Welcome back one and all to the strange and ever-evolving world of Enverdolmal!
As always, I hope this finds you well.
I am so sorry that I didn't do this much, much sooner, as I am sure there are many of you who may have wanted this information a lot sooner than just now lol.
But I got you!
I have been hard at work conceptualizing so many Characters, abilities, origin stories, village names, and so very much more for you all, and I would love nothing more than to get it all out of my head and notebooks, and online here for you all to actually be able to absorb!
As a kid, I would fall even more in love with books that featured a world map, and even more so in love with those writers who took the time to do deep and enthralling world-building. I really want to replicate that feeling for my readers. I would love for you all to love my stories, and the world that they are based in plays a big part in that I think.
**Also! I am currently working on a full-fledged WORLD MAP!!! Head on over to the One Last Knight Facebook page to catch a glimpse of it! If you are reading this from Wattpad, you may have seen some of the posted images already!
So here we go! I present to you: Well... many things! Locations and information about them mostly! I hope this holds you all over until we meet again, here at the gate of Enverdolmal.
*Side note and fun fact! I base a lot of names and things on the continental language collection known as Afrikaans. I think that it is beautiful in the way that it rolls from the tongue, and I really wanted that rare representation of this place since I have personally only come across a single "Fiction Fantasy" book in my youth that was based as such, even though I KNOW there must be many more lol. It was called "The Ear, The Eye, and the Arm." If you are interested.
I love you all dearly.
Here is a recap on the way life spans and ages for different species work in Enverdolmal. and an explanation on what Aether is and how it works on a basic level.
Aether: The natural energies that fuel the world and everything in creation. Many of the sentient creatures and human-humanoids on Enverdolmal are sensitive to Aether, and are thus able to manipulate it to one degree or another in a plethora of applications.
-Spell casting.
-Enhanced Combat Techniques.
-Automaton fuel.
-Sigil and Rune casting.
and much, much more, typically pending on the user, and or region.
*Resilience = How much of a beating one can physically take.
*Resistance = How much of an effect magical abilities and sources have on the character.
*Low magic: Practical spells that most well trained folk, and some self-trained folk can use freely. These types of spells vary in effectiveness based on how well trained the caster is, and how strong their affinity for Aether is. Some examples include but are not limited to:
-Elemental manipulation spells. (Fire balls, Bolts of Lightning, and the likes.)
-Low level healing spells.
-Low level push/pull spells.
-Low level mental assaults.
*High magic: Spells and abilities that can effect the world at large.
-Weather manipulation spells.
-Blood/Death spells.
-Life/High healing spells.
-Probability spells.
-Summoning spells
There are many more types of both Low and High level magics to be listed, but where is the fun in giving away ALL of the abilities here!?
Lifespans are a bit weird here in Enverdolmal :-) Nothing to crazy thought I assure you.
A year is know as an SC or "Sun Cycle" and one SC is 366 days (give or take.)
One day-night cycle is 28 hours, about 30 additional hours a year when compared to our real world calendar.
HLS- Human Lifespan.
Humans: 1x1 Sun Cycle . = 1 Year or one rotation around the Sun.
Dwarfs: 3x HLS. The average Dwarf will live 3 times longer than the average human.
Elves: 4x1HLS. The average Elf will live 4 times longer than the average human.
Goblins: 2x1 HLS. The average Goblin will live twice as long as the average human.
Orcis: 2.5x1 HLS. The average Orcis will live 2.5 times longer than the average human.
Ogre: 3x1 HLS. The average Ogre will live 3 times longer than the average human.
Ordin: (Goblin/Orcis hybrid. Randomized physical characteristics based on parental species.) 3.5x1 HLS. The average Ordin will live 3 times longer than the average human.
Dwarfym: (Human/Dwarf hybrid who retains Human height and features.) 2x HLS. The average Dwarfym will live twice as long as the average human.
Tinker-Kin: (Dwarf/Human hybrid who retains Dwarven height and features.) 1.5x HLS. The average Tinker-Kin will live 1.5 times longer than the average human.
Changeling: ??? HLS.
Elfym: (Elf and Human genetics are always harmonized if the pregnancy makes it to the second trimester. A rare happenstance. Neither bloodlines characteristics show more physically than the other.) 2.5x HLS. The average Elfym will live 2.5 times longer than the average human.
Loose translation from: *Een Vir Almal* which means: One for all.
Thousands upon thousands of years in times past, Enverdolmal was a lush and healthy world, yet it was devoid of animal life outside of four great and mighty Dragons.
These were the Living Elements: Water, Wind, Earth, and Thunder.
**Thunder here is the physical manifestation of sound in short. I know Lightning comes before Thunder, and is the Element whereas Thunder comes from Lightning. Nonetheless, this is fiction folks lol. I wont always stick to the Rule of Cool.**
From the sky came the Twin Dragons, a pair of Immortal Elements. From the darkness of space both Fire and Ice made Enverdolmal their new resting place.
These two were Life and Death.
The balance was upset and the world was bathed in Draconic conflict. The six Dragons found peace and truce in the form of a great and all encompassing slumber. An age of Ice and nothingness. One that would see them fade away physically, and become the very Aether that fueled the new world and its rapid growth after the Great Thaw.
With the Great Thaw came new life. New death.
Animals, one and all evolved from countless lineages of Dragon dust and essence.
Fanged. Feathered. Furred. All came to be and evolve from that which was once Dragon.
Humans, born of the need for not only guardians, but caretakers of the new world.
From them, and time, and exposure, came the many varied Humanoid species.
From the Forested-bound folk, the Elf.
From the Mountain-bound, the Dwarf.
And as they grew, and learned, and loved, and hated, and warred, they intermingled and became even more: The Tinker-kin (also referred to at times as the Halfling) the Dwarfym, and the Elfym.
From the need to balance and mayhap even counter the existence and rapid expansions of Humanity, came Monsters. They were born from the most desolate and polluted parts of nature (most of these places came to be that way due to Humanity in one fashion or another) and sought only to kill, to hunt, and to breed.
Among them were the Goblins, the Orcis, the Ordin: A disturbing cross species of Goblin and Orcis, the Troll, the Ogre, and a list of many other crosses and subspecies.
War found Enverdolmal as was inevitable.
But then, and always, so-to world peace.
With time and effort, Kingdoms and Queendoms where erected, Boarders were lined, and maps were drawn. The world came to know some semblance of what it is today.
The balance between Light and Dark is in constant flux, but this is in our favor (my good Reader) for how else would such tales come to be?
Welcome one and all, to the ever-evolving world of Enverdolmal.
I'll start with each Kingdom and Queendom so that you all can get a good footing. From there, I will go through the major Dorpies (Villages), Towns, and Cities in each, where our characters find themselves.
Our first up is the Queendom of Naeri.
*In order from North most to South.*
Queendom of Naeri.
Current ruler: Queen Seerah Sywates IV. (Pronounced SEE-RAH) Last name is loosely translated from Afrikaans "Sy wat is" meaning: She who is.
Regional Elemental Affinity: Earth & Fire.
Military Force: Naeri Defense Force (Main Army) and The Knights of Naeri.
Forged in the collective minds of the first Dragons during their great slumber as they watched the new world grow through Aetheral eyes. The first Humans awoke in Naeri, Enverdolmals Northern-most region, and slowly migrated South. Those who stayed in the wilds of the North grew hardy and knowledgeable with time and direct experience. They learned quickly to work the forest and produce wood. They took up farming and learned agriculture, sharing secrets among the different cultures that evolved with time, and came to settled the land. They took to the Mountains, and even the Seas which surrounded the Northern most lands. Naerians are known the world over as avid Adventurers, Pioneers, and Explorer's. It's prestigious school -Garth Verlore- produces yearly some of the best in not only might, but magic as well.
*Fun Fact: "Naeri" is a portmanteau word. It comes from "Neither here, nor there." I am also rather proudly part Nigerian, so it is a bit of a spin on that as well.*
Major Exports and points of interest:
-Minerals and preciouses stones.
-Fresh water Fish.
-Fresh Water.
-Location of Garth Verlore.
-Knights of Naeri are stationed and christened here. Originators of the "Rapid Adjust" Technique and Sigil. (Rapid Adjust allows one to quickly decern an enemies physical and magical capabilities while combat progresses, and adjust in turn as time passes.)
-Experiences most seasons.
Kopstad, Naeri Queendom.
Loose translation from *Kaapstad* which means: Cape Town.
Mentioned in: "Blood. Leaf. Stone. Part ."
A small and humble frontier village that grew in both prominence and safety due to the arrival and subsequent alliance with a small yet mightily loyal Dwarven Clan. Kopstad has a small yet respectable Harbor, its populace is a healthy and surprisingly well balance mixture of both Human and Dwarven cultures. Many believe that it is from this lone place that all of the Dwarfym in Enverdolmal originate.
Kabouteval, Naeri Queendom.
Loose translation from *Kabouters val* which means: Goblins Fall.
Mentioned in: "Go your own way. Part 1."
Translated roughly to "Goblins Fall." this tough and weathered frontier Dorpies walls have faced their fare (and unfair) share of hardships and battle. It's geological location, far to the North and near to open planes, dense forest, and mountain ranges, is unfortunately heavily settled by Goblin Clans a plenty. Constant battles with these clans has gained Kabouteval its name, and given its fine people both strong arms and brave hearts.
Heuwel Hall, *A Dwarven fiefdom of the Naeri Queendom.
Loose translation from *Heuwel kant hawe* which means: Hill side harbor.
Mentioned in: "Blood. Leaf. Stone. Part 1."
The "City of Sea Dwarfs" Heuwel Hall is the only and oldest Dwarf-run Harbor in the Northern lands. When Sea-bound Dwarfs first The Clan of the Hallow Hammer are currently the lead Clan in the city, with close competition from their age-old rivels: Clan Grandsail. This rivalry has been around for as long as the Harbor itself, with the position of the title of "Lead Clan" exchanging hands between the two every 50 years or so.
Port Nixa, Naeri Queendom.
Mentioned in: "Darkest before dawn. Part 1."
The Northernmost Port and largest Harbor in the Naeri Queendom. Their docks are open and busy all hours of the day, and very deep into the night on most occasions. Port Nixa is extremally diversified and cultured, being one of the most visited and utilized Harbors in the entire world in fact, as the Western sea approaches are much calmer, and are more often patrolled by large and Mage-armed ships from Naeri, Noordania, and on occasion, Lustria.
Garth Verlore, Naeri Queendom.
The term or name "Garth" is Archaic British English and it means *A yard or garden.*
"Verlore" is a loose translation of *Verloor* which means "Lost." So, throwing both parts together, we get Garth Verlore or "Garden of the Lost".
Mentioned in: "Gotta start somewhere. Prologue." and "Inheritance. Part 1." and many more.
Established just 150 years PBE (Post Blast Event.) Many across the world were and still are skeptical of the new campus. Its five grand Grounds are encompassed by a towering 10-meter wall, one meant to contain and control the might and magics of its Staff and Student body, more than to keep anything or anyone in particular at bay.
Garth Verlore is the second of its kind. Its predecessor -Garth Viarhursis- was all but obliterated during one of the many battles that took place during the War of the Dragons, more specifically, at the war's thunderous crescendo...
But that is a tale for another time!
The campus's five Grounds are in harmony. Many 1st Years chose Hellinbrachyn if they had yet to have made their choice before their arrival. It is the most welcoming of the five. But alas. all are free to pick their path and pick again if their firsts doesn't go to plan.
This sprawling and expansive school is dedicated to exploring and studying the world's history of conflagration and war in order to better educate the next generation of Knights, Mages, and the like. Garth Verlore was founded and built as not only a unifying 'Center of Education' for the 7 Kingdoms and Queendoms of Enverdolmal but as a means to prevent future wars from possibly ever happening. Many of the school's Knight Instructors, Aetheral Professors, and Educational Scribes are veterans of wars in Enverdolmal's distant and not-so-distant past. While this can be a bit problematic at times -as there are many a long-lived species of Humanoid that tend the school, alongside the Human population- Any and all grudges tend to be kept and/or settled in the Grand Mecca where none-lethal bouts and battles are hosted and allowed. As contrary as this may sound to the school's over-all purpose, it serves the student body well to be able to hear detailed accounts from many sides of one conflict and the bouts are often used as not only educational viewing but promotional events who's fund raising tends to be very helpful in the day-to-day expenses of the massive facility.
The school is split into five brilliant Grounds, or branches of different and diverse fields of study. Each Ground specializes in one of the 5 approaches to warfare that were used over the long history of Enverdolmal. Garth Verlore is a home to those who wish to hone their abilities and a haven for those who need guidance. All of the Staff are dedicated to teaching the Students how to master their unique and sometimes rare abilities in order to keep them from abusing them in the future, or more likely and more importantly, hurting themself or others inadvertently.
Although the numbers tend to climb or fall with each year, here are the rough counts, and where the school tends to try to keep its numbers:
500 Students (100 per Ground.)
20 Educators of varying roles. (Knight Instructor, Educational Scribe, and Aetheral Professors.)
20 Assistant Teachers.
And lastly, 120-150 Grounds staff. (Cooks, Custodial, Medical, and General Upkeep.)
Each Grounds construction was funded and overseen by one or a pair of the ruling Kingdoms and Queendoms. It is in this way, that the entirety of Enverdolmal is represented, and thus have a equal share in the future educational direction of the campus.
Lustria & Lumaleza funded Juriyalett.
The Crater Coast Collective (Formerly the Grootawe Kingdom.) funded Tri-Lore.
Zentram funded Junt.
Naeri & Noordania funded Hellinbrachyn.
Suidelain funded Crowhaven.
Each Ground has a base mantra that their students live and practice by. The Five B's are taught to all, yet represented individually by each house.
Juriyalett- Balance: for all to learn.
Tri-Lore- Bequest: for all to keep.
Junt- Boldness: for all to feel.
Hellinbrachyn- Bravery: for all to give.
Crowhaven- Blossom: for all to see.
The Grounds. (In no order.)
Juriyalett: The Athenaeum Of Worldly Tomes.
Scope: Educational/ Academic. High/Low Magic differentiation.
Field of studies:
-Aether-bound books. (Tomes & Grimoires.)
-Sigils spells
-Runic Magic.
-Summoning spells.
Tri-Lore: The Echelon Of The Elements.
Scope: Aetheral or "Magic" Combat and Defense.
Field of studies:
-Elemental Manipulation and directional Magic.
-Alchemic Magic.
-Healing Magic, and Medical Aetherology.
Junt: Coterie Of The Blade.
Scope: One-on-one and group based Melee combat and defense.
Field of studies:
-Bladed weapon Techniques.
-Projectile/stringed/Ranged weapon Techniques.
-Blunt weapons Techniques.
-Aetheral weapon Techniques. (only physical in nature.)
Hellinbrachyn: School Of Squires.
Scope: Might & Magic. Combat Tactics and Strategic battling.
Field of studies:
-Battlefield tactics.
-Rules of war.
-Melee basics.
-Base Aether control
-Base Magics and Wards.
Crowhaven: Of The Shifters.
Scope: Espionage, saboteur, and scrying arts.
Field of studies:
-Shaman Magic.
-High Summoning spells.
-Seer Magic.
-Shape-shifting, both Magical and Biological.
Belrox Grot, Naeri Queendom.
A deep, dark cave that holds many secrets, and one very angry, very manipulative, and very imprisoned Lesser Demon... None of the many hundreds of Humans and Humanoids who have entered have ever exited with their mind intact, if they managed to make it out at all. The Demon Beliroxle was bested and banished to the maze-like cave system by a long-dead group of Wizards several hundred years ago. Their multi-layered Rune and Sigil combination seal has kept the Demon locked away from both our world, and Its own plane of existence, marking it not only as an outcast, but a fugitive of sorts for not returning home to report to its King.
Natmense, Naeri Queendom.
Loose translation from *Nat Mense* which means: Wet folk.
Mentioned in: "Inheritance. Part 1."
A Fishing and Agriculture based Dorpie on the Northern shore of lake Dewdrupel. Its major export is the Red-tailed Sturgeon fish that populate that lake. Natmense has been both at odds with and allied with its sister dorpie Vissmense over those very same fish since it is also one of their exports as well.
Vissmense, Naeri Queendom.
Loose translation from *Visvang mense* which means: Fishing folk.
Mentioned in: "Inheritance. Part 1."
The sister dorpie to Natmense, Vissmense sprang up as a town of merchants and traders not to long after Natmense was completed. The friction between the two settlements stims from the lake and its population of Red-tailed Sturgeon. Both towns rely on the fish as an export, yet neither cares to share more or sell less than the other.
Bootirvise, Naeri Queendom.
Loose translation from *Boere wys* which means: Farmers point.
A farming town on the East shore of Dewdrupel lake rumored to be cursed due to its perpetual fog. This fog is actually the naturally accruing side effect of a combination of gases and steam from the Enfrasecca swamp lands to the South, and the Mining village known as Rothbar, which is also due South of the lake. The farming folk here are no stranger to hardship and conflict, as they are relatively secluded in their Eastern position on the lake. This makes the small town a prime target from not only bandits, but wild beast and roaming monsters alike.
Oakenhall, *A Dwarven fiefdom of the Naeri Queendom.
Mentioned in: "Blood. Leaf. Stone. Part 1."
The simi-hollowed mountain "Under-kingdom" of the legendary Dwarf King Roary Oakenhill and later, Chip Oakenmaul. Oakenhall is unique even for a Dwarven settlement, as its Dwarfs have mostly forsaken the mining and smithing trades that their kin are known for, in order to study and live by the codes of Druidism. This strange new path is said to be an effect of this particular clan having coexisted along side the people of Kopstad for many a generation.
Dwerges Pass, Dwarven fiefdom of the Naeri Queendom.
*Dwerges* is just Afrikaans for "Dwarfs"
Cut and carved through the steep hillsides and thick swathes of forest by the FSET (First Settlement Expeditionary Team) Dwarfs from Kopstad, with help from several teams of men from Port Noordoor and Netsud, both of which are located to the South of Oakenhall. The upkeep of the Dwarven roadway is left to Oakenhall, and the Forest Dwarfs are honored to have such a great responsibility. The passage is one of the very few, thus most commonly used routes that lead to and from the dorpies and harbors that dot the Eastern coastline of Naeri tucked safely behind its mountain range.
Port Noordoor, Naeri Queendom.
Loosely translated from *Noorddeur* which means: North Door.
A greater part of the mountain range was unexplored in the days of Port Noordoor's creation, thus this Port town was known as "The doorway to the North" by many from the Southern stretched of the world. Port Noordoor is famous for its rather sizable Navel fleet which is constantly growing in size due to the Southern migration of Dwarfs from Heuwel Hall, and the seasonal influx of young boys and men from Netsud and other smaller local settlements. Many travel to Noordoor in search of work as dockhands, crew men, sailors, and a plethora of other professions and trades, as hundreds of ships pass through the Port yearly.
Netsud, Naeri Queendom.
Loosely translates from *Net Suid* which means: Just South.
Mentioned in: "Character Dive! 10." As the second home to Rayden in his youth.
The loggers, carpenters, and farmers from Bootirvise settled in the mountain range to the South and East of Port Noordoor after they had completed its construction. The loud and bustling Port town was no place for these people of the forest, farm, and field. Netsud was very nearly destroyed by Aetheral Artillery Units from Zentram during wartimes, but its people rallied together and killed all of the invading troops. This Zentram unit was independently acting, thus they had no reinforcements. This fact may have been what gave Netsud and its small fighting force a chance.
I hope this bit of world lore will hold you all over till the next chapter comes out!
I will continue to post these "World Lore." segments between Chapter Parts and Character Dives so that you all can further emerge yourself into this wild, weird, and ever-growing world along myself and our crazy cast pf character!
Thank you all again for your love, loyalty, and support!
I just past 6.4K readers (English)
and 3.4K (Spanish)
(Statistics from Webnovel!)
I can't tell you how much all of you mean to me. By constantly reading my short stories, you are giving me both life, and faith in something bigger than myself.
She is my Love.
I don't have a wife or kids you know?
So this is my Child.
My legacy.
And You. ALL OF YOU have helped me maintain and breath life into this wonderful world, and I hope that I have many, many, many more years on this weird little planet so that I can pour my mind and heart and soul into these tales for you all.
I will see you all back here in not so long, yeah?
Stay safe.
Stay Healthy.
Stay Vigilant.
And I will see you all back here at the gates to Enverdolmal very soon.