(john Thomas pov)
the first thing i realized for my plan to work is that i need money to eat and drink and a lot more of it to buy a house and for me to get this kind of money i need a job but let me sadly remained you that being a seven year old kid
can't apply for a job and this is why i needed to graduate from high school
in the meantime i gathered and accumulated the little money they give me to apply at a local dojo to learn some martal arts and self defense skills as i don't want to stay weak physically with the help of my sensei
/time skip where John is 11 years old/
it's been a hard and long 4 years but i did so much in this time as i became near the level of a master in martal arts in just four years and even created my own fighting style named
/ZERO STYLE/ with the help of my sensei who and my fellow dojo students called me a genius and in martal arts for learning this in such a short time they were more nice to me than my own so called family that started hetting me physically a year ago even more
so yeah it didn't get any better and yes i thought of going to police but they would justt arrest
them and put me in an orphanage and let me tell you that place is horrible from what I've heard so far so to fasten my plan
i started doing some small jobs here and there to start gathering money for my plan or any emergency who knows they might leave me in the street at any moment and i only think they didn't is because of my dead father family who visit me from time to time and the will to use me for money as they know of my IQ with i love and hate at the same time
/time skip to where John is 16 year old/
i have spent the last years in doing many this such as becoming a grandmaster in martal arts and perfecting my /ZERO STYLE/ that is the perfect style for me as it has a great defense and offensive capabilities and can be very lethal if i wish and i have also discovered that not all
orphanages are horrible places
as i started given money to an orphanage ran down by a woman in her thirties named Mary because i know that she was a very kind person
as she is one of the few that didn't sink into the human greed darknes
and i even became friends with her and some of the kids see me as there big brother it's a nice thing to be a brother to them than that annoying this that is my half sister
yup you heard me right it turns out that that woman got pregnant and now i have a sister
at first i was excited to be a brother and have someone i could call family by boold but sadly
years in growing up with this kind of parents can corrupt even the kindest soul as years of spoiling her and seeing me beat up gave her an ego that is non existent in my vue i mean i am smarter than her and stronger and you don't see me braging about it to anyone
so i did what i did best and ignord her as well and for the first time i was grateful to my childhood because if a didn't sufferer all that pain i would be another spoild kid that thinks the world is all about them
but i turned out to be an amazing person who can see the world clearly and in these years I've also been watching anime and reading novels in my free time as well and let me tell you that is another light to me besides /THE Will Of ZERO/
as it proved to an escape from this reality besides sleeping and some of my favourite are:naruto/one people/dbz/my hero academia and my favourite novels were:the beginning afther the end/solo leveling/the lord of mysterys....ect