Chereads / Witch Of Wolves / Chapter 12 - Chapter 12

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12

"mittent..." "ah I wouldn't do that sweety you shouldn't use much magic before the birth of the child" Martha said with a sweet smile.

"what exactly do you intend to do?" I asked concerned "oh calm down, I don't intend to do anything to you or your child" she said walking closer to the bed "At least not yet" she added. "Why are you doing this?" I asked. "because amber Its better if you understand why your child must die before it happens" she said.

"I won't let you kill my baby" I said trying to slide away from her. "oh Amber you yourself won't have a choice" Martha said "you see the birth of your child, will disrupt everything, the universeal balance wasn't meant to be shifted like this, the reason a wolf can't get a witch pregnant and a witch can't get a wolf pregnant, is because it's unethical a wolf was never meant to mix with a vampire my dear" she said sitting on the edge of my bed.

"tell that to the vampire wolf hybrids" I replied. "that's different, those beasts were created" she said. "SO WAS MY BABY!" I yelled. "oh Amber it truly breaks my heart to put you through all of this" she said pushing my hair behind my ear. "don't you touch me" I said slapping away her hand away.

"Amber I beg you make this easy and get rid of the child, it's for your own benefit" she said with a pleading look on her face. "F**k you and your whole ass faction" I said then spit in her face.

she now looked annoyed as she stood up, then slapped me. "how unfortunate, I gave you a chance to solve this yourself out of respect for your grandmother my old friend but this is how you treat me" she said angry. "I hope you rot in hell you evil b***h because I swear to the gods if you come for my child I will kill you" I snapped. "I'll see you soon dear" she said with a smile then left.

I waited a minute before I got up and ran to the door then locked it. I then pulled out my phone and called Chris.

the phone rang and when he answered I didn't say a word. "Amber?" he said after a minute. what was I supposed to say exactly? the truth? would he come running. I had been his mate for only a few months but I never properly registered or understood what that meant.

I knew that when it came to a wolfs mate if something happened to them they would lose it. I experienced that first hand with Nathan and Sarah. but our relationship, it was different. more complicated, confusing. I didn't actually know how I felt about Chris. I'd just gotten used to his presence.

"Amber? are you there?" he asked. "I can here you breathing" he said sounding slightly worried. It took me a minute to respond. "I need you" I choked trying to keep myself from crying. "I'll be there in 10" he said quickly then hung up.

it didn't take him long to get to the apartment. he said 10 minutes, I think he had gotten there in 5. "Amber!" he yelled as I heard him run into the Apartment. I moved away from the door but I couldn't get up. "in here" I yelled and he quickly came in. "Amber what's wrong? what happened? why are you on the floor? what happened to Sarah?" he began to ask a million different question as he kneeled to my level.

I shook my head as tears began to fall from my eyes and he quickly grasped me in a hug. a nice tight hug but not tight enough to hurt me, just enough to feel comfort. "I-I don't think I can do this" I cried hugging him back. "H-How am I supposed to protect the baby, when I can't even protect my self" I continued to cry holding him tighter.

"it's ok" he said not letting me go "I won't leave your side again" he continued "I won't let a single thing hurt you or that baby" he added in a serious tone. I could tell he meant it. he really meant it I was one thing as his mate but he even meant it with the baby. "Chris" I said as the tears began to slow. "hm" he said still not letting me go. "I need you to promise me something" I said as I pushed him away lightly and looked him in the eyes.

"Anything" he said. he agreed to easily I already knew what he would say in response, as soon as what I ask him to promise me comes out of my mouth he'll say no.

"I need you to promise me if anything happens to me you will put the baby first" I said seriously. he looked at me shocked. I could see him scanning my face to see if I actually meant what I just said. "I'm sorry but I can't promise that" he said looking down. I used my hand to bring his eyes back to mine. "you need to" I said. "Nathan may be the father but I need to know if I die you will do everything for the baby" I continued staring him dead in the eyes. he was silent. "Promise me Chris" I said, the he forwarded his eyebrows and let out a sigh.

"fine" he said annoyed "I promise only if you die that I will do everything in my power to take care of and protect the baby" he promised. I smiled lightly, relieved that he promised, I knew he would follow through if something happened, though we both prayed that nothing would. "Thank you" I sighed.

that was when a realization occurred. I trusted Chris. I trusted Chris with more then just my life but my childs life, and that could only mean one of 3 possibilities.

1. I'm crazy...

2. I actually thought I was going to die...

3. or I loved him...

I then looked him in the eyes for a minute, then I grabbed his shirt and pulled him close, kissing him.

To Be Continued