Catching up from the last chapter Yusha Murata , Sigurd and Adela are at the tiger heart guild as Murata goes to the Register then The girl who has a name tag on her shirt that says "Hilda" at the counter says with a casual and innocent tone
[{Hilda: I don't remember seeing you around? You must be trying to register to be an Adventurer correct?}]
Murata then grabs a bunch of papers and ID's then says calmly
[{Murata: correct I have all the necessary documents even my Birth certificate, my Gunmage candidate license card, my Photo ID, my Adventurer license application, My legal Guardian permission note, proof that my legal guardian signed it}]
Holds then says with slight surprise and confusion at all the documentation
[{Hilda: Madam why bring all this?}]
Murata then looks at the girl with a stern and confused expression before saying
[{Murata: What do you mean? My Grandfather said I needed this?}]
Hilda then looks at the documentation then say with confusion
[{Hilda: Madam this type of documentation is ancient if you asked for an application today people would think your either senile or a fool this is something you would need from a thousand years ago or even says that it expired 3 thousand years ago Madam are you sure your even human?}]
Murata then sighs with frustration then looks at the application and says
[{Murata: honestly no I don't think so some people I'm I'm a divine being others say I'm just "born to be strong" which is a sugar coated version of I have a lot of talent but either way I identify as human and I fight for humans so even if I turn out to be the reincarnation of evil or something I don't care}]
Hilda then looks at her with skepticism then says casually
[{Hilda: well either way we need to test you first follow me and I'll take you to Tatsumori for testing}]
Murata, Adela and Sigurd then follow Hilda to a dungeon like place where a man with silver Baige hair and a black eye patch wearing a traditional black hiori suit is in chains and looks starved then Sigurd then says with fright and concern
[{Sigurd: hey hey hold it there ya little shit you said His name was "Tatsumori" right?}]
Hilda then says completely unbothered by Sigurds sudden interference
[{Hilda: yeah that's "Tatsumori the dragon scale swordsman and renowned "master of the formless sword art" it was said that he was defeated by the Patron Saint of protection after he challenged him to a fight but lost instantly with a single glare then sealed off because the patron Saint didn't want to kill hik but considered him too dangerous to let go so instead he opted to seal him here instead usually one can pass to become an S Rank just by being able to shoot him because no normal mage can even be near him without fainting let alone fight him}]
Suddenly Tatsumori woke up his Aura radiating with boundless power his red eyes gleaming with desire for combat then he looked at Murata then at her purse then says with desperation
[{Tatsumori: hey Hilda that little girl has Avalon let me out i have an idea that will benefit both parties}]
Hilda then says with an innocent smile contrasting her tone
[{Hilda: how about no you have a contract and you'll stick to it otherwise I'll use the saints coin to send you to the underworld}]
Tatsumori then says with slight annoyance and desperation at wanting to get out
[{Tatsumori: come on fine let's make another deal but it will be between me and that little girl}]
Murata then looks at him with skepticism not sure if she should trust his words after hearing about him having a contract then she says
[{Murata: let me hear the deal I'm not so stupid as to get tricked}]
Tatsumoris mood then lightens up then he says confidently
[{Tatsumori: Avalon has a power that allows you to use the magic and ability of those you absorb but you can only use it once and when you absorb it into the system it becomes a part of you pretty much I'll become your little friend inside your Avalon if you let me out and if you don't believe me I'll impose a contract on myself so any form of betrayal even if I where to be freed would automatically send me down to hell no chance of redemption like ever}]
Murata then looks surprised then she says with Skepticism
[{Murata: a contract with a master swordsman sounds too good to be true and your already under a contract plus are you even legally allowed to be here}]
Tatsumori then says with annoyance at her question
[{Tatsumori: what's that supposed to mean!?..hey your not supposed to say that!}]
Hilda then interjects the conversation then says
[{Hilda: yes he legally can exist if you hadn't pointed it out then maybe we could have gotten away with it well not that anyone can say anything since it's a matter of blatant copying then a small similarity in appearance}]
Murata then sighs and says with Skepticism
[{Murata: fine I'll accept the deal but ok one condition}]
Tatsumori then says with desperation and relief at the potential cost of finally being free
[{Tatsumori: fine anything as long as I get to become a part of Avalon and be free}]
Murata then thinks for a second about her condition then says
[{Murata: first I want to fight you second if I win I want you to teach me Ki manipulation but if I lose I'll accept the conditions without that condition second I want you to tell me everything about that Patron Saint that you know third I want to integrate the sword that you use into Avalon so that I can slay the Leviathan}]
Tatsumori then chuckles then says with amusement
[{Tatsumori: how about no}]
Murata then Raises an Eyebrow then says in annoyance
[{Murata: what?! The fuck you mean no? You where so desperate before now you don't want to be free?}]
Tatsumori then laughs at her annoyance before saying with a straight face
[{Tatsumori: no because I'll teach it to you regardless I don't think you realise how much you'll learn from me being inside Avalon you'll have all my memories and skills integrated instantly you'll even be able to use that Dragon tattoo you got from slaying a Dragon}]
Muratas eyes widened at his response before looking at him confused
[{Murata: Wait so that's why I can't sense any magic?!! You don't use Magic but you use Ki? So if I have you I'll have the Ability to not only control Ki but to sense it and unlock my mark's Potential?}]
Tatsumori then laughs then says arrogantly
[{Tstsumori: that's right girl your you'll become the biggest badass in all the lands!! Soon you'll have the powers of the great Tatsumori the dragon scale Swordsman and first sword Saint in history this means you'll evolve into a sword Saint you'll literally become one step closer to defeating Leviathan and killing the 4four kings!}]
Murata then raises an Eyebrow and says with confusion
[{Murata: wait how'd you know I wanted to kill the four kings?}]
Tatsumori then laughs cockily then says with a smile gleaming with confidence
[{Tatsumori: because I can sense intent and you said you wanted to cut down Leviathan no one says such stupidity without a good reason although careful you'll only get 1% of my physical capabilities but your magical powers and skills will sky rocket exponentially}]
Tatsumori then breaks out of his chains with such dimness Hilda, Sigurd and Adela realised that Tatsumori wasn't captured by force but by his own volition then Tatsumori says with a confident laugh
[{Tatsumori: it's been a 5 thousand years since I had this much fun, yo Hilda get me some Fish and bread I haven't eaten in a hundred years}]
Hilda then runs out to go get him the fish and bread
an hour later Hilda gets a whole bag of fish and bread then Tatsumori scoffs it like a wild animal in under a minute then he grabs Muratas bag which was actually Avalon turned into a bag then he grabbed his sword then combine the two now Avalon had a dark purple glow to it.
then Tatsumori starts to glow as he then is absorbed by Avalon then it becomes a sort of black suit around Murata as the two are now one thin suddenly Muratas aura bursts into a light red and gold that pierces the dungeon roof destroying everything as Murata gains a crimson red hair and golden yellow eyes then Murata says with intrigue and surprise
[{Murata: so this is the power of a dragon? I feel all of Tatsumoris skills and strength flow into me even just gaining one percent of his power has made my power skyrocket}]
Murata then uses Avalon to create a jet black Katana then she swings it one and a single slash created a portal in space time creating a portal then she tries to tap into the power she used before but nothing worked then she says with annoyance
[{Murata: it seems you where wrong Sigurd I need more training but I guess this works just fine}]
Sigurd who was frozen in shock then says shakily
[{Sigurd: I don't think you are Human Murata even for a human that progress goes beyond even the Aesir and Vanir gods}]
Murata then dissipates her Katana then says with an innocent smile trying to reassure everyone that she's on their side no matter what
[{Murata: doesn't matter I fight for Humanity and I identity as Human I don't care if I'm human or the reincarnation of the devil I fight for justice and that's all that matters so let's go I want to destroy the Leviathan}]
Sigurd then says with a slight nervous Chuckle
[{Sigurd: yeah I sure hope it stays that way for long}]
Suddenly in the distance a small white tiger appears on one of the rocks then says casually
[{Small tiger: hello kid I heard you plan to kill Leviathan? If so I'd like to help you since I got a bone to pick with her}]
Murata then raises an Eyebrow then says with confused Skepticism
[{Murata: and you expect us to just believe you? What's your name and what do you want?}]
The little tiger then says with annoyance
[{Snall tiger: listen here you little shi- I mean I can be anything you choose to name me it's up to you}]
Murata then says with a straight face
[{Murata: then I choose "kuso Rōneko" (shitty old cat) }]
[{small Cat: you little smartass!}]
[{Murata: fine fine I'm kidding we can think of something else gosh someone forgot to take their meds today}]
[{Small cat: I'll scratch you!}]
Sigurd then interjects with a small nervous smile then says
[{Sigurd: ok how about something less offensive like just "Neko"}]
[{Neko: fine anything but what she said}]
[{Murata: fine I guess that works but what's your deal with Leviathan?}]
Neko then sighs and says calmly
[{Neko: the school they was shot down by that Dragon also ended up killing my brother "Tora" when I saw his burnt corpse I decided to help the next survivor defeat Leviathan no matter what}]
Murata then clenches her fist at the small tigers word then she says with determination
[{Murata: then let's go we got a dragon to kill}]
Murata, Neko, Adela and Sigurd then walks towards the dragon kingdom and as they do they go through a jungle for several days and eventually take refuge in a small cave but as Murata is training suddenly she senses a dark power one so powerful it feels even stronger then Tatsumori then a demonic voice filled with malice then says
[{???: you must be the new Avalon user and this generations sword Saint?}]
Murata then creates a silver short sword then says with confusion and fright
[{Murata: who the fuck are you and show yourself!}]
Suddenly an angelic being with rusted wings and rusted armour slowly appeares then says cockily
[{???: I am Asbeel one of the watchers}]
Murata then raises an Eyebrow then puts her hands on her hits then says with Skepticism
[{Murata: oh so your a pervert ok got it}]
[{Asbeel:what?..ok first of all rude second of all I'm here for Avalon not your body as appealing as it is that's not why I'm here}]
[{Murata: so your here to rob me?
[{Asbeel: what?..fine if that's how you wanna put it then yes I'm here to rob you!}]
[{Murata: sorry but Avalon is kinda like the only reason I have clothes right now}]
[{Asbeel: I really don't care so we can do this the hard way or the ea-}]
Before Asbeel could react Murata struck him in the nose and sending him flying into a tree then Asbeel wipes his nose then says with annoyance
[{Asbeel: so you chose the hard way? I'll have you know not many can beat an angel let alone one sent to watch over humanity}]
Murata then tries to slash him with her blade but the swords blade starts to rot away then Murata says with surprise
[{Murata: well they don't call you the "angel of ruin" for nothing huh}]
[{Asbeel: well no shit what did you think was going to happen?}]
[{Murata: well not this not gonna lie}]
Suddenly a shotgun round hit Asbeel in the face then he looks to See Sigurd holding a shotgun with one hand then Asbeel says with annoyance
[{Asbeel: oh come on there's more!}]
[{Sigurd: yeah and I suggest you don't test me because i got plenty more magic power inside me}]
Asbeel then uses teleportation to appear behind Sigurd then touches the gun destroying it instantly then Murata uses a breathe of fire sending Asbeel flying back from the force, Asbeel goes in to attack Murata with a ball of black smoke then Murata instinctively hardens her body with Ki and loses her hands as they turn black with rot barely able to use her hands, she then grabs her gun to shoot but suddenly a voice gleaming with Authority
[{???: put the gun down young lady}]
Murata, Sigurd, Asbeel and Adela then see a man man walking towards them he was an angel of light wearing armour of gold and gemstones yet it was covered in a veil of darkness then Asbeel says in shock and surprise
[{Asbeel: well well well if it isn't the most hated being in existe-}]
The angel then grabbed his neck then says with arrogance and pride
[{???: shut it rat! Speak when you are spoken to}]
Murata then looks at the Angel then says with confusion and surprise
[{Murata: ok who are you? You can't be the Patron Saint and your appearance tells me your evil but your helping us!?}]
The man then drops Asbeel then laughs and says with arrogance
[{???: ok how is it not obvious? Im literally wrapped in darkness and Asbeel literally called me the most hated being in existence!}]
[{Murata: ooh ok I see your the one who invented math?}]
[{???: I'm literally Lucifer not the guy who invented maths!}]
Asbeel then raises a hand then says weakly
[{Asbeel: I personally don't see a difference}]
Lucifer then punches Asbeel face knocking him out instantly then Lucifer says with annoyance
[{Lucifer: anyhow I'm Lucifer the devil, the great deceiver or whatever I don't know people have like 500+ names for me alone it's annoying anyhow I was bored and I owe your dad a favour}]
Murata then widens in surprise then says with desperation
[{Murata: you Know my father!!!? Who is he!!? And where is he!!!}]
[{Lucifer: wow wow hold it there buddy you'll find that out eventually it's only a matter of time for now I'm here to train you}]
Lucifer then senses a similar power within Murata then says with intrigue
[{Lucifer: hold up is that the Mother fucking Dragon scale sword Saint Tatsumori I sense!?}]
Murata then says with a slight smile of amusement at his excitement
[{Murata: yes it's him I absorbed him into Avalon and gained less then a fraction his powers}]
[{Lucifer: shit you really are something huh? To even wield Avalon you need to at least wield a massive reserve of magic I think whoever made your earrings must have wanted you to seal off your immense power and hopefully make it so that when you do get stronger your power will skyrocket exponentially so I will Train you to defeat the likes of Asbeel and Leviathan just come with me}]
Lucifer then uses divine energy to heal Muratas rotting hands then he lifts her up and they both are sent to an arena surrounded by a lake of fire then Lucifer snaps his fingers and he appears to be a beautiful man with dark gray wings then he says confidently
[{Lucifer: unleash your dragon soul form and take a stance I'll fight with just my hands you can use any means necessary}]
Muratas aura then shakes the dimension as she Transforms then she takes a low stance then she uses a breathe attack which Lucifer simply slaps out of the way then Murata goes in for a leg Sweep but Lucifer simply jumps into the air then Murata jumps towards him and punches him with a flame infused fist, Lucifer then kicks her to the ground then Suddenly Murata shoots a beam of condensed Plasma, Lucifer then thinks to himself
[{Lucifer: so she really is getting stronger huh? And it seems she's mastering fire magic?}]
Suddenly Murata pulls out a handgun then shoots it at Lucifer who simply descends and punches her in the gut knocking her out instantly then he says proudly
[{Lucifer: it seems you progressed faster then I had hoped in this small encounter your potential is limitless dare I say more so then your father}]
Lucifer then lifts up Murata then flies away back to the area from before
After a while Asbeel wakes up then says to himself
[{Asbeel: it seems I must leave before he gets back}]
Suddenly Murata appears behind him and puts her hand on his shoulder then says calmly
[{Murata: where do you think you are going?}]
Asbeel then grabs his blade and attempts to slash her in one hit but Murata Dodges then uppercuts him in the chin then says calmly
[{Murata: I'm not done with you I won't let you go until you learn and beg}]
Suddenly The voice of Tatsumori comes from Avalon as he says
[{Tatsumori: wow wow chill out Murata let the man live}]
[{Murata: so you can talk? Oh well fine but only because I want to get out of here and destroy the Leviathan}]
Lucifer then interjects then says calmly
[{Lucifer: you realise you can just add him into Avalon and his powers will stay even if you eject him from Avalon since it stores the power and Memory of the person?}]
Murata then smiles Mischievously then absorbs Asbeel, a moment later Murata ejects him but allows him to escape then Murata says calmly
[{Murata: I only needed his magical and physical powers I don't care about his abilities it's easily counterable by simply being stronger and coating your body in Magic, it's only truly terrifying to those who don't have enough strength}]
[{Lucifer: is that so? Well I guess you learnt a lot today guess someone's finally grown up
Lucifer then punches her cheek innocently but Murata didn't take kindly to that and slugged him at full force then he says in annoyance
[{Lucifer: that is no way to treat your uncle!}]
Murata then looks at him sternly then says
[{Murata: that explains a lot then ya fucking perv}]
[{Lucifer: I'm literally the greatest evil I don't think you realise how little a pinch on the cheek!}]
Murata then ignores him and goes back to her group, Lucifer then says calmly with a hint of annoyance
[{Lucifer: the nerve on that girl honestly!}]
A moment later Neko crawls towards Murata then says calmly
[{Neko: so you beat that Watchers ass and let him go? Do you not see the problem with that?}]
Murata then raises an eyebrow then says calmly
[{Murata: no I decided he was weak enough not to be a threat so I let him go}]
Sigurd then laughs and says
[{Sigurd: so you decided he was a weakling and let him go? I don't know if that was just arrogance or stupidity but that's funny}]
Murata then stretches aggressively then says calm yet weakly
[{Murata: who cares honestly the piece of shit won't hurt us and we can rest now. is there a bath or lake? I need to rest and I need to clean myself up I haven't bathed in two days}]
[{Neko: no clue but you don't need a bath}]
Murata then raises an eyebrow and says with a voice of skepticism and confusion
[{Murata: what do you mean of course I need a bath I can even smell it}]
[{Neko: because when you gain the dragon soul form from killing a dragon your body stops aging and your body stays in an eternal cycle of perfection in other words you lose your ability to age and your ability to grow hair theats why "Mister Dragon slayer" Sigurd over there has a perfectly shaved beard the motherfucker only shaved once!!}]
[{Murata: I smell like shit that's gotta be a lie}]
[{Neko: obviously it won't get rid of the stench still on you ya brat!}]
Murata then sticks her tongue out and flips the bird and walks away to go shower
The scene then moves to a moment later in the deeper depths of the cave where Murata is now in a make shift spa which she made using Magic then The voice of Tatsumori then asks calmly
[{Tatsumori: wait so your telling me you have always had the power to purify what by injecting mana into it? Are you sure your not the daughter of Poseidon?}]
[{Murata: God forbid honestly the last thing I want is to be a Greek gods daughter}]
[{Tatsumori: fair enough they're all a bunch of wankers..except Hades he's the only good one he's like an angel among demons}]
Murata then snorts back a laugh then asks calmly
[{Murata: anyhow now that you can talk I have been meaning to ask about the patron Saint Michael}]
Tatsumori then feels the chill of death and shudders at the memory of Michael's face then says
[{Tatsumori: all I can say is be glad he's a hero they say he's built like a tank well I think the opposite I think a tank is built like Saint Michael I thought everything about him was bullshit but's only his warmup I mastered the formless but he read me like a book I tried literally attacking the very concept of Saint Michael but my blade which regenerates regardless of how much you crush it took a thousand years to heal from one snap}]
[{Murata: are we talking about an angel or a devil? You seem scared}]
[{Tatsumori: if you fought him you'd be pissing yourself out of fear he's no Devil..he's a devil killer no a demon slayer the angels say be not afraid but Michael if you see very afraid if he's anywhere either someone is gonna die or a miracle will happen}]
Murata then thinks about what Tatsumori says the power of Saint Michael seems almost infinite but then she Remembers Leviathan is supposed to be stronger. She looks up then says with desperation
[{Murata: there's got to be something we can do? It seems our goal is nearly impossible, can we even win?}]
The spirit of Tatsumori sees Murata on the verge of tears then he says calmly
[{Tatsumori: ok this is getting gloomy if you don't think you can win then I'll train you just release me I may have 1% of my original power but if we fight we can both surpass the saint and Leviathan we can be the strongest duo in creation we can be like Chocolate and mint!}]
Murata then starts to tear up then Tatsumori asks
[{Tatsumori: what's got you crying did I say something wrong?..please tell me those are tears of joy!}]
[{Murata: mint and Chocolate do not go together!!!}]
[{Tatsumori: they do to!}]
After an hour Murata walked out of the cave that her and the group set up to see Lucifer sitting on a log Murata sees that the fallen angel is determined but her mind raced with the question "what does the devil want with her and is it linked to the watcher who attacked her" Murata then walked towards the Fallen one determined to find an answer, the angel then sees her walking towards her then he says with a confused tone
[{Lucifer: what do you want kid? And if your here to ask about the realm above then forget it all the benefits of heaven have been wiped from my being}]
[{Murata: ok first of all what? Second no I have questions about Michael}]
[{Lucifer: Michael? As in the actor? The game creator?}]
[{Murata: no the Archangel I heard your one of the only people who survived a fight with him}]
Lucifer who was trying to dodge the question then sighs in slight irritation and says
[{Lucifer: alright he's a swordsman in fact he's the strongest Swordsman and throughout the divine realm he's the strongest so Strong that the Supreme gods don't stand a chance so Strong that even That monster doesn't stand a chance}]
[{Murata: that Monster? You mean Leviathan?}]
[{Lucifer: what? No I mean the Supreme god of war Eisen}]
And that's all for now I guess that writer's block has really effected me and my writing I feel like I'm writing myself into a corner sometimes because I don't know what I'm doing or if I'm going in the right direction anyways I'll see ya next time