If there's a race known for its indomitable might, it is definetly not the Halflings. The nickname "the Mighty" was given to Uchuk by himself.
As an orphan living in the sewers he experienced one of the lows a humanoid live could reach. Although not of many words, he always could To compensate for his own weakness, he called himself "the Mighty". But soon he would live up to this name.
One day he found a strange amulet floating down the dirty waters in the sewer. Drawn to its dark presence he pursued it for a while until he could fish it out of the water.
Once he held it in his hands, he had an apparition of a great being clad in darkness. The being promised him great power. Without suspicion he should have had, Uchuk shook hands with this being and found himself with magic abilities, which he used to escape his existance as an urchin and travel the world.
When he traveled to Bardr he clashed with the Church of Avalon now dwelling there. As a warlock in league with a fiendiesh being he was an eyesore to the churchs people, so they locked him away in the fortress above Drakenheim.
This upload was delayed because i was to absorbed in playing factorio. The next character will be the last one, then the story starts.