In Khuisar Madi was in the hills practising all by herself, as she was having some trouble with her demon system. Her eyes turned into demon and kneeled down. She was hardly breathing.
"You cannot deny the fact that your demon system wants it's master" Madi looked up and found Mino.
"I thought you left Khuisar for good"
"Turn around and let me take a look at it" Madi was staring at Mino. She turned her back on Mino and sqeezes her shirt up a little. She had a huge bruise.
"Its getting deeper and deeper every day, and you didn't have the trouble to tell anyone" Madi wore back her shirt.
"Who do you think believes me more then you here Mino?"
"They are family, they should he able to help you out" Madi seems very disappointed.
"How about I give you the Manticore?" Madi was shocked hearing that from Mino.
"I don't know, I don't think I deserve it, I was created a demon and now you want me to be an immortal? How can that be?"
"You have to die first, you will have to die a demon and be back as an immortal" Madi kneeled down stressly. (Footprints approaches) Mino vanished as El shows up and saw Madi all alone down the grass.
"Hey what is wrong?" Eliyah asked while pulling her back up.
"I just wonder how people down there are going through right now, wish I could be there myself and face Lucifer out of fear"
"Facing me is easy for simple demon like you Madi" Suddenly Lucifer appears infront of them. They all prepared to fight hin once again. Lucifer started laughing.
"You guys are nuts, you know that, here's the thing give me Chimera and a Chipacabra and I shall spare your life for good, or I let you die in pain" Lucifer was talking starin at Madi.
"What is he talking about? Madi tell me what does he mean?" Eliyah didn't understand a thing. Madi removed her shirt and showed Eliyah her back. She was shocked seeing a huge bruise.
"No, why didn't you tell us before?" Lucifer laughing
"Do you think you think you can be able to save her? That my dear is a demon system affecting her, because she keeps deniyng her true reality, she is going to soon and I'll be happy enjoying how she dies"
Eliyah turned her eyes into Hawks and created a huge ice out of water and three it to Lucifer, he contorolled the ice on the sky and turned it into a sharp neeedle while turning it to Eliyah.
"Impossible" Eliyah was surprised.
"Let us see who's going to save you now" Lucifer threw it at Eliyah. Harry shows up and guide her the needle stab him on the chest as he fells down. Madi was too weak to fight as she lay low. Deborah and others shows up.
Lucifer saw Jasper once again he was walking towards him as he used his powers to froze the others.
Jasper was throwing punches at him Lucifer took out his knife and stabbed him hardly on the stomach. The others were seeing that but they couldn't be able to help him out as they were paralyzed. Lucifer took the knife and stabbed him again on his chest.
"Don't worry, I won't kill you, but i'll make sure you wish to die then being alive" Lucifer took another knife and stabbed him on the lab then he kicks him hardly on the chest where he stabbed him the knife as the knife dug dipper Jasper hit himself with a tree and fell down. (Coughing blood)
Lucifer was slowly walking towards him Eliyah was saying from the heart "Mino, please if you are here somewhere we need you now"
Suddelny the clouds started changing Lucifer was struck with lightning as there comes thunders a huge chimera shows up infront of everyone it controlled Lucifers powers and release the ones who were freezed. Eliyah ran over Jasper to help and remove the knives Jasper was healing himself.
Lucifer stood up and faces the Chimera with a smile on his face.
"Finaly I was searching for you" The chimera turned into a human it was Mino.
"You, you are just like your father Jakoub" Lucifer said while turning his eyes into devils, he used his powers and pulls Mino on his hands and strungled him.
"So pathetic, ruthless and arogant" Mino turned his eyes into Pheonix.
"You are wrong, am nothing like my father, I am ten times then my father used to be" he turned into a pheonix and flew very far on the clouds caring Lucifer on his leg, he threw him up amd started hit him with thunders lightning. Lucifer vanishes and disappear. Mino was on the sky staring at the poeple down the ground. He landed down with his pheonix form and carries Madi on to it's mouth. Then he flew away with her.
The others were just staring.