Bellamy's leg was getting better as he started walking slowly while Elijah helping him up.
"Come on, we have to catch up to them, it's day 2 we can't afford to lose anymore day"
"I am trying Elijah, I haven't been used my healing powers for almost 6 years"
"What are you talking about?, you left with my sister did you two never used your powers?"
"You know Deborah, she likes having sex more then anything, we never got the time to use our powers as we decided to live like normal human beings"
"Such a bad ass she is" Elijah helped him up and they started walking. Outside the tunnels Eliyah was practising on how to use her powers, she was throwing ice on the trees. Jasper showed up behind her he didn't want to ruin her mood as he walks slowly hoping she wouldn't realise.
"I can sense you, you know that?"
"Great, the famous skyripa, the hawk am not surprised at all"
"What do you want Japer?"
"Am I just the only feeling like I should be inside those tunnels or maybe there's someone having the same thoughts about it?"
"Or maybe you are just stupid enough, you going in there we would have make him an offer"
"Yeah speaking of Lucifer, I wonder what he has been upto lately, I kinda missed him already"
"Am pretty sure he is inside those tunnels somewhere hiding treating his wounds"
"What are tou talking about?"
"He was scratched with phoenix nails with your brother when he saves you remember, phoenis posions runs deeper inside the body about every twenty minutes then shoulders started collabsing, loss of body weights amd finally death awaits, there's nothing that can be a vaccine in phoenix's poison unless, there's a vampire down there their teath can be manage to absorb the phoenix poison out"
"You seem to know great deal about phoenix"
"As it has been written am a hawk, a kin of phoenix, and If your thoughts are somewhere else Jasper then suit yourself" El walked away from her.
Inside the woods at Khuisar a man was walking wearing a hood on, he was certainly sneaking. He heard a simple groaning behind him as he stoped taking another step infront and slowly turned around to face what was behind his back. He was shocked to see a huge chimera behind him. He started laughing anguishly.
"So this was your plan all along? To steal the chimera out of me? What were you thinking? You took a Manticore from Miller and you took a Chimera from me, what do you plan? You wan't to take a Chipacabra from Jasper too?" That Chimera turned back into human form it was Mino. He had three powers in him.
"What are you doing back here?"
"I was gonna stay away forever believe me I do, but then I suddenly started having these nightmares, Lucifer growing as big as a mountain, I saw Supernatural beings and immortals down dead, there was a ritual sacrifice that required lots of blood"
"And that's why you decided to come back here, thinking I would return your powers to you?"
"I'm not here to ask for my powers back, but if this would be the end of the world then I'd rather die fighting alongside my sisters and brothers, My family besides I don't have the desires of having my powers back"
"And then what? Fighting Lucifer? Is that what you want? Tell me something. Aren't you the same man who decperatly wanted to wake Lucifer up. You teamed with the demon traveling through Ocean dimension just to get the eternal water to wake him up, you sacrificed so many just for him to stand again, now what is this am hearing you want to put him down what are you playing at a hero?"
"Am not here to be a hero like you, thats what everyone thinks right? But I have a way to make him return back to his eternal sleep, but we have to make this very quick"
"What are you talking about?"
"If Lucifer gets a fox with him, he can be able to wake eve up and restore back his powers, he just need a fox's kitsune thats all required for him to wake Eve up and am pretty sure we don't have fox here"
"Yes we do, there is this someone who came with other supernatural beings name is Murphy he is a fox"
"Then congradulations, we just made him a favor now all that's left is a chimera and a chipacabra, we have to go to Khuisar and stop him"
"You can go, am about to go somewhere else"
"What do you mean somewhere else they need you here" Mino walked towards Harry and touched his shoulder with his eyes turning light red.
"Do what you have to do to protect the ones you love" Mino turned into a phoenix and flew away. In the tunnels Bellamy and Elijah were walking they suddenly they heard footsteps ahead of them Elijah prepared to fight but they saw Camila coming from them very badly hurt Elijah helped her she was seizing.
"Camila what is going? What happened?"
"This place is death. We have to get out Now" Elijah stares at Bellamy they were shocked.