My eyes focused on the object that grew larger by the moment, rushing towards me. The massive beam that easily outweighed and towered over me was moments from crushing me.
"Tch! Stop thinking it's over…" I muttered.
My eyes softened and my shoulders relaxed as they fell back a bit. With a plain tone, I uttered my skill, "Shadow Step." The cloud of smoke left behind disappeared under the full force of the metal beam as it drove through the debris and falling rubble.
Everything hit the ground in an explosion of dust that covered the area like a fresh morning mist. The dirty air was heavy, it was impossible to see through it. My feet landed on the mountain of rubble for a brief moment, before I uttered the next skill.
"Second Step."
With that command, I disappeared into another cloud of black fog that came from chaining my Shadow Step skill.
Our blades clashed, she must have felt my intentions and guarded. She had used one of her daggers to defend herself while the other remained in the wall to keep her suspended. She hung on the side of the building as she fended me off.
"Did you think I'd fall for that? Perhaps you're still too green." She scoffed.
My body fell back into empty air but even so, a bright smile remained on my face. Vye's eyes sharpened, intrigued by my expression.
"I know you'd block it. I had to think of something though."
Her eyes darted to the wall where her dagger was planted and noticed the fissures that formed around it. The result of that strike I hit her with before. Without time to react, the wall gave in and Vye's support was shattered right in front of her eyes.
She fell alongside me down to the rubble and extended out her feet to the wall beside us. Using it as leverage, she blew over me and to the wall opposite her where she repeated the process.
Like a bunny hopping from one end to the other, she quickened her pace and made her way down to the floor safely. I however, needed to think of something else since I couldn't move as well as she did.
"It's a gamble but…what other choice do I have?" I spun my body through the air and flung my legs towards the wall just as she did.
Trying to copy her movements as best as I could, my feet touched the wall and bounced off repeatedly until eventually I got the timing right. I bent my knees and launched off the wall all in one bounce.
My eyes focused on Vye and I had to grit my teeth just to focus.
"Rush!" I yelled out.
In a burst of speed, I blew away from the wall and directly at her. On top of the rubble and bent beam, Vye held her daggers in both hands, ready for my attack. I flew at her faster than I thought my body was able to travel and spun my body with a series of tucked-in flips.
The moment I drew closer and her body came into view, I spread my arms and legs out widely. I forced my arms forward and battled the force pulling them back.
"Shadow Claw!" Without my blades, I was forced to call upon another skill. The black mana that surrounded my arms took on the shape of a wolf's claws and arms and hovered over mine like a sleeve.
My claws, backed with the force of my jump, gave me more than enough power to break passed her defence. Vye's daggers weren't solid enough to guard it, so she made a quick alteration to her stance and stepped aside.
My body blew past and she was slightly caught in the attack. Her back pulled to the ground as she rolled down the heap of rubble and landed on her feet again, at the base of the debris and fallen scraps.
Her eyes darted towards me as I circled her. I pushed myself faster and faster and ran around her in a ring as fast as I could. She looked nervous, it wasn't much but I managed to get her smile to turn a bit more serious.
She lowered her daggers and raced out from the centre of my ring. She was still fast and planned her escape path the moment I was furthest away from her. She ran swiftly in the opposite direction.
My eyes sharpened and my hand rose towards her. I couldn't waste the opportunity in front of me, not when it was exactly as I hoped for.
"Don't think I'll let you escape, Vye!"
Her eyes widened as she caught on to the main course of my plan. Both my Chakrams came falling from the air in front of her, free of their green glow and without any life to either of them.
"Your weapons? What are you…"
"Zephyr Storm!!!"
Everything from the last few days came rushing to the surface. From every strike I took to the face or kick to my gut, I remembered everything and burned it into my body. At that moment I squeezed it out into a roar and carried out my attack.
Feathers lit up the air around me with shades of bright green resembling emerald grass, that flew towards her. Vye turned back and guarded against it, slicing the three feathers that crossed her with ease.
The rest all slipped passed without coming close to her.
"A straightforward attack, was that your plan? Using your blades to distract me wasn't half bad but using such a weak follow-up…I'm disappointed."
I couldn't hide my intentions any longer, a smile broke out on my face as my plan reached its final step.
The feathers that were cast out had struck my fallen Chakrams and suddenly the green hue attached to them reawakened the light on both of my blades. They were brought to life and jolted in the air with sudden bursts of speed that hit both daggers out of Vye's hands.
She had only just caught on by the time my blades hit hers but it was too late. The daggers flew out of her hands and landed on the ground not too far from my feet. Seeing them so close without her on the other end of it left a strange feeling in my heart.
My blades flew over to me but I didn't catch them, I was still in a daze. They jolted past me and managed to leave a small cut on my cheek. Not that I reacted in any way.
"I…I did it."