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Ufa Fighterz
восточный русский (sad ending)
в этой истории три подростка, которые покидают UFA Russia и направляются в Нью-Йорк, поскольку они обнаружили, что сайт New York Times взломан, и половина, чтобы остановить того, кто отвечает за его сайт
narjiithealicorn · 18.7K Views
The Fighterz - ファイターズ
An 18-year-old boy ends up getting involved in a fight against the mafia, but the mafia is no ordinary mafia... In a place with abnormal people and surprising abilities, this young man ends up getting involved where he shouldn't, from a simple mafia, that his goals were just money and profit, for world domination. It's up to him and his allies to change the fate of the land.
Luanbani · 5.3K Views
Female lead fights to stop the abominations going on in Ufas land after she had found out simultaneously- there were several wrongs and unjust things going on in Ufas. With her being a visitor, who gives her the right to interfere with the traditions? She would find herself contending with people and forces unknown to the human eye. Traditions that had gone on for years and years. Abominations, they were literally. Her quest to stop these atrocities become her driving force to live. She wasn't the simple person everyone knew her to be anymore. She even falls in love. However, she had to deal with THE EVIL.
Oma_Uche · 12K Views
Uncaught Feelings
“I’m still here loving you silently.”
Ufa_Wil · 3.7K Views
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