in the eyes and says

[{Mr Yūsha: yes above space time but not speed}]

The time deity then looked at Murata as time began to crack as she was freeing herself from the time spell making small cracks in space time then suddenly she used that same mysterious power that she used against the dragon then as she was going in for a strike she said with confidence

[{Murata: I don't know what your beef with me is but you are annoying me so Disappear!}]

She then struck him with enough force to bend space Then her grandpa says with with curiosity

[{Mr Yūsha: are you sure you can beat him with your fists or will you need a weapon?}]

Then Murata looked back and replied

[{Murata: What weapon could possibly help me defeat that I don't think a gun is very effective}]

The old man then threw a metal object at Murata then she caught it instantly then he said calmly

[{Mr Yūsha: now it would be boring if we didn't have an audience to witness this fight}]

Then suddenly the dragon slayer and S Rank Gunmage Sigurd and Adela where unfrozen watching a Bare Murata holding a metal object then the S Rank Gunmage said confused

[{Adela: what is that you are holding are you serious going to use a magic object to fight that thing}]

Murata then sees the words << tetsutō Avaron >> As she then inspects it and then says gleefully

[{Murata: the legendary weapon of the god class Avalon also known as the iron fortress Avalon or a thousand man one titan it is said that the first user was weak and could barely hold a sword but with Avalon he had the power of a thousand S rank Gunmages a weapon that literally transcends imagination because as long as the user can think it up it could become it even a literal living being but I think I know the best way to use it now}]

The metal slab then glows and breaks apart then it starts attaching itself to Murata becoming clothes that are more suited for speed based fighting and loosely based on the design of a kunoichi then the time deity says with confidence

[{Cheiristis: do you honestly believe some clothes will help you beat me what even is the point of using such a weapon if you will only use it for clothing}]

Then Murata who was barely paying attention to the deity then lifts up her hand then facing the god then she says in annoyance

[{Murata: you talk to much..disappear!}]

As she said that a large blast of invisible energy came bursting from her hand knocking the deity to a near immeasurable distance from her location then she lowered her hand and looked in Cheiristis's direction then disappeared at speeds that shocked everyone around her then she ran to the still flying time god and said

[{Murata: I'm sick of always fighting with you type of people unless you're one of the four kings or their generals FUCK OFF}]

Then she made a motion mimicking a dragon claw with her hand as if she was grabbing something heavy then fire appears in her hand as she attempts to strike Cheiristis then she says in a dark voice

[{Murata: burn all in the universe}]

[{burning dragon strike}]

Then she strikes the time god with enough force it makes an explosion so big it literally dissipates the time spell effecting the universe as the god then burns into ash and disappears into the sunset as the god vanished Murata looks at her hand noticing her change in aura then says

[{Murata: so that's what everyone was saying? I really did power up I wonder what this feeling is it isn't magic or mantra and it's certainly not the dragon tattoo? I guess I should study in the library some more}]

As she finished talking to herself the form wears off and Muratais about to faint again then suddenly Adela yells in the distance

[{Adela: hey Murata you done yet it seems you finally learned to tap into that mysterious power but what's that energy it seems almost too different to what we normally use mantra or magic but I have never seen that energy}]

Murata then comes out of her new form and says meticulously

[{Murata: I don't know but I feel like I have seen this before it's like something similar but warmer and more calmer whenever I entered the form it made me feel at home like I was truly myself again}]

Sigurd then says confidently

[{Sigurd: it's ki or in the Norse realm we call it seid the reason why you feel calm is because it increases the nerves in your brain that make you calm thus more focused when using it to transform making it the best form of energy to practice although as I said before it's also the hardest to use}]

Murata then looked annoyed but quickly changed to a completely different tone seemingly happy then says with a smile

[{Murata: then we will have to find a trainer who is willing to teach me then also that's enough talking let's go find the guild and get going}]

The scene then shifts to 20 minutes later Sigurd, Adela and Murata are at a guild that was labeled "Tiger heart Guild" then Murata says in a Casual yet Disappointed tone

*[{Murata: it's kinda sad Grandpa and Grandma couldn't join us but I guess they need some space since Grandma has been feeling sick lately}]

Sigurd then says in a slightly shocked tone

[{Sigurd: What do you mean by that? Your telling me she is sick?}]

Murata then says in a saddened tone

[{Murata: ever since I came back from the excursion to the Greek realm grandma had been feeling sick I thought it was flu but I then saw her Coughing up blood at night when I was going to get some water anyhow we don't have the time to worry I need to go get a guild registration card and leave for the next country which I believe is the dragon kingdom and destroy the Leviathan}]

Adela then raises an eyebrow then says

[{Adela: destroy the Leviathan? Murata I don't think you realise how strong Leviathan is it's said that Leviathan was created a long time ago do you even know what the Leviathan is?

murata then says with a curious look

[{Murata: no Adela tell me the story of the Leviathan?}]

Sigurd then sighs then starts to breathe in and out before saying

[{Sigurd: a long time ago god created the earth and he created Adam and Eve then well we all know that story and blah blah blah well later on God decided humans didn't fear him as much as they should so I created two great and ancient beasts "the sea dragon Leviathan and the great beast Behemoth" these two beasts represented Gods unbounded and infinite power given form albeit weaker but no being could withstand their might even the Patron saint of Protection was nothing to these beasts}]

Murata then stares at Sigurd before almost chuckling then she retorts with ignorance

[{Murata: ppffht come on " Gods strength given form yet he's weaker than god?" That's got to be a total joke}]

Suddenly Murata gets an image of a light brown finder haired man with four pure white wings who wears armour of a Byzantine soldier wielding a pure silver short sword fighting what looks like a giant dragon that's breathing fire and is the size of a mountain suddenly Murata collapses to her knees from the intensity of the flashbacks as she struggles to comprehend what she saw. Murata then says shakily

[{Murata: what the fuck was that? I think I just witnessed a man battling the Leviathan in the Spiritual Realm!!?}]

Adela then says with skepticism

[{Adela: what? A man battling Leviathan? No no that's not possible the only MAN in history who could even stand a chance is Samson, Adam and Camino that person had to have been an "Eishyuu" or "Divine champion" there's no way that it was a human man}]

Murata then says with a confused and distressed tone laced with Skepticism

[{Murata: he had four angelic wings and carried a sword of pure silver}]

Sigurds eyes widened as he had once encountered a man who fit that description. Sigurd remembered an Angel with four wings that had carried a sword and looked to be a Byzantine warrior who radiated an aura of power Sigurd remembered the bottomless and divine might of this being if supernatural power

Sigurd then says with surprise and haste

[Sigurd: you witnessed the Patron Saint do battle with Leviathan? That's not possible only god himself could even be in its presence}]

Murata then says with a hint of Skepticism and slight denial

[{Murata: I'm sorry but who is this Patron Saint? Also I didn't think there was an angel who goes by the title of "Saint"}]

Sigurd then says with slight annoyance at Murata denial

[{Sigurd: well he is in fact he's the only angel to be referred to as "Archangel" and he's strong in fact dare I say he's the strongest being I have ever seen now let's go and get you your damn license and get out to see the dragon kingdom}]

Murata then nodes then says with slight annoyance yet acceptance

[{Murata: Fine let's go so we can kick some dragon ass}]

And that wraps up this chapter sorry I guess I got writers block and didn't know how to go on with the writing anyhow see you in the next chapter which I'll probably struggle to think up a title for