In the beginning, no. Before the beginning there was him, the being with the title of all knowing, eternal and all powerful. Present across all with no exceptions, be it the beginning or the end he's always been present as it's all meaningless to the being absolutely devoid of all Logical boundaries by nature.
Impossible to comprehend nor gaze upon, and then came the moment which would then be known to all of creation as the beginning. But that would be only half correct as there was in fact a beginning, but not the one all of creation came to know of.
In much simpler terms, before the beginning was the beginning and the all powerful beings first act of creation was of a single being named Mīkhāʼēl. Or as he would come to be more widely known as Michael the Archangel, the single most powerful combatant in all of creation and his firstborn son.
But, was he also truly the first act of creation and the beginning itself? From Michaels perspective, that answer would be yes. After the creation of Micheal came the creation of heaven and it's inhabitants that would come to be known as angels.
Angels weren't all the same as they were split into different levels and different roles, heaven most especially would be created as the home of the all powerful being and the angels his servants.
The all powerful being would then go on to create the most special being of all, a being even more favoured and loved than the first born son himself and he would also be the youngest inhabitant of heaven.
His title in heaven shall come to be known as the anointed cherub, but to all of creation he shall be known by a multitude of many other names.
After the creation of heaven came the creation of the heavens and it's inhabitants also, the creation of primordial concepts and lower concepts, after so many more creations in-between came the creation of the 'earth' .
And to all of his creations in heaven and on earth the all powerful being's first name shall come to be known as:
The Lord God.