After 5 minutes, Shockwave got the Ground Bridge working and Strongarm, Grimlock and Bumblebee were surprised at how fast he completed it. He turned on the Green Portal and within seconds of turning it on another Green Portal appeared.
"What's going on? Is that supposed to happen?" Strongarm asked with curiosity, "No it isn't supposed to happen but it seems to be completely unrelated to your upgrade Space Bridge!" Bumblebee was confused, "Space Bridge?"
"I upgrade your Ground Bridge into a Space Bridge." The second Ground Bridge started to move towards the first Ground Bridge. Denny yelled, "Fix-It." Shockwave spoke back, "Illogical, I can not fix a sourceless ground."
The Ground Bridge collided and the two smaller portals under the much bigger purple portal. "Unless he is here, then this should not be possible." Shockwave then yelled, "What happened to him?" Bumblebee spoke out, "To defeat him on the nemesis, Raf opened a ground bridge which caused a feedback loop and sucked him in."
"It makes logical sense," Shockwave spoke, "Who are you speaking about Bumblebee?"