Chapter 5 - Megatronus' Death

"At long last." A voice said from the smoke as Optimus looked at him. "Megatronus stands triumphant." Optimus charged him with his Prime Hunter and stabbed him in the chest. He coughed up Energon and he fell to his knees as Optimus pulled his Prime Hunter from Megatronus.

Megatronus tried to heal but Optimus pointed his prime hunter at Megatronus as a ball of energy was at the hilt. Optimus fired the energy as it erased Megatronus. Steeljaw was surprised, "Not even Astro-Cycles!" Steeljaw told his crew to retreat as Optimus stood victorious.

"The great evil has been eradicated." Bumblebee called Fix-It and spoke, "Is there any sign of Megatronus anywhere? It should light up like a bonfire." Fixit it spoke, "There isn't a whiff of Megatronus' energy anywhere on the planet."

After a few weeks, Optimus sat when Strongarm approached the Prime. "Optimus Sir! I wanted to know about someone of your stories over the years." Optimus sighed as he spoke, "There was a time where I fought hand-to-hand with a p

Predacon." Strongarm was confused by this, "But the Predacons went extinct before the war."