We see a police car stop at the hospital that is treating the Water Hose heroes and Kenta from the big fight with Muscular. Out came Tsukauchi and Aizawa from the front and two other heroes in the back.
The First is a tall, curvy woman with sky-blue eyes, which are tilted downwards in the center, framed by a set of rather long eyelashes. She had long, thick, spiky, dark purple hair, which was made up of layers of varying lengths, the longest ones reaching down below her waist. Her chin-length bangs were split into three sections: two swept to the sides and one over her face, going diagonally down to the left between her eyes. She also had a small beauty mark below her left eye, as well as red-painted nails.
Her hero costume was very similar to one of a traditional dominatrix. She wore a breastless, black leather leotard—similar in style to a corset—over a thin, skin-tight, white bodysuit, which accentuated her voluptuous figure. The center strip of her leotard was embellished with red gemstone-like accessories in a vertical pattern, extending from her collar to her midriff. She also wore translucent, black, thigh-high garter stockings, which were attached to a burgundy utility belt decorated with gold studs around her hips, a matching pentagonal buckle in its center, and black knee boots. She had a small red mask outlining her eyes and a handcuff on each wrist. She was often seen carrying a flogger-style whip.
The Last is a tall, slim man with long blond hair, which he wears spiked upwards in a large tuft behind his head, and a small brown mustache. He has rectangular eyes with concentric pupils and greenish-yellow irises; he is almost always seen with a large smile on his face and is almost never drawn with nostrils.
His hero costume consists of a black jacket with a very tall collar, upturned and complete with studs, and matching black pants and knee-high boots. He sports tan shoulder pads, a red belt, and elbow pads, all studded, and black fingerless gloves. His neck is always obscured by a directional speaker, which he uses with his Quirk. He always wears a pair of headphones with the word "HAGE" written on the headband and a pair of orange-tinted shades.
These are Nemuri Kayama and Hizashi Yamada, also known as the R-Rated Hero: Midnight and Voice Hero: Present Mic; these two were former classmates of Aizawa in the hero course.
Present Mic: "Seesh Erase is bringing us two really necessary for a single vigilante; I mean, he can't be that strong."
Aizawa: "Tell you what, when you find out a single vigilante defeated a strong villain by himself, I'll ask the same for you."
Present Mic: "Okay, man, you can really be a stick of mud, you know that."
Nemuri: "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm dying to meet this vigilante; let's see what naughty boy is in here."
Tsukauchi: "Please, not right now, Midnight; I already have a headache with this without your antics."
They enter the hospital and can see it's as busy as ever, with all the nurses helping people around. As they walk to the front desk, they see a familiar figure and a child in front of them.
The figure is a young woman with brown eyes and red hair styled into three bangs going across her face. She wears a knee-length skirt, dark leggings, high-heeled shoes, and a turtleneck sweater with a loose collar.
The child is a small boy with short, spiky black hair. He wears a short-sleeved collared shirt with buttons and dark shorts. In the colder months, he is seen wearing a sweatshirt with a hood. He also wears a red hat with two golden spike-shaped horns on the front.
The woman is Shino Sosaki, also known as the hero Mandalay, leader of the Wild Wild Pussycats. She is also the cousin of Miyabi Izumi. The child with her is her nephew, Kota Izumi, the son of the Water Hose heroes.
As they are waiting, Shino notices the heroes and Tsukauchi coming at them.
Shino: "Eraser Head, Present Mic, and Midnight, I heard that the vigilante is here, but didn't expect the police to bring 3 heroes here."
Aizawa: "It's to be expected, with how he took down that villain, we can't just leave him alone now."
Nemuri: "I take it that your nephew is worried for his parents, and you agree to take him here."
She nodded and looked at Kota, who had a worried expression on his face. It is no surprise that he is afraid of what happened to his parents. Shion picks him up and holds him close to her.
Shino: They are okay dear, don't worry, you will see them soon, okay?"
Kota: "Okay..."
They all then went up to the front desk to talk to the nurse.
Tsukauchi: "We are looking for the heroes and the vigilante in this hospital; which room are they in?"
Nurse: "Room 205 for the both of them."
They started walking to the room number. While walking, Nemuri decides to ask Shino something.
Nemuri: "So, Shino, are you a bit interested in the vigilante?"
Shino: "Well, I'm grateful for saving my family, and I guess I'm a bit interested in what his quirk is."
Present Mic: "No kidding, I mean super strength, energy blasting, and the ability to fly; why the heck does this kid have more than one quirk?"
Aizawa: "I don't blame you; how he has it, we will know soon."
Tsukauchi stays quiet for the walk, thinking about how this boy has more than one Quirk; only one person comes to mind.
Tsukauchi's thoughts: ("It couldn't be him, could it? All Might took care of him. Whatever the case, I need to get to the bottom of this.")
After a few minutes, they found the room and heard noise from inside. They went in and saw both Hakuno and Miyabi on the hospital beds with their doctor checking them and Kenta sound asleep in another bed, making loud snoring noises.
Kota: "MOM! DAD!"
They both turn and become shocked at seeing their son here. Kota got out of his aunt's arms and went straight to his mom and hugged her.
Miyabi: "Kota?! What are you doing here?"
Kota: "Y-Y-Your okay! I thought I-I thought-"
The boy didn't answer his parent's questions. Miyabi, seeing her son cry, rubs his head.
Miyabi: "It's okay, it's okay, Kota. Were okay…"
Hakuno then looks at his sister-in-law.
Hakuno: "Why did you bring him here, Shino?"
Shino: "He got worried about what happened; I brought him here to help calm him down."
He nods at her answer and looks at the 3 pro heroes and a police detective.
Hakuno: "Sorry you have to see us like this. I can't believe a kid saves us heroes; it really hurts one's pride."
Aizawa: "Just be glad that you are alive to tell the tale; that villain was in a whole different league."
Tsukauchi: Indeed, still, we will have to question the kid once he wakes up."
Hakuno nods and turns to the boy, who is still sleeping with all of them talking and has a snot bubble forming in his nose. He still can't believe someone so young and defeat a villain.
Present Mic: "So, how do we cover this story anyway? While I don't mind reporting a villain defeat, the fact that a kid defeated him would really turn the world upside down."
Nemuri: "I have to agree; I don't want this kid to get into any trouble after all that he went through. He's still young, and he shouldn't be in the spotlight at all."
Doctor: "That might be more difficult than you think it will be."
They turn to the doctor, who is quiet while they are talking, looking at him in confusion.
Aizawa: "And why is that?"
The doctor said nothing but grab the T.V. remote and turn on the news.
News Reporter: "In other news, a powerful villain known as Muscular was almost about to kill the Water Hose heroes when a mystery vigilante showed up and saved them."
Aizawa: "Are you kidding me."
News Reporter: "This video shows him and the villain fighting each other while showing off the vigilante quirk that seems to have more abilities."
A video shows Muscular and Kenta fighting each other.
Present Mic: "Well, that's just perfect, someone recorded the whole thing."
Nemuri: "Well, nothing we can do about it. I must say, he is showing incredible skill in combat; he must have trained really hard to get to this point."
Shino keeps looking at the video, seeing how he fights. She then looks at the kid a smiles a bit.
Shino's thoughts: ("I'm grateful for what he did. I don't know what would happen to Kota if his parents were gone. Thank you for saving them."
The video then shows Kenta making his Kamehameha.
Kenta (Video): "Kame...hame...HA!"
The heroes show the attack and are shocked at how powerful it is.
Present Mic: "Dame, now that was powerful; who knew an energy attack could be this strong."
The video ended and went back to the reporter.
News Reporter: "Here are some of the comments that people we interviewed at what they saw."
It now shows people talking about Kenta.
Civilian 1: "It was incredible; I have never seen a battle like that before."
Civilian 2: "I was scared at what the villain would do to them, but then he came a rescue them from him; he was amazing."
Civilian 3: "I want to be a hero just like him."
Guess who some of these people.
Tail Kid: "His martial arts are outstanding; I got to improve my hand-to-hand combat."
Ponytail Girl: "I've never seen martial arts like that before; I wonder who his teacher is?"
Pink Cheek Girl: "That quirk of his is amazing; he can even fly without throwing up."
Pink Alien: "He is hot, and those muscle screams buff; I can't wait to meet him."
Black Hair Kid: "That guy was so manly, I got to reach that level of manliness."
Broccoli Hiard Kid: "What is his Quirk? He is able to hit hard punches, shoot energy beams, and fly. Iwonderifheiswastingenergybybattleandfiringhisenergyshotsandflying;hemustrequiresomefoodtokeephisenergyhigh-"
Loud Mouth Porcupine: "Who the hell does this vigilante loser think he is?! Just because he can take on that villain doesn't make him special! I could take that villain on all week!"
Robot: "That vigilante shouldn't have interfered with the work of heroes! It was completely reckless and irresponsible for a non-license hero to do the work of heroes!"
News Reporter: "It seems that this vigilante not only has enemies but fans as well; now the question is, who is this vigilante?"
The doctor turned the T.V. off and looked back at the heroes and police detective.
Doctor: "As you can see, he gains popularity after fighting that villain, so whatever story you can come up with, it's all over."
Aizawa: "Great, just great, as if I already have a headache enough now. This will make the people see him in a good light, not that it is a bad thing; I just wanted to kid to learn what not to do."
Hakuno: "It's our fault; we couldn't stop the villain at all."
Shino: "Don't blame yourself; it can happen to any of us on the field."
Present Mic: "Well, it's over anyway, so let's just get back to business."
Tsukauchi: "Agreed; so, doctor, can you tell us who this kid is?"
The doctor shook his head.
Doctor: "No, he is definitely Japanese, but we can't find any record of him existing at all; it's like he appears out of nowhere."
Tsukauchi: "Well, this just got hard. Can you a least tell me about his Quirk."
The doctor had a hard look on his face after Tsukauchi mentioned this.
Doctor: "I'm afraid that even I can't help you with this, especially at what the results say."
This confused everyone at what he said. He then grabs the test results and shows them to Tsukauchi. He took it, looked at it, and was shocked at what it said.
Tsukauchi: "Is this a joke Doctor!?"
Doctor: "I triple-check it and check the equipment; nothing is broken."
Tsukauchi: "But this result; if what it said is true, then this kid is... Qurikless!"
This got everyone shocked at what he said; the kid who can shoot energy, fly, and have super strength is quirkless.
Present Mic: "Wait, wait, wait, you telling me that kid is quirkless, that impossible!"
Hakuno: "I saw him fly and shoot an energy blast; how can he be quirkless!?"
Nemuri: "This doesn't make any sense; how can someone with that much power be quirkless!"
Aizawa then glares at the sleeping boy, thinking it is time for some answers.
Aizawa: "Well then, let's wake him up them."
He then poked the snot bubble, and Kenta started to wake up but still felt a bit sleepy.
Kenta: "Mmmh... Time for some morning stretches."
He got off the hospital bed and stretched his body to wake up. After about 10 stretches, he felt awake. He then notices some stares at him, and he looks to see everyone. Outside, he is calm, but inside, he becomes shocked.
Kenta's thoughts: ("Oh no, I see Detective Tsukauchi, Eraser Head, Present Mic, and Midnight here. I knew that I would get involved with the hero soon, but not right now!")
He then saw some more behind them and knew who the other two were.
Kenta's Thoughts: ("Even Kota is here. I guess Mandalay brought him here because he was worried for his parents.")
The room was all silent, so he decided to break the ice and smile at them.
Kenta: "Hi, name Kenta Yamazai; nice to meet you, heroes, detective, and kid."
They can only stare at how casual Kenta is, not expecting him to say those things. Kota got curious and let go of his mother and went to him. Kenta sees him and goes down to his level.
Kenta: "Hey there, little guy, what's your name?"
Kota: "Kota, thank you for saving Mom and Dad; can you show me that energy thing you did to that villain?"
Kenta: "Sure, no problem."
He brings his hand up and creates an energy ball, making Kota look amazed at it. Aizawa's hair then goes up, and his eyes turn red. After a while, he became shocked at this, and Present Mic noticed it.
Present Mic: "Did you try to erase his powers?"
Aizawa: "Yes, and it's not working, meaning he does not have a quirk."
He then started walking to Kenta. Kenta notices this and makes the energy ball disappear while Kota goes back to his mom. He stands up and looks at Aizawa.
Kenta: "You are the Erasure Hero: Eraser Head that works at night."
Aizawa: "That's right, and you know I and everyone else are here, right."
Kenta: "Let me guess, my fight with Muscular."
Aizawa: "Yes, but now something else has come up; the doctor said you have no quirk, yet you are able to be strong, fire energy, and fly. I tried using my powers on you, but it did nothing. Now come with one question on our minds."
He glares at Kenta.
Aizawa: "What are you?"
Kenta isn't scared of the glare; it just reminds him of cats. He then smirks at them.
Kenta: "I am a Saiyan."