Chereads / The Intimidating System in the Multverse / Chapter 48 - Sinners Vs Exterminators

Chapter 48 - Sinners Vs Exterminators

In a room, Vox is see that the group are going to fight, he was so annoying that Death come in the room to beat him to almost to himself, but Vox tries to fight back and he failed terribly.

Vox was scared because Death was infront of him, but Death says " If you want to say something then say it infront of our faces and don't hide like the coward you are."

Death comes back to the hotel, Alastor wanted to know how the scaring of Vox want, Death said " He was always a coward even through live so you can imagine the terrified face he had.

Alastor smile went wider, Alastor looked at the drones and just smiled and said nothing, he just walked away to see everyone progress.

Charile and Vaggie looked worried if they are ready for this, Sir Pentious, Mask, Nika, J, Yu are in Napoleon looked war ready clothing. Everyone expect Yu is doing the general roleplay that the Sir Pentious told him to practice, Yu said that they needed another general and they wanted him to have a bit of fun with it.

Niffty comes out of the hotel to ask what she can, every general expect Yu give Niffty a job she couldn't understand, but Yu said if you see a angel just stab it in the most brutal way possible.

Niffty runs to Angel Dust to stab, but Charile quickly said not that Angel and the general give a report of what they have right now.

Sir Pentious: Report that they have 34 extra of each weapon and Bellamy is making firearms for his egg boys.

Yu: Report that everything that can easily broken has been blocked and guarded by Giratina's servants.

J: Report that they have almost 10,000 people in the army.

Nika: Report that Lucifer is helping Bellamy creating the weapons so he will not be in the battle at the start.

Mask: Report that almost everyone is ready, some are nervous because this can be their last day, but most just want to eat ange meat and wings.

Charile will make a small speech to comfort and Vaggie will make sure that everyone will have a extra weapon if they lost their weapons by Exterminator.

Charile make a speech about the good she has seen in all of them, but Niffty ruined the moment with a unknown fate.

Bellamy and Lucifer are taking a break and just in the drink, Bellamy bring the strongest beer in hell, everyone expect Alastor, Charile, Vaggie, and Niffty join in the drinking contest.

Angel, Lucifer, Nika, Husk, Yu, Bellamy, Death, Giratina, Adam, Alder are the only ones left, the first to blackout are Yu and Alder.

Second are Giratina and Angel, third are Husk and Nika. Lucifer, Bellamy, Death are drinking without stop, but the ones to blackout are Lucifer and Bellamy. Death just keeps on drinking for his reward and gets some water for the other.

Death sees Sir Pentious talking to Cherri Bomb and trying to confess his feelings, Death looks sad because he know Sir Pentious's fate, but he may go to heaven after the battle.

Death goes to Sir Pentious to have a talk with him alone, they go into a extra bedroom to talk and Death said " Sir Pentious, I know you fate and you are going to die by Adam if you go out."

" Will this is a battle, people will die and I know that, I want to help my friend Death. My fate will be with you and can't come back or survive, but I will be at the battlefield for my friends." Sir Pentious looks ready for that fate and he knows that he can't escape Death, but he can make the better of his afterlife and hugs Death.

" I can't stop it, even if I could that will mean that you will die in the further future, but I will always be at your side after your Death," Death cried a bit because he can't save one of his friends, that is because the cycle of life and Death even in the afterlife it is still in effect.

In the morning, everyone is there in front of the hotel expect Lucifer and Bellamy who are finishing the weapons and a secret weapon if they need to use it.

The Exterminator began to attack first, but Nika goes giant mode, he grabs a bunch of Exterminator to roll him up to a ball and give it to the cannibals so they can kill and eat.

Mask brings out a rocket launcher that has a homing angelic metal missile, Mask target a large group of Exterminator and kill them with his back turn to look cool.

Death jump in and with the help of Giratina that he ride in her pokemon form, he slash the Exterminator's heads with the help of Giratina's fast flying.

Yu was punching them with demonic steel brass knuckles, he gives them skull, bones, ribs fractures so they don't escape or attack easily. Yu punches him to death and grab one of the Exterminator's broken bones to pierce through the other Exterminator's heads.

Alastor puts a shield around the hotel, it was effective and let only a few Exterminator at a time so the sinner can kill them.

Adam destroyed the shield, Alastor was there with Adam and Alder with Demonic weapons, Adam says " Will, will, will what do we have a sinner, a human, and the original Adam, will I have a reason now to kill you Adam," asshole Adam is getting ready to kill.

Bellamy and Lucifer are done finishing with the weapons, the two full speed ahead to the hotel so no more deaths are there.

Asshole Adam attack first, Adam blocked with his guitar axe, he pushes him back and Alastor attacked with his shadow tentacles and to keep distance.

Alder attacks with his bare fist to attack, it hurted Adam and that surprised Adam because a mortal soul/being can't hurt or kill him. Alder opens his tan cloak that show J under it and shoot light magic on his gut.

Adam block it, Alder and Adam are doing close combat, J and Alastor are doing far range attack. Adam was getting a bit bloody, but that stop when Adam do two light slash at Alastor and Alder.

The two managed to block it, but Adam slashed Alastor's chest and Adam slashed Adam with his guitar axe, but Adam managed to dodge. Alder gets up and punches Adam's balls for a surprise attack and J do the same.

Adam felt that and he was in a massive amount of pain, this allowed Alastor to get away and Adam started to shoot light blast like crazy. It was damaging the protective layers that they put, but Adam got some good hit on them.

Adam decided that he wasted a lot of time with them, so he went to cause some destruction on the hotel and kill a bunch of sinners.

Alder has a some damage on his chest, it felt like some of his ribs are broken, but Arceus use some of his power to fix his broken bones.

Adam had a three degree burn on his side, but he use his regenerate skill to heal it, J was the lucky one because he was too small to hit so he was unharmed.

Adam was shoot light blast everywhere, they had to do something and Sir Pentious remember what Death said, he smiled and had his first kiss with Cherri Bomb.

Death say that Sir Pentious was going to do, rush to Sir Pentious to complete his promise, he jump in the blimp and started to going towards Adam.

Sir Pentious fires every weapons he had like laser, rockets, bullets, and harpoon going towards Adam. Adam was trying to dodge everything, but something hit him and do some damage like a laser to the side, a harpoon through his arm, and a rocket to the face.

Sir Pentious's death ray was ready to go, but when they give him some time to breathe the blimp was vaporizer with Sir Pentious and the egg boys. The only one that survived the laser was Death and he was crying when he was falling out of the sky, Giratina captured him in time.

Lucifer and Bellamy got in time to see Sir Pentious and his egg boys vaporizer, Bellamy rushes to the battlefield to find out what happened, he ask Angel what happened, he said Sir Pentious died and Bellamy drop the laser looking mini gun.

Lucifer understand that one of Charile's friends had died and also was Bellamy's favorite person to hangout.

Nika punched Adam out of the sky, Yu punches him back in the sky, Charile transformed into her demon form and pierce him with a trident. Adam copied Adam's powers again to attack him with his guitar axe, Mask smash him with a demonic hammer, Bellamy jumps in the air and go back down in almost light speed to create force that will do a serious injury.

Lucifer was punching him to almost Death, Y join in with shoot light blast into his body, Adam was almost dead, but he did something unexpected. He created a focus of light magic to create a bomb that will probably kill him all.

" Will if I am going down then you all are going do with me," as he activated it and a large explosion happened, everyone expected to be died, but Alder with glowing white eyes and a gold cross wheel appears on his back.

Alder snaps his finger and the light explosion dissappears, Alder looks at Adam and sighs " So this is what "god" do to copy my Adam, will I can see that he was to lazy to make him into a more likable person," a echoey and godlike voice come out of Alder's mouth.

" Death my friend, I think you should decide what happens to him," Alder turn to Death to show the almost dead Adam, " You will forever be in a void, you will forever be lonely and if you escape then you will become a sinner, the very thing you hate," Death gives Adam's soul and opens a portal to a endless void that you can't tell time.

The hotel was destroyed because Arceus was more worried about the people around him then the hotel, Arceus whisper something to Death, " If you agree right now I can seen your friend into Heaven so he will have a second chance.

Death agree to the deal, Arceus do this for free because Death is a very old friend of his and he does owe him a couple of favors.

Lucifer ask the Exterminator to leave and they did, but Bellamy had a different idea, he shoot his laser mini gun, it target every Exterminator that was infront of him and the only Exterminator was left was Lute.

Lute went back to Heaven, Charile cried on Death and why don't he stop his death, Death says " He was going to die eventually, I told him about it and he accepted his fate of Death/me," Death pats Charile just keep on crying.

(The song The Show Must Go On starts playing)

The group rebuild the hotel, Nika handed with the heavy labor, Alder and J uses a bit of power to weld some metal together, Yu punches nails into wood, Mask is building rooms, Death is building offices for the hotel owner and workers so they can do something private or have some peace and quiet in there.

Giratina with her skills she finish rhe bottom and the second floor in a world record speed and using her servants to help as well with the rebuild of the hotel.

When they hotel was finished it was better then the previous hotel like it had a stage, bigger rooms, and a better radio station. It looked like it was a happy day in hell, Alder had a feeling from Arceus that this is no over and looks at Heaven.