Chereads / Never Oppress The Enemy / Chapter 40 - Chapter 41

Chapter 40 - Chapter 41


After my first mission they took me to the weapons room. There were mostly just staffs but they handed me some beads to put around my wrist.

" These are our prayer beads. Early monks like you only get 10. Experienced monks like me get 20 and People who've been here their whole life like Juco get 30. " Reznakov says.

" What do they do?" I ask.

"They protect you and attack for you. It takes them a few days to get personalized to you so don't take them off." Reznakov says.

" Like at all?" I ask.

" Not when you're showering, brushing your teeth, training, or even taking a shit. The longer you stay here and the closer to peace you achieve the more beads you'll get. " He says.

" Who built this whole system and the beads and the monastery?" I say.

" Buddha of course. Hephaestus makes the beads like he builds them. Buddha gave him the blueprint though. " Reznakov says.

I leave the weapons warehouse and go exploring around the monastery. It is a beautiful place a lot of trees. The sun is shining everywhere and even at night in the moonlight it's like there is no darkness here.

The food is very good as well. It just feels so natural here. Not everyone is happy though a lot of people here are still very angry at their life. It isn't my personal business so I don't ask why they are so angry. I do spend most of my time here with the twins though. They show me other ways to heal and how I can use my mana to protect others.

Snap snap.

" Stop zoning out and pay attention Rev. I'll only tell you this once. Mana is the beginning of all things. Anything can be done as long as you have the mana. If you are extremely precise and have the mana capacity. You could even create a copy of the earth. " Laia says.

" Don't think of destroying the earth and creating a copy of it as the same. Since creating something is a lot harder than destroying it those two don't even compare in difficulty. " Kaia says.

" So pretty much with mana anything is possible?" I say to the twins.

" Yes anything. With mana you could even kill a god. If you achieve enlightenment well at least a form of it. You'll immediately get stronger." They say in sync.

" What do you mean enlightenment?" I ask.

" I'm sure you've seen it before. When a person gets affected by something heavily. It could be a near death experience or maybe having to deal with something you hate." They say.

" Oh I think I know what you mean. My brother he almost lost once. He hates losing like in his soul he has a hatred for it. Before he almost lost he had no mana technique then he just popped up with one. " I tell them.

" He probably already had it. However because he reached a form of enlightenment his body instinctively forced him to use it. He must have a deep hatred for losing." Kaia says.

" Where is he? Can we meet him?" Laia asks.

" He's dead." I tell them.

" How did he die?" They ask.

" He was fighting a man named Joker and even thought he won the fight Joker was still able to kill him." I tell them.

" Woah he was able to beat Joker that's impressive. I never thought anyone his age would be able to beat our student." They say.

" What do you mean your student?" I ask.

" We had a life before we were monks but we taught Joker how to use his Cardinal Sin. Once we realized how crazy he was we killed him. Or at least we thought we did." They say.

" Yeah my brother failed to. It's the first time he's failed to kill someone." I tell them.

" We apologize for our students actions. Do you know where is?" They ask.

"It's okay the things your student does isn't your fault. I don't know where he is though." I tell them.

" Well that's okay. If you see him again kill him on sight or he will kill you." They say.

" Back to your lesson though. Mana is the beginning and end of all things. You'll only be able to live so long without consistently using it." Kaia says.

" That's it for today though. Reznakov is waiting for you outside." Laia says. I tell the twins goodbye and go meet up with him.

" Hey Rev how was your lesson?" Reznakov asks.

" It went well. The twins when they talk it's still weird. At one point they are one person and at the next they are separate. " I say to him.

" That's because they are one person. The twins are gods. Well they are when they become one person." Reznakov says.

" They can't be I would've noticed the mana being attracted towards them." I tell him.

" Did you forget that you've locked yourself off from your own mana? Plus when they are separated they are human. The closer they get together the closer they get to merging. That's why they randomly start talking in sync. " Reznakov says.

" If they are a god then why are they just chilling on earth?" I ask.

"They say they like it here and are too scared to merge back. That's why they never get closer than 6 feet to each other. " Reznakov says.

" What happens if they merge?" I ask.

" Then we will all be in a lot of danger. She's never told anyone what she was the god of. So that unknown factor makes her extremely dangerous. She could potentially be stronger than Buddha. Don't tell anyone I said that. " Reznakov says.

I never thought the twins could be gods. Am I really that disconnected from my mana that I never noticed it. I wonder what type of god they could be. They have extensive knowledge on mana. Could they be the god of mana?

" Reznakova and Rev. Juco is calling you guys for a mission." A monk says. We run over to the ship which is where we always meet up at.

" We finally found where the poachers where. There is a man at the top of it he's the one on the black market. We need to find him and capture him. " Juco says.

" How many of us are going? I ask.

" Just us 3. I'll just be giving you guys orders though. You and Reznakov will handle everything. "

" Who's the target?" Reznakov asks. You can tell in the way he speaks that he used to be mercenary.

" They call him Koba the flame eater." Juco says.