Chereads / The Intimidating System in the Multverse / Chapter 18 - Another Day In Canon

Chapter 18 - Another Day In Canon

King asks Saitama to come to his house to play video games, and today, a bunch of new games come out, so he wants to play with him if he has time. Saitama said, " Sure, I am fighting a couple of annoying monsters, but just give me a couple of minutes because there is a sale at the supermarket. They are selling meat and crab."

King can understand Saitama because he doesn't have a lot of money and can't afford much, but King gives him a bit of money, but saitama refuses some of it, but one time King gives give money to saitama and he take the 1000 dollars of yen but King saw that Saitama donated some to charity and give some to a poor family that couldn't by food or clothes.

He was touched by Saitama's kindness, and he respected him but not him but also Ken that was watching as well. Some rumors that King heard about the baldy were terrible, but some were good. Some people talked about saitama kindness, but some people think that just a mask to cover what he is, a false hero.

King grabs his hat and hood to cover up to not give too much attention, King changed a bit, but he is the same King, he hates getting too much attention.

He walked the video games store, and 10 minutes later, he got the games he wanted, and he was mining his own business, but a reptile monster was around a crowd, and the people say " What the hell is that thing," and the reptile monster say " My love of reptile has turn me into one and behold the great Tongue Stretcher."

" It a monster ran away," as the people ran away and Tongue Stretcher stretched to a young lady and he said, " All the pretty young ladies are mine," as it was going to attack one of ladies, King's hat blow away and King said " You monster are getting on my nerves."

" Where the hell do you come from? Wow, what is up with that aura, and that face."

Thump thump thump thump thump thump. King learns how to control his heart so he can use the "King Engine", he had to think about some things that scared them, but another way, thank to the system/Ken, he can control his body parts and can make his heart go fast and louder then before at will.

"That man is supposed to be the strongest man on earth he will save us for sure," as a man loudly claimed. As King stands there mancing, his aura was intimidating if people looked close, they could see an intermediate eye, that eye belonged to a dragon, It has galaxies everywhere on his body and his eye, claws, teeth and mouth are black holes shape to look like body parts. This is Ken, in King's body, thanks to the system/ken, he can use system/ken form into his own aura to make it more mancing.

Every civilian shouts King's name, and Tongue Stretcher is terrified and said, " King, please forgive what I do."

"Yeah, way to go, King," as every man says

"Gross prevert," says the woman that was going to be attacked, and other women l say, " Yeah, super gross."

"Yeah, go cry on your knees." As a civilian teased Tongue Stretcher, and he is doing what the civilian said.

Everyone was crowded king and asked questions, " King, do you sense the monster prescene."

"No, I was just going shopping."

"What hold up who are you to question King, back off."

"Its okay, I don't mind."

"King, can I shake your hand."

"Sure, anything for a fan," as King shakes the random civilian hand.

"Thank you, King, it's a huge honor to shake."

"It's no a big deal."

Everyone in the area wants to shake King's hand, and King does it not to look like a jerk and 5 minutes later, he was done, and he saw Saitama and Genos on the way from the supermarket to his home.

He walked with him and talked about the video games he got Tower Fighter, Super Crash Bros(with heroes for their world like him, Hero Cart and (what game was in canon), what he heard about them and System come out to talk with Genos about saling weapons to him and what he had and what catch Genos's eye was almost indestructible metal and a energy blaster.

The energy blaster takes the energy around the area and even nuclear energy, so he wanted them, and the price was 100,000, but he gave him a discount, so it was 10,000, and Genos uses his money, he didn't need from the Hero Association to buy it.

But peace and quiet do not stay for a large robot walked in front of him and said, " My moniker is G4, a machine that God created from the organization and you are S Class Hero King be ready to be liquidated.

King engine starts, and King says, " Let's just finish these already. You can have the first hit."

G4 raises his sword, and with immense speed and strength, it hit King, but it only cuts a small injury on his chest, and then King punchs G4, and he turn into metal scrap and he saw a small robot inside it but it was destroyed but System puts the metal scrap in his endless storage briefcase but he rewire the eye so the person behind it can't see them.

King was somewhat scared because he didn't know if he body could stand a hit like that, but when he saw that it just cut him, his fear disappeared and used his super strength skill to just punch it and he just walked away.

The civilians are amazed at King's strength showed in public and cause more strong people to join the Hero Association, and the Hero Association is happy at show his strength in public and can put it in King's records, in King's records are his power he showed like super strength, super regeneration and his fighting spirit Mafia Dragon and their is a file for Mafia Dragon and it only say "If you damage it, can will also damage King." Also, his appearance too, a human like dragon in a fancy business suit and briefcase that have wings.

He got a new skill of the robot, and the system took out a card, and it said engineer level 38: A scientist tried to make a robot that is equal to a god, but he failed. You have the skill to build and create anything to beginner level to advanced level gadgets and robots.

King's was kinda surprised that he got from a robot, but he was happy just the same, and some time later, everyone expect Genos wanted to take the King's house to play games, but Genos had to go to Dr. Kuseno to add the almost indestructible metal and the energy blaster.

King, Saitama, and System play games, and Saitama always ends up losing and enraging him, but unexpected words that come out of King. " Saitama, I was thinking about my past. Do you save me from an octopus monster ?" "Maybe, I don't really know that will, but I do remember an octopus monster because its meat was delicious and saved a blonde man that got slash on the eye."

King's eyes widened, and he was going to say something, but a large monster bird crashed into his home, and he was pushed back, and saitama said, " Are you alright." As he said that, he looked at Saitama, and he remembered that Saitama really survived when he had hair, and he went back to reality and said yeah, and saitama punched the bird and King accidentally touch one of the bird's feather and got a new skill fly level 15: You have grow wings and they are very strong and you can fly for 3 days straight.

He ignores that, and he stares at Saitama, but before he can say anything, Mafia Dragon turns into Cement(Mha) to fix the wall, and Saitama looks at King and System says" Can we do a another game." As the two look at each other and say " Sure," with a poker face.