Footfall echoed behind her and Benjamin caught her hand. "You know he doesn't mean it." He said gently. The ocean churning and their specks hitting them in the cool breeze.
Ari wanted to believe that and maybe deep down she did, but the things he said had gone too far. Alaric wanted each and every word to find home right in her heart and prey on the fears that terrorized her sleep. She turned, kissing Benjamin's cheek before gently prying her hand from his grasp.
"It doesn't matter at this point, Benji. Regardless of what he meant, his intention was for me to leave. If it makes it easier for him to push me away thinking I'll hate him for it then fine." Her gaze trailed off for a moment, feeling the familiar sting of tears she refused to let out. "Anyway, make sure you take care of him and yourself."
She didn't let the old man get another word in because it took everything within her to turn away. Ari forced one foot in front of the other one step at a time.