Chereads / Dragon Ball Academia / Chapter 2 - Training and Muscler Fight

Chapter 2 - Training and Muscler Fight

Kenta started to wake up and yawn. He then looks around and sees the dusty room he is in.

Kenta: "That's right, I'm now in the world of My Hero Academia."

He then holds out his hand and summons a Ki Ball. He looks at it before making it disappear.

Kenta: "Now that I have Ki, I need to train on how to use it. I know the basics, but applying it to real life is another matter."

He went outside and looked at the ocean. It was beautiful, you can see through the sea.

Kenta: "Let's fire one to see how much power it has."

He summons his Ki ball and throws it at the ocean. When it hit, it exploded, making the water go up. He then looks at his hand and closes it to a fist.

Kenta: Now, to see how much stronger my physical body is."

He started with a punch and noticed that it was faster than when his body was not a Saiyan. He threw his punches so fast that ordinary people could not see it. He then started kicking and saw that even this had improved. He then jumped, going higher than ever, and started jumping around the place. He then stops and looks at his body.

Kenta: The powers of a Saiyan are incredible; now, there is just one thing left to do."

He then closed his eyes and started to make his mind clear. He then felt energy come up and felt no ground on his feet. He opens and looks down to see him hovering over the ground. He then smirks at this.

Kenta: "Now for a test drive."

He started flying around in the air, doing summer saults and dives. He flies to the ocean and spins around while moving. He then goes up and stops and looks around in the air.

Kenta: "This is awesome; I never would have thought I would experience something like this."

As he is looking around, he hears an explosion to his right. He looks and sees fire over at a village.

Kenta: "What the... what going on there!? I better help if I can."

He then started to fly to the place, unaware he was about to change something.


At the place, we see a group of two heroes known as Water Hose. They were a husband and wife called Hakuno and Miyabi Izumi, and right now, they were battling a very dangerous villain.

The villain is a large, bulky, and extremely muscular man set wide with short, spiky, sandy blond hair and small black eyes. His outfit is a black hooded cloak and a white hockey mask with multiple holes. Underneath this, he wears a red tank top, a dark jacket that hangs around his waist, dark green pants, and black knee-high boots.

This person is Goto Imasuji, called the criminal Muscular, a dangerous villain who likes to hurt others for his sick personality.


Hakuno: "This villain is insane; Miyabi, are the civilians evacuated?"

Miyabi: "Yes, they are all out of harm's way; they will be able to fight without any worries."

Hakuno: "Good, now let's take him down!"

Hakuno and Miyabi: "Double Water Gun!"

They put their hands forward and fired a gush of water at Muscular. It hit him but did little damage as he shook it off.


He charges and punches Miyabi, sending her back while repeatedly hitting the ground.

Hakuno: "Miyabi!"

Muscular grabs his arm when he gets distracted and slams him to the ground. He did this a few more times before throwing him to his wife.

Muscular: "Yes, that felt good; I want to see you bleed and die!"

They both try to move as Muscular comes closer, but the pain makes it hard. As he got closer, their thoughts were elsewhere.

Miyabi and Hakuno thoughts: ("Kota, we're sorry, we may not make it.")

Muscular arrives and looks at the pair, his twisted smile still on his face. He raised his fist as the couple closed their eyes, accepting their fate.

???: "I DON'T THINK SO!"

Suddenly, a ki blast appears, and his Muscular face screams as the hit destroys his left eye, and he feels a kick to his stomach, sending him flying back.

The couple heard the noise and opened their eyes to see Kenta in front of them with a serious face. This confuses the couple of why a young boy is here and where he came from.

While Kenta had a serious face on his mind, he had many questions in his mind about what he was seeing.

Kenta's thoughts: ("Is that Muscular? I didn't expect to meet him so soon. What is he doing here?")

He then turns his head to the heroes that were battling him but becomes shocked at who he saw.

Kenta's thoughts: ("It's that Water Hose, the married heroes who is also Kota's parents, that Musclar killed; does that mean I save them from him, changing the future.")

Kenta shook his head and went to them and moved Miyabi to her husband and knee down to them.

Kenta: "Are you 2 alright?"

Miyabi: "Y-Yes, we are, thank you for saving us."

Hakuno: W-What are you doing here? It's dangerous here; you need to leave."

Kenta: "And let you get killed; sorry, it's not happening; besides, I don't think he will let that go."

Muscular starts to get up and looks at Kenta with rage.


Kenta gets up and does a bit of stretch. When he finishes, he looks back at the pair.

Kenta: "Sorry for fighting, but this one fight that you need help, don't worry, I got this."

Kenta then started to walk towards Muscular, and all the pair could do was watch, and they couldn't move right now. Unknown to them, a civilian was there and was recording the whole event that was happening right now.

As he walks, he stops at a distance between him and the villain. They both look at each other with anger in their eyes.

Kenta: "So, the famous Muscular is here; I never thought I would meet you here, of all places."

Muscular: "So what? You're going to pay for what you did to me; I will see you down on the ground with your head bleeding with your blood!"

All Kenta did was crack his knuckles.

Kenta: "Well then, don't blink."

Muscular got confused at what he said when he saw Kenta moving too fast for him to see and punched his stomach. It made him vomit his drool, and Kenta kept punching him all over his body.

Muscular had enough and tries to punch him, but Kenta grabs his arm and flips him to the ground. He then jumps away from him, and Ki blasts him. Muscular gets up and doges at the last minute and runs at Kenta and sends a barrage of punches at him, but Kenta matches his punch with his own, creating shockwaves around them.

Both Miyabi and Hakuno are shocked at what they are seeing; this boy is matching the villain's punch like he is on the same level as him.

Miyabi: "Who is this kid, Hakuno? I've never seen any child matching an adult's strength before."

Hakuno: "I don't know, and he's not just fighting the villain."

Miyabi: "What do you mean?"

Hakuno: "Every time he matches Muscular punches, it feels like he is using him to train his body, and he is not done improving either; his punches look like it is going faster."

As they talk, more civilians come back and see the fighting happen, all while wondering who this kid is.

While at the fight, Kenta added some kicks to his endless punching and dealt some blows to Muscular. As he keeps getting kicked, he grabs his leg and sends Kenta into the air. He then manages to break a tree and throws it at him. Kenta dodges and stays flying in the air, shocked everyone.

Everyone: "HE CAN FLY TOO!"

Kenta put his hands out front and started firing Ki blast at Muscular, and all he could do was cross his arms and withstand the attack. It starts to dusk, and Kenta stops firing, waiting to see what comes out.

The dusk is clear and reveals that Muscular is covered with blood around his body, with his arms still crossed, and he is not happy.

Muscular: "How dare you do this to me!"

Kenta went straight at his and punched his cross arms and kept doing it. Musclar then breaks the punch and sends a punch to Kenta's stomach, sending him flying back. He hits the ground multiple times and gets his balance back.

He stands up and notices blood coming out of his mouth and wipes it off. He then looks back and Muscular.

Kenta's thoughts: ("I don't think I can keep doing this; I need to end this now, but Muscular is one strong villain in this world; I need an attack that can take him down.")

Kenta's eyes then widen after realizing something.

Kenta's thought: ("Wait, there is one attack that can work, and if Krillin and Yamcha can do it, so can I. Get ready, Muscular, you're about to get hit with a legendary move in Dragon Ball.")

Kenta stood up and looked at Muscular with determination in his eyes. He then brings his hands to his right side, making everyone wonder what he is doing.

Kenta: "Kame..."

Muscular looks at him, seeing an opportunity.

Muscular: "I don't know what you're doing, but if you are not going to move, I come straight at you."

He started to run at Kenta as he was still doing his pose.

Kenta: "Hame..."

Blue energy started to appear in his hands and kept glowing. Everyone saw this and wondered what move he was going to use.

Muscular brings his fist back and finally catches up to Kenta.

Muscular: "DIE!"

But it was too late for Muscular.

Kenta: "Ha!!!!"

He fires the legendary Kamehameha wave at Muscular with full power. The force of the wave made him stop as he tried to resist it, but it was too much, and all he could do now was scream.

Muscular: "AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Huge dust covers the area as everyone covers their eyes to not get dust in them. As it calms down, they see Kenta breathing heavily and bringing his head forward. The dust is all gone, and out came Muscular with his eyes all white and his mouth open wide. He just stood there before finally falling to his back.

The hero couple could not believe it; a kid manages to take down a villain all on his own.

Kenta sighs in relief and falls on his butt, tired. His right eye is half closed, but he looks at the civilians, smiles, and gives them a tumps up.

After seeing this, all the civilians cheered; the villain was down, and everyone was safe. Some of them came to him and helped him stand on his feet.

Male Civilian: "That was incredible; you took down that villain like he was nothing."

Female Teenager: "I've never seen a battle like that before in my life."

Kid: "Are you alright, mister? That attack that he did to you looks painful."

Kenta smiles at the civilians all around him; he has never had a crowd of people around him before, but it is nice.

Kenta: "I feel a little better, but let's go to a hospital just in case; we got to help the heroes, too."

One of the civilians started to call the ambulances as the other helped the heroes up. Hakuno looks at Kenta and sighs; his wife notices this.

Miyabi: "Is something wrong, dear?"

Hakuno: "I'm supposed to be a hero, yet we couldn't even beat that villain and had to let a Kid do our work for us. It's a little embarrassing, but I feel more shame for not trying more."

Miyabi sighs but smiles as she looks at Kenta.

Miyabi: "Maybe, but thanks to him, we won't have to say bye to our boy. He really helps us when we need it; I'm glad he came."

Hakuno smiles after hearing that.

Hakuno: "Yes, I'm glad to."


At the same time, Aizawa had finished capturing some villains and handed them over to the police. Then Detective Tsukauchi came to him.

Tsukauchi: "Sorry again for calling you, but we need your help."

Aizawa: "It's fine, but try to call someone else next time; I still got to do my job at teaching."

Then Tsukauchi's phone rang, catching their attention. He picked up and answered it.

Tsukauchi: "Yes... Really!... Got it, we will be there."

He hung up the phone, and Aizawa raised his eyebrow.

Aizawa: "What was that about?"

Tsukauchi: "I just got a call from a hospital; the 2 hero called Water Hose is there, along with a person that matches the description of the new vigilante."

Aizawa: "Really, that was fast. So what happened to them."

Tsukauchi: "A powerful villain by the name of Muscular attacked Water Hose and almost killed them before the vigilante showed up. He managed to defeat the villain by himself."

Aizawa is impressed by this; even if he doesn't like vigilantism, he won't deny that taking on a villain and defeating him alone is worth something.

Aizawa: "In any case, we should go there now so we can figure out who he is, and at least bring some backup just in case."

Tsukauchi: "I'll leave the backup to you; just tell me where to go."

Both of them went into Tsukauchi's police car and started driving to the hospital. As they drove, they could not help but think about the vigilante.

Aizawa and Tsukauchi's thoughts: ("I wonder what kind of person the kid is like?")