Chapter 40 - Mammon

In a flashback, there was a large crowd that were excited to see Mammon and in the crowd was Blitzo, Fizzarolli as teenagers and Blaze as a parent to protect for scam, crazy fans, and some of Blaze's enemies.

The announcer was hype the crowd for Mammon to show up, Mammon was talking about host a clown pageant and he will exploit talent to make billions out of them.

Blaze and Blitzo saw what he was trying to do, Fizzarolli on the other side was excited because he would work with his idol, Mammon the sin of Greed.

Mammon is basically telling everyone is that he will love you when you are making money for him and when you are not useful anymore he will throw you away.

He summon a large amount of clowns to go to the crowd, they were on everyone, but the clowns are afraid to get to Blaze area because he is famous of being the strongest imp/demon in hell but if they offend him they will die.

Blaze, Blitzo and Fizzarolli are walking home after the show of Mammon, Fizzarolli talks about Mammon and he would like to work with him. Fizzarolli talks about Mammon being inspiration to him because he is letting some new to take stage.

Blaze is on guard because he feels that someone is following them, he was distracted because Blitzo is talking that he will be the biggest clown that hel has ever saw.

Blaze was happy because he is seeing to teenagers and best friends just having fun with each other, this put a smile on his face.

A tall imp with glasses appears, the creep is talking about Fizzarolli and himself doing a duo act but he gets a aggressive because they want him to leave and let go of Fizzarolli.

Blaze just grab Blitzo up, he walks up and grab Fizzarolli for this freak, the guy was talking shit about Fizzarolli but Blaze unleashed a large amount of bloodlust that the guy shut up and pass out.

Blaze puts both down, Fizzarolli is messed up of what he thought, he thinks that he needs to be perfect.

" Fizzarolli, no one is perfect, you just need to be a better you and just love what you doing," as Blaze just pats his back and smile honest so Fizzarolli will just take his word for it.

Back to the present, today was a slow day, so they don't need to work the night shift, so Blaze was in his pajamas next to Blaze that had chips and cheese.

We watched the horny ponies, that Blaze couldn't watch for a while so he decided to take a nap. Blitzo got a phone call from a unknown number but he pick it up anyway.

The person on the phone was Asmodeus and asking if this is Blitzo and says " I need your help, I want you to convince Fizzarolli that the clown pageant is just a waste of time.,"

" Why? doesn't he win every year," as Blitzo looks abit confused and curious at the request.

" Mammon is a piece of shit, he abuses, emotionally manipulate him for things he doesn't want to do and don't care of his mental health because of this," as he glows brightly with anger and almost breaks his phone.

" I see, will my skills are killing things without giving a shit and telling people their own flaws, count me in."

" Also can you bring your grandpa along, he has a good relationship with Fizzarolli as well and he can help with the convincing."

2 hours have pass, a limo appears at the clown pageant, in it was Fizzarolli, Asmodeus, Blaze and Blitzo in it.

They walked on the red carpet, Fizzarolli ask why Blitz and Blaze were here and Asmodeus asked " Will Blitz was the one that kept you safe when you were kidnapped and Blaze will be main security because of his power."

" Will I guess that makes sense," as he waves at his fan and looks back at Asmodeus.

" Will I have to leave now but good luck on the clown pageant," as he moves back and wave his hand to tell the two to start convincing him to stop doing or at least take a break of all this.

Asmodeus leaves and the two move closer to Fizzarolli, Blitz makes promises that he wouldn't let anyone give him shit but expect him.

The man of the hour appears, Mammon come to Fizzarolli and check him to fix some things like losing weight and fixing his posture.

Blitz comes in and talked about the bullshit he do when they were teenagers, Mammon was unhappy about the comment.

" Hey Mammon, how has the business been doing and have you try losing weight you fat bastard?" as he walks slowly with a smug face and some people were taking more picture when Blaze was face to face to Mammon.

Mammon looked at Blaze annoyed face with his arm up in the air to do something but something unexpected happened.

" You son of a b##ch, why don't you tell him that you were coming, the business has been good when you talked me about Fizzarolli talent, and also workout, that will just be too much work if I would just get it back and also I am just to lazy to work out."

He rapped his arm around Blaze neck and just laughed at each other, insulting each other, show who is being more successful and who is the strongest (Blaze)

Blaze explains that imp that insulted him was his grandson, Blaze explains that he wanted him to talk about your shitty performance.

Blaze laughed at him, Mammon punched Blaze his shoulder hard and laughed at his plan, Mammon tells that he will get him for that.

Mammon leave with a smile, Fizzarolli looks at Blaze and he give him a heart attack because of the actions on his boss. Blitz talks about that he is a jerk, Fizzarolli stops Blitz because he needs this gag.

Blitz bring a point because he has Asmodeus but Fizzarolli just says that he just needs it.

Fizzarolli just smiles and waves, but two twin just come in to insult him, lower his confidence, they leave with a bad impression within Blaze and Blaze just wants Fizzarolli to just smoke those two.

Blaze just hear music, he just appears backstage, seeing that the Glam sister and Fizzarolli was talking first place back and forth, they ended up in a tie and they got to the final round.

Mammon goes on stage to introduce the three, Mammon says that they will have a meet 'n greet with finalists.

The scene changes to Mammon gives all of the imps and hellhounds souls, they was one poor kid that gives him some junk and he was going to be kick out because he didn't have souls.

Blaze pause him and says " I will pay for this kid entry," as Blaze give Mammon a bag of souls and Mammon grab the money, he let the kid get in.

Fizzarolli asked him to skip the meet 'n greet, Mammon said no and he gives him reason that he should do it.

Fizzarolli just go into the crowd sign something and having some conversation. When he was done with a sad face, but a shine of light comes in with a deaf imp kid with a broken horn comes in.

Fizzarolli had a joyful conversation in sign language with the kid, Blaze planned to have that kid be Fizzarolli 's son.

A old fan creep comes in the scene, he insult him because of the incident that happened 16-17 years ago and gets close to Fizzarolli.

Blaze stop him from getting closer to Fizzarolli, he still is insult him and trying to get closer but failing. He tried to punch Blaze but got a upper cut to the face and he give his neck to choke him to death.

Blaze looks at Fizzarolli that is in a mental breakdown, Blitz is trying to calm him down and Blaze leaves Fizzarolli in Blitz's hands and he takes the creep to a toxic waste lake that will kill painfully.

His bones were all left of him, he walks back to the clown pageant in 15 minutes, he first sees that the crowd is waiting for Fizzarolli.

He was going backstage but a blue smoke appeared and it looks that Fizzarolli is ready to perform, he sings that how he was treated by Mammon, he is saying that he is quitting and fuck you Mammon

Blaze laughs at the performance and at the meaning of the sing, when they sing was done he told everyone that he is quitting.

Mammon was not OK with that, he goes on stage and goes beast mode on Fizzarolli, Asmodeus comes out to protect him, in the conflict revealed that Fizzarolli and Asmodeus are in love.

Blaze comes in with his Dragon Slayer Sword ready if a fight was going to break out, he goes on Asmodeus side to protect him but Mammon was unhappy because of this.

Mammon understand Blaze's reason because first in his mind is family and Fizzarolli is basic his family.

Mammon back away but he will make Asmodeus regret this, but he said to Blaze " So you want a fight then we meet at my casino in 6 months, we will have a gamble battle."

" I accept the challenge," as Mammon leave and the scene changes to everyone in the limo, Fizzarolli and Asmodeus were flirting with each other.

The two stop that when Blaze told that they will have a son now and he puts out the deaf kid from before. The two were worried about why do he do this.

In the end, they sign the adoption forms and now they have a new son that they can eat burgers with.