The next instant he was gone along with the containment area and now flying right above earth, with the eyes still active he had a new goal which was finding his home and he teleported to it the moment it was show to him.
He willed for the house to create a pocket dimension in the form of a ring and sucked the containment area into it after he was done designing the internals of it, Raizel erased the containment area and brought all the beasts out, he set them down.
"It's a little incomplete for now but this will do, this is where you'll be staying for now".
"You can create your desired environments and food you want, just for now as I'll come complete it later as I can't let you get lazy".
"Killing one another is not allowed and you will all listen to her even when I'm present" he pointed towards the motherbird.
"She's the smartest and strongest of you all, since this dimension exists in my current reality everything works the same".
"At any moment you each of you can individually get a look of the outside through my eyes, or of any other way you want".
"Each of you also have the freedom to will yourselves back to your original habitat in the outside world, just make sure to also report here constantly and you're allowed to bring guests just so long as they behave".
"You also get summoned here if you're somehow killed while outside".
"Is that all?".
"Ehn, for now I guess".
He shrugged, this was all he could get out from his head. He opened a portal to leave but was stopped by the little one right at his feet, he could tell she wanted him to take her outside and just smiled as he levitated her to his eye level and gave her a little rub on the head.
Rai gave a look at her mother asking if she was fine with this, Monroe hesitated for quite a bit but eventually she agreed after considering a lot of things, the fact she had been born and would've been almost totally raised in captivity was a beginning she had never liked in the slightest.
But this was a chance for a new one and though she did not fully Raizel yet, he had been extremely open with his intentions when it came to her daughter so she allowed the little one to go with him.
He allowed her perch on his shoulder and opened a portal which immediately closed behind him after he stepped out, Monroe kept staring into the empty space of where they once were.
She spread out her wings and flew up into the skies which almost immediately had become a stormy hell of thunder and lightning, the animals below all released growls and grunts of complaint and began moving away from the area.
Monroe lay down comfortably in her stormy clouds and shut her eyes, relishing in the peaceful feeling that the constant strikes brought to her mind, the massaging and comfortable feeling it brought when those powerful bolts struck her body, for the first time she had regained the feeling of home.
Meanwhile in the outside world Raizel had willed for a portal to be made for him and for it to be directly spawned at the door to the chimera lab which he was a tiny bit surprised went without a hitch.
That place had the craziest of restrictions but it seems the power of his home was far greater which was a very good thing for him, the little one looked around at the new place she had found herself in.
Her grip on Raizels shoulder got a bit tighter and she seemed to shrink down a little which very much surprised Rai, he wondered if she could feel the faint but incredibly diluted presence of Leviathan in these walls because that really would be quite impressive, much too damn impressive.
He smiled and have her head a small rub "worry not little one, there exists nothing that can hurt you while I'm here" he declared with full confidence in his voice.
She raised her gaze up to his face and cooed.
"Mhm, it's a promise" he replied and began on his way to the classroom.
Once he got to the entrance he was met with two new figures in the class, both in white cloaks with gold runes and patterns written on it.
He raised a brow but stepped in anyway and was about heading towards his seat before being questioned by his teacher.
"Where have you been".
Norbert was silent, his attention on the creature that rest on Raizel's shoulder "It's prohibited in classes".
"The rules will be recieving a quick update then".
He continued onwards to his seat after and placed the little one atop his desk "this may be quite a long day little one".
She tilted her head and he smiled as he gave her a little pet "you'll get it eventually".
"Can I touch her" Bellona asked.
Raizel gave a nod of approval and Bellona reached out her hands to the little one who shied away from it at first but her curiosity won over as she let herself get a petting from Bellona who smiled when she heard the little one coo in comfort.
"Where did you find her".
"In a lab".
"A lab?" She questioned, confused at what he meant.
"What.....what lab?".
Raizel looked up for a moment "a chimera one, just randomly bumped into it and went for a little exploration".
"Was an interesting place really".
Bellona got even more confused as Raizel rambled on because she knew well what a chimera was as did most people on the planet and their creation was widely looked down upon as unnatural and most caught practicing this art were almost always doing it with malicious intent in mind.
Natural chimeras existed of course, these were usually referred to as fusions and it resulted in creating the most terrifying and unstoppable things ever.
But this was truly one of the most surprising thing ever to Bellona's ears, she had to confirm again because it didn't make sense whatsoever when she thinks about it.
"Are you sure it was chimera lab" she questioned.
Raizel raised a brow "Yes, does it surprise you that much?".
"Of course" she scoffed.
"Chimeras like that are— she paused and looked down at the little one then at Rai.
Then she sighed and rubbed her temple "ah forget it, I don't want to get in way in over my head here".
"This is Leviathan, it could run way too deep and even my mentor may not be able to save me if I fall".
Raizel cracked a small smile "perhaps", then he went back to gazing at the outside.
His mind drifted off towards Eva, he wanted to know—No, he just wanted to see or feel her but he couldn't, he didn't dare spread his consciousness in search of her lest he causes her to show him that face again and he hated it.
His fists balled up a bit as he saw the image again, some moments later came the sound of heavy ball reverberating in his ears and throughout the whole section.
Norbert's conversation with the two guests was cut off as he looked up the moment the bell rang 'seems they're done'.
"right, you all may leave to the classes you belong to, a map is already imprinted into your mind so worry not about the directions".
The students stood up with haste, even the normally cool headed Mages were excited as they all rushed out of the class, the commotion startled the little one a bit but it soon left her mind as she returned to resting her head on Bellona's Bossom who continued to pet her, but she was soon pulled away by Bellona herself which confused the little one a bit.
She smiled and gave the little one a last pet "I have something to do, I'll be back".
Bellona looked towards Raizel and asked "are you not leaving also".
He gave a slight shrug "I'll attend either class eventually, for now I'll be here".
She raised a brow but gave a small nod and left the class, seconds after she left the door closed behind her and a spell was casted on the room which was meant to prevent sound from being heard by anyone else other than them.
Raizel rest his face tiredly on his upright arm and with his other he tapped to a slow and steady rhythm on his table, the little one began bobbing her head up and down to gain his attention which it was successful in doing as Raizel smiled and began steadily rubbing underneath her beak.
She found the sensation the most relaxing she's ever felt and soon lay down to rest, Raizel's gaze was fully on the three guests before him.
Norbert sighed "so first off Raizel, these two are the ones who will—
'Much preferred we talk this way, the little one is asleep'.
Norbert's face was without emotion for a few seconds before exhaling deeply 'They will be escorting you to the place you belong which is amongst your peers'.
He questioned, Norbert raised a brow in response as to why he questioned that part.
'Yes...peers' he repeated.
Rai smiled and moved his gaze towards the cloaked figures 'Forgive me, but I have no interest in leaving yet'.
'I have something to do here'.
'Or perhaps we can come to a compromise, I can indeed go there but on the condition that I still attend here as I want'.
'My uhh....*peers*, cannot deny they would be interesting'.
Norbert's hand sunk into his table out of shee force 'What do you think this is?'
'A Negotiation'.
Raizel answered in honest, under those cloaked faces one smiled 'Agreed'.
Norbert exclaimed as he instantly formed a new separate link of which Raizel was not a part of and began communicating with the two messengers.
From the voice that had rung in his mind Raizel knew one of them was a woman, he moved his gaze to the other for a moment before returning them back to the little one who was sleeping soundly and smiled.
The conversation between them ended and Raizel raised his head up the moment he felt them looking at him 'Do we go now or..'
'In three days'.
The voice that replied to him this time was different, it was the voice of a man. One of them snapped their fingers and a doorway was opened behind them of which they stepped into after giving Norbert some final greetings, Raizel got up the moment he saw them leaving.
'Do please break the seal you've placed on me, it's annoyingly restricting'.
Rai chided himself internally for not remembering to use the house and break it so now he had two options, one was to go into his hybrid state and gain the power to shatter it cause his barrier demon alone wasn't great enough to break it yet and the second being to ask his teacher which was the option he had chosen.
Norbert scoffed, almost laughing even 'You...heh'. He shook his head raised his left arm, a magic circle was summoned before it, a green one this time. Then he moved his hand in an anticlockwise motion which began resetting the different layers in the circle, Raizel looked down and saw a circle also appear on his chest for a moment before it shattered and the seal shattering right along with it.
'You...are definitely going to be my most annoying student yet'.
'And it will be your greatest honor, I've given you bragging rights beyond compare now haven't I?'.
Norbert's eyes widened for a bit 'how do you-'.
'Your mind's defences, it absolutely flabbergasts me to know it is weaker than a 'thing', what shame'.
'Your power may be greater than mine at the moment of course, but do fix that mind problem of yours'.
'Such a glaring weakness, it amazes me you've never seen it'.
'Or are the people you've faced in mental battles just really that terrible...who knows' he shrugged.
'Perhaps I just underestimate it too much simply because it was a...'thing'.
<{Narrator– "He was correct"}>
'Oh well, have a nice brag teacher'.
Raizel created a dome of mana around the little one and filled it with overflowing mana, then he levitated the dome which contained the little one and walled our of the class.
Meanwhile Norbert was left staring a bit in awe in a bit, Raizels mana in it's raw state was a crimson red which was a first of it's kind, there was red mana and it's different shades. But no one possessed such a deep crimson mana in it's rawest form, not even the Princess of flames nor the Prince of blood had their mana manifest as crimson red in it's raw state.
They had to achieve a particular state to achieve such a colour of mana which is known as the most dominant form of it which is what he also felt from Raizels mana.
But as someone who had felt both the Princess of flames and the Prince of blood's mana two centuries ago, somehow Raizels mana had a similar feel to both of them whom were opposing forces in both mana feel and personality.
And then there was a third feel of which he could not understand yet, there was do doubting that the boy is special and no matter how he might be scared to admit it...
"Heh, silly me"- Norbert shook his head and went back to work at his desk.
Raizel was levitating along a particular hallway with the little one right behind him, he had decided to choose the path belonging to Mutants first due to a particular reason of his.
He placed his hand onto the door once he reached the end of it and glided through the doorway and almost instantly Raizel was transported to what seemed like a library, a very damn wide, tall and spacious library.
It sort of reminded him of the obelisk, Raizel could feel that the library established a link with him and with everyone else present. He could will himself to any section just by thinking it and if he also needed a book on a particular type of Mutant ability he could ask for it and it would be delivered to him.
Raizel remembered he had three sealed Mutant abilities and decided to check on what available information there was about them.
Almost immediately a book made of pure light was summoned before him, the light cleared of in moments and the book landed safely into Raizel's hands. He looked at the covering for a moment, it seemed ancient and important, almost like a book of lost spells or something of the sort.
Rai shrugged internally and opened to it's first page on which it read in bold words:
Underneath it was the diagram of an eye and that of a body placed side by side with eachother, then below that too was a class rank for the ability along with a wall of text. Raizel levitated a bit higher and sat cross legged in the air, an arm was placed upright on his thigh and his cheek was rested on the back of his fingers.
With the book and it's pages kept afloat and open by the power of his mind, Raizel was all set to read the walls of text starting from the line which listed the rank of this ability.
Ability:– Copy.
Rank:– Mythical.
Place of manifestation:– Body or eyes.
The Mutant ability known as "Copy" is one of the scariest abilities known to the world, ranked as either first or second amongst the mythical class of abilities with it's only competition for top spot in this rank being known as the power called "Erasure".
*Raizel raised a brow at this part but kept on reading*.
The Copy ability is one that has only manifested in Mutants of either supreme or omega potential, there are currently only four known bearers of this ability amongst them, three coming from the Supreme and one coming from the omega.
As expected by it's name, the nature of this ability grants one the ability to Copy the power of others to varying degrees, a prime example being the supreme Mutant Ozborn.
His copy ability is one that works through touch but it also carries a weird bonus, Ozborn can copy both the ability and it's level of mastery of whomever he touches however for this he needs two touches.
The first touch grants him the desired ability and the second grants him it's level of mastery from the acquired target.
• A small note, there is an ability that behaves close to how the Copy ability works, it is referred to as Mimicry and acknowledged as a branch ability under Copy.
The power of Mimicry works by reading shapes and bio-aura signatures in other to produce a close fake of the targets abilities or even their physical attributes.
One advantage it possesses come from the fact that the power comes in both the medium of physical touch and eyesight for whomever awakens it.
But it's two biggest downsides arise from the fact that it required the presence of a focused and stable mind for it to be successfully used as stress or too much excitement undoes it, then also the fact that the abilities and attributes mimicked were not stored permanently.
A period of one year, that was how long all mimicked abilities and attributes were to be kept for. Anything beyond this and they all fade away, though the option does exist to mimick them again once more.
'What a stressful and quite sad of an ability to have, truly the knockoff indeed'.
Copy limits:– 10-13.
The number of abilities available for copy has never gone beyond this, not even by the Omega could it be achieved. Perhaps with knowledge from the gods a well defined limit could be given but unfortunately such a question has not been asked yet, so for now it remains at 13.
'I wonder if someone really was just writing down their causal thoughts when making this book, it reads like it'.
<{Narrator– "That was also correct"}>
*Raizel turned to the next page and continued his read*.
Body manifestation:–
This type of manifestation really has no special pros to speak off, except for the only one which had manifested in Ozborn there was nothing else to be praised about it because it's still viewed as the lesser manifestation type.
But there were a bit of cons to be said about it, an example being the fact that it's made useless when facing anyone with intangibility or ghost-like abilities, unless the user of such abilities is caught in a non combat ready state or the user is paid to allow their abilities to be copied.
Without both of these scenarios being especially prepared and thought out, the touch will fail at every other turn against such users no matter how much greater than them they might be, not counting special levels capable of ignoring such a tricky state of course.
The touch also fails against Mutants with the special nature of becoming elementals, the touch also fails terribly against barrier type Mutants due to a special nature all barrier types possess.
A passive barrier around their own body which is a much different thing when compared the passive barrier of bio-aura around the body of all Mutants,
But barriers are also quite the breacheable thing with the right force of which someone with supreme mutant potential might possess so it's also not hopeless, just not a very easy thing to do.
Eye manifestation:–
Widely acknowledged as the strongest form of manifestation, this type is full or pros and much too little cons if any. Already blessed with an innate reading ability of an atrociously high level there is very little that could be hidden from those eyes, they also possess an immunity to things that could temporarily blind them either naturally or not.
These same eyes are equipped with near 360° vision, the ability to see clearly in almost any environment and a visual range far surpassing that of what Mutants already possess naturally. Their eyes are also the most durable part of them, protected so well by some strange type of weird force.
There is almost no Mutant ability that cannot be copied by those eyes, all except for one which either has the power to outright stalemate and defeat or succumb to it not powerful enough yet.
And that power is Erasure, the ability truly known to be the only equal of the power to Copy. Though these two may be known as equals, they're are still not the absolute supreme top of Mutant abilities because that title belongs to two others and an honourary third.
A small but relevant thing to know about this type of manifestation is that special patterns may occur, but at the moment amongst the two Copy ability ability with eye manifestations, only the Omega has managed to display an eye clearly much different when compared to others.
'Interesting' he thought and turned to the next page, Raizel's eyes widened for a moment.
'Bloody hell!' he exclaimed internally at the madness before him.
Right in these pages was the images of the Mutant Ozborn who was one of the four Copy ability users in the world, but the weird thing about the images was that they were recordings.
No, to be more accurate they were literal moments in time plucked out of time and stored in the page of this book, replaying over and over again just like a recording.
Raizel could tell very clearly that these were actual moments because of the very specific fluctuations he could see and partially feel, of course if the moments weren't plucked out and kept in such a state he wouldn't have been able to feel the flow of time let alone moments until at least a century later at his current growth rate.
But the madlad that did this made it so much easier it so much for him to do so even in his current state, besides at some point he would be creating a time demon from scratch so his knowledge was anything but sparse, neither could his eyes be easily deceived.
Of course all Rai could do now was just feel and see them, he had no power to affect it in the slightest, not yet at least. He sighed internally and took a look at the two moments of Ozborn which were on the page, one was of the moment he awakened his ability and the other was of him in a great between someone who seemed to be quite equal to him in ability though Ozborn had taken his ability and was using it in tandem with the ones he had copied in the past.
Ozborn's name was displayed very boldly at the top of the page else there's no way he would know who it was or whom this page was dedicated to, Raizel had never seen him before after all and right now the only one who he would actually be interested in meeting was the omega.
Raizels gaze went back to the great battle between Ozborn and his opponent, he was quite amazed at how skilled the opponent was to match Ozborn, someone who had both her ability and that of others he had copied.
But one thing he noticed was the level in skill difference between them when it came to using her ability so Raizel guessed accurately that though she might have slipped up in letting Ozborn take her ability she didn't allow for him to take her level of mastery.
But that alone still couldn't just be enough to save someone using one ability against one with six plus the fact he was a supreme Mutant too at that, not unless that one ability truly was that much greater than all the others and she too was of the same potential as he, else Ozborn's physical capabilities should have ended the battle before it even began.
'What really is that ability' Raizel questioned, his interest piqued to quite a high extent.
He looked around the pages, even tapped the book to see if any information about her would come up but he got nothing. Raizel turned to the next page and there was the name and moment of the other supreme Mutant with the ability of Copy, the next page too was of the same for the third and on the fourth page flip he stopped.
This was him, the omega. The strongest of the known four and also someone of interest to Raizel, his name was Erlang Garim, 124 years of age, male and belonging to the Dargun race which had the mock reputation of being called the fried chicken race due to the fact of them possessing some birdlike features and also have a super high affinity to catch on fire quickly even though by some miracle they also constantly have an air of steam around them.
'Ironic huh' he scoffed.
But something even more interesting was here, one of his two moments also was a battle against that woman which was a great surprise to him, was she also an omega and not a supreme Mutant like he had guessed.
But how would a mutant of omega potential have fought equally with a supreme, was Ozborn much older than she was at the time?
He was 231 years of age and if she was indeed much younger than he was then Raizel could rationalise how a supreme Mutant could have fought on equal grounds with one of Omega potential. Else if there wasn't a large age gap between them then Raizel would have to rethink his evaluations of the Mutant Ozborn, but for now this was the guess he would be sticking with until more information is made available to him.
And this battle contrary to the one against Ozborn was much....much different. Unlike Ozborn who needed a sum of six plus her own ability to stand on equal grounds against her, the omega was using just a single ability against her just as she was.
But the surprising thing here was the fact that though she seemed to be on equal grounds against him, upon closer inspection Raizel could see her moves getting desperate as time went on and the omega gaining more and more ground against her while she was put on the backheel.
Raizel squint his eyes a bit because apart from all this Raizel could see a small smirk on Garim's lips and his eyes were brimming with sadistic pleasure, he knew full well that he already had both her ability and her mastery but the fact that even without that he was already winning against her with just a single ability also had to be a very insulting feeling for her he'd imagine.
An omega capable of capable of absolutely crushing and making another omega feel small before him, there was no doubt he was different from most.
Raizel sighed, the book still gave no information about her which was a disappointing thing but he still had other options, he flipped to the next page and saw that it was empty.
Then kept on flipping and flipping until he arrived at the very last page which had a short writing at the very bottom of the page.
There has been no record of a Copy user facing another in battle, the closest it ever came to happening was a confrontation between Ozborn and Garim which was cut short before any unleashed their abilities upon one another.
So any idea of what would happen if they possibly faced one another is a question that remains with no answer as of yet.
Raizel raised a brow at this 'what could have possibly made him confident enough to confront someone like Garim' he wondered.
But in time he would receive his answers, Raizel closed the book and whispered 'return'. The book became light once more and then vanished before his eyes, then as if on queue the little one also began waking up from her nap.
Rai smiled when he saw her look around confused for a moment before the hang of what her situation was, she stood up and flapped her stretched her wings.
The mana around her stretched and shaped itself to accommodate all movements she made and returned to it's former state once over, but the moment she began flying it became a coating around her with little embers of crimson mana being released at a steady pace.
She perched on his shoulder same as before and he gave her a small headpat then took a quick look at the levels down below before getting back to doing what he came here for.
'Zero, Infinite and Nine'.
Something was different this time, although Nine had arrived in moments the other two were taking way longer. But then they too also got summoned after a few more seconds, just as he reached out his hand to take a hold of them someone teleported and grabbed ahold of his hand.
Raizel felt immense strength, strength much...much greater than his.
"Who are you".