(Maldred POV)
As soon as I took my first steps into the forest, something immediately caught my attention. Magic was in the air, in the trees, in the ground; it was all around me.
When I tried casting one of my spells, I noticed how easy it was for me to perform it. It was a wonderful environment, and I could probably learn new spells much faster than before.
I looked around and discovered that this forest was also full of new, unknown plants. I immediately set to work examining these new plants for different characteristics, such as toxicity, intoxicating or healing properties, and much more.
As test subjects, I used the forest inhabitants, because no sane person would use themselves for this.
I have to say that watching a squirrel try to climb a tree while high is never boring. Or a drunk deer stumbling through the thickets.
But fun things aside, I found many new useful herbs and plants. Unfortunately, I don't have the necessary tools with me to mix them and create new effects.
Well anyway, I spent a few months exploring this forest. But for the past few days, I have had this uneasy feeling. I see more and more dead animals and withered plants, and strange markings that were made through the forest. I also keep hearing these strange scraping noises at night.
The corpses have bite marks characteristic of rodents, but I don't know of any rodent that would be the appropriate size. It's all very strange.
A new morning arrives, and I open my eyes. My stomach growls, so I pick some berries from the nearby bushes to snack on. As I munch, I listen into the forest.
But something is off about the forest. What is it?
Then it hits me. Silent, too silent. Not a single sound can be heard.
No songbirds making a ruckus at this time of day. No woodpeckers, no cuckoos, not even the footsteps of large or small mammals. Not even the wind is blowing.
I quickly gather my things and begin to sneak through the forest. I make sure not to make a sound, so I can hear any other noises immediately.
After half an hour of wandering in silence, I finally hear another sound, at first very faint. But soon it grows louder, and together with the vibrating ground, I realize that it must be a herd of animals racing straight towards me at high speed. It doesn't seem small, either.
I immediately turn in another direction and sprint away.
I run as fast as I can through the undergrowth, ignoring the few cuts and bruises. To my horror, the herd is still chasing after me.
Soon, I hear a river ahead and I increase my speed. As the forest clears and I reach the river, I see that it has cut four to six feet deep into the earth.
I quickly look around and spot a rotten log that crosses the river. I move quickly but cautiously across it.
The log groans beneath me and just as I am about to reach the other side, it suddenly gives way.
I lunge forward and barely make it to the other side. I gasp for air and rest for a moment, but then something breaks out of the woods on the other side.
It dawns on me, now the strange phenomenons of the last days make sense. Standing across me on two legs, as tall as I am, is a rat in a dirty loincloth with a rusty knife in its hand. A Skaven!
Drunk animals are fucking hilarious, especially monkeys and elefants.