"Kōri no kyūden" I say.
Ice erupts out of the floor and starts surrounding the arena. A palace of pure Ice is being formed and I sit upon its throne. Sinker looks at my palace in awe and contempt.
He knows he has no choice but to walk into the palace and face me here. The temperature here is easily under -100 degrees.
He can keep himself warm for a couple minutes because of the smoke. It won't last long though. I put my katana back in its sheathe.
The cold weather isn't good for it and in my palace I have nothing but blades surrounding me.
"This is a nice palace you have white wolf. I think I want it." Sinker says.
"For you this isn't a palace it is your tomb and the start of my graveyard." I say back.
He throws the ball and chain at me but I side step it. I summon dual blades and start my attack. When it comes to dual wielding I like to switch from reverse grip to normal grip.
My speed with it is so fast it is like doing two attacks in one. He can't keep up with me not only does he have to try to block my sword attacks. My ice palace attacks him as well.
It automatically attacks anyone who shows hostility towards me. We keep going hand to hand for a while but he keeps summoning more ash soldiers.
He isn't capable of tanking anymore attacks from me so he tries to avoid them as much as possible. I don't let up though I keep going. His soldiers protect him though and to get to him I have to kill him.
As I'm destroying the ash he's summoned I've noticed how much he's slowed down. I blitz behind him and thrust the sword through his back freezing him instantly.
Now I can either break him into little pieces or turn him into a liquid. Then I remember that he isn't my enemy just my opponent. So there's no need to torture him.
I shatter him while he's still frozen and all the ice goes into little pieces. I finally hear the crowd they are going crazy insanely happy that they just watched someone die. I was so focused that I didn't hear them beforehand.
Now all I can hear is their cheers for someone's death. Why are they so happy? They are smiling and laughing like. I couldn't do the same to them. It as if they are disrespecting my opponent.
Sinker was a true opponent he wasn't weak. So why do they keep laughing? Are they trying to piss me off.
After what Rev did yesterday they put a barrier up just in case I did the same thing as him. I jump up to it and put my hand against it and force it to shatter.
" Hey we might need back up. The white wolf just broke a planet protect barrier with just his hand." I hear a guard say. As I'm about to blitz the guard Rev grabs me.
" Stop NoTe you can't kill them. They make me mad to but that's why you zone them out just ignore it." Rev says.
I listen to Rev and walk away. He was right there isn't any point in killing those animals. Eventually they'll kill themselves anyway.
I might as well let nature do its job for me. Rev and I keep walking until we get to the cafeteria. We stop and eat for a while and Rev asks me something.
" Why did you hold back so much? You could've ended it in your first strike." I finish my food and say.
" The fight lasted longer because I held back and my opponent got stronger in the middle of the match. It was a good warmup game for the real challenge."
" I didn't expect you to shatter to just shatter the barrier so easily clearly you are a lot stronger than a planet." Rev says.
" The barrier was weak to me but it was the only way to show that I'm stronger than a planet." I say back.
I notice Baku walking up to us and he says. " Congratulations NoTe and Rev you both had impressive performances. You guys truly showed exactly what was necessary. This is the barrier technique. Just imprint it on yourself and it'll immediately activate whenever you start using enough power." Baku says.
" As you grow stronger the barrier technique will grow stronger with you so you don't have to worry about finding a new one." Baku says while leaving.
" I think he is going to try to kill us." I say to Rev.
" Yeah we should kill him first." Rev says back.
" We will have to get past Joker first and he's dangerous." I say.
" We can cross that bridge when we get to it" Rev says.
I replay my fight in my head a couple times. The way Sinker turned into pure smoke was cool. I wonder if I can do that with my shadows. You have to force an overwhelming amount of mana on your body and move it the way it moves when using your technique.
It is practically the same as turning your body into pure mana. Which would make the move dangerous to use against someone who can absorb mana or, someone who can just erase mana. I
would get more leeway because you can't damage a shadow. However you can damage mana so the move would be just as dangerous for me. I've been getting very close to using my ice abilities the same way Stitch used to.
How he could instantly switch from water to ice to steam. The better manipulation I have with it the better my offense will be. I didn't use my chains at all in my last match because it wasn't necessary.
I need to manipulate the sounds better. Different sounds will give the opponent a different reaction.
"Aye NoTe you see those two coming up to us?" Rev says. I turn around and there are two dudes dressed in all black behind me.
" Are you two NoTe and Rev?" They say.
" Yes we are what do you want?" I say back.
" The fallen prince Mr. Doom would like to meet you." They say.