Chereads / The Intimidating System in the Multverse / Chapter 44 - It Takes A Broken Man To Understand Another Broken Man

Chapter 44 - It Takes A Broken Man To Understand Another Broken Man

Everyone was watching Angel's best sex film that got him a win over Tiffany, but almost everyone is disgusted about the film. Yu is cover J's eyes and ears to not see the horror that they are seeing.

Husk is telling that the interrogation is not realization, it would be better if it was a corrupt cop that was planning to rape their suspect, but he knows that script are hot garbage.

Angel call it " classic art," but he know that Husk is right and he doesn't want to say that he is right.

Husk calls him out that he know that this is bullshit, Angel came to him to talk about his problems about his job.

Husk can describe everyone personality because everyone bit##es him with their problems.

(Sir Pentious) A insecure buffoon, a lonely ass that watches every sleep.

(Charile) A person with a bleeding heart, who wants to fix everyone else's problems expect her own.

(Vaggie) Judges everyone and everything because she hate herself.

(Niffty) You don't want know.

(Luffy/Nika) A smiling buffoon that want to make everyone happy and have their freedom.

(Alder) A good father, a honest man, and a man that will support you to his end.

(Mask) A clown that will humiliate himself to get a laugh, but when someone insult or hurt his friends then being killed by a exterminator will be a better choice.

(Adam) A good father, that helps me around the bar.

(Death) A force of nature that will come and kill you if you laugh that his face, but a okay guy to talk to.

(Giratina) A hard working little girl that has some angry issues, but she keeps them check.

(J) A pure baby that shouldn't be seeing you shit films.

The final person in the room is Angel, he can't stand that Angel keep on being fake or doing these facade.

" Why do you think that, maybe because I am a actor and acting is my job dumba##."

Before Angel can finish the sentence he got a call, it was Valentino calling them for a emergency shot, but a few people can tell that Angel doesn't want to do these.

Angel has to run off to work, but Charile stopped him because they don't finish their lesson, but Angel makes it clear if she wants to fix the problem she has to fix his boss.

Vaggie explains that if she can use his authority to convince Angel's boss to give him more time to the hotel, will that what Charile thought out of the explain.

" Charile, I can help you show authority to others, or at least intimidated them so they obey," as Death comes to the scene with his sickles and with a terrifying smile that you see in horror movie.

" Okay Death, we are going to convince Angel's boss," as Charile walks out with confidence beside Death.

It take some time to get Angel's working place, Death has to cover Charile's eyes from some disgusting scenes, Angel comes to ask why are they here.

" We are here to talk with your boss," Death answer Angel's questions, but Angel was fearful because of the answer.

" Death, get Charile away from here, I promise to talk with you two later, but you have to go," Angel finished his sentence, Valentino come when the princess of hell is here.

Valentino greet Charile to his sex dungeon, Valentino was going to lick Charile's arm, but Death interrupted him.

" Keep your tongue to yourself if you don't want it to be cut off," Death is holding it up to Valentino's throat and unleashed a massive amount of killing intention.

Valentino was got a chill down his spine because of the massive amount of killing intention he is going, also the guy is not afraid of them so he must be powerful.

Charile wanted to chat with Valentino to give some more time so Angel can be redeem, Valentino suggest that they can talk about it after Angel finished the film.

Charile agreed and waited until the film was done, Charile was accidentally making problems in the studio.

Valentino and Death put out the fire that Charile made, Valentino act nice to Charile and ask Angel to come to a dressing room(Angel's dressing room).

Death used some magic to clean or fix some of the wood or furniture that was near the fire, Death hear some conflicts in Angel's dressing room, he can hear to pain and Valentino manipulate Angel to get the two out of his place.

A few minutes have passed, Valentino comes in with a hurt Angel, Charile was angry because he treated Angel badly.

Angel stopped her from making thing worse, Death comes to get her out because Charile will cry because she wanted to help, but she made things worse.

Death put Charile to the door, Death closed the door and attacked Valentino with his sickles, Valentino was so surprised that he had no time to react.

Death take a arm off of Valentino, " Valentino, I promise her father that I will protect her from harm or mental harm, I will not kill you Valentino.

" I will give you a world of pain, you hurt Charile, you made Angel do the damage, Valentino do you remember me I was the one who bring you here.

Valentino was going to attack him, a massive amount of bloodlust, Valentino couldn't breathe, talk or move and he was afraid because when he said I was the one who brings you here, he realized that it was Death.

Valentino don't have the willpower to fight back, Death torture them for a good hour, but that hour feel like a eternity and everyone was standing there watching it.

" Valentino, if you hurt Charile and Angel again I will kill you and I have eyes everywhere, also Angel apologize to Charile late alright," thousands of red eyes are around the studio looking at everyone.

Valentino promise that he wouldn't hurt Charile and Angel, Angel nervously agreed that he will apologize to Charile and Death leaves the studio.

Some time later, Angel comes with a frustrated because Valentino has a lot of sex with him, but couldn't hurt him because of Death, which was a somewhat nice change of pace.

Angel ask Husk for a heavy drink, but he give him a light drink because he is not going to find the answer on the bottom of the bottle.

Husk and Angel had a argument about Angel finding a solution and he being fake, Angel had a mental breakdown or something close.

Vaggie ask Husk to get Angel, but Charile wants to Husk to take care of Angel because she cross a line and it's her fault.

Luffy tag because he is worried about Angel because he can noticed that Angel don't have joy because he is a slave to someone.

Luffy and Husk found the club that Angel was that, everything was fine, but they noticed that a shark sinner drugged Angel's drink and the two had to step in.

Husk grab Angel so Luffy can deal with the shark sinners, Luffy was having a fun time, they were playing who can kill the target, but they don't know that Luffy is made like rubber so the bullets come back and hit the shark sinners.

Luffy takes them to the cook to made some Shark Fin Song, he grabs out of nowhere a holy metal knife to kill them, Luffy put on a chef hat and starts cooking.

It was not bad, he serve it to the club and let the club, Luffy sees that the two were singing Loser, Baby, but the three of them leave with a smile on their face.

" Angel, if you need something to talk to or fix your problem then you can ask me," Luffy looked with a somewhat serious face and Angel appreciated the offer.

The three of them come back, Charile and Angel apologize to each other and the three have a quick drink with each other.