Chereads / Get stronger to get what you want / Chapter 2 - Noble ranks and duties they entail

Chapter 2 - Noble ranks and duties they entail

The carriage brakes in front of the mass of people waiting in front of the building. A rider dismounts his horse and prepares to open the carriage door, from which an elegant figure emerges. A man who appears to be the same age as Aldo gets out of the carriage. He has short blond hair, black eyes and a nervous expression.

'He has yet to say a word but he's already pissing me off with that expression.'

"Endrik, I hope you've already prepared a good reception properly, even if it's hard for me to think given the place where you direct these bigots." he calls the baron directly by name, he doesn't even mention his noble title, what arrogance. And he looked at us like we were bugs… what bastard.

"Welcome Viscount Limosa, of course we have already given a warm welcome, obviously within the limits of our possibilities." I respect the baron's self-control, if I were in his position I don't think I could control myself so well.

"Good, then before entering I would like to have a chat with you...elsewhere." Limosa looks at Gilberta for a moment, with a sinister smile, but then stares at Linda with a lascivious expression that she doesn't even try to hide.

This man has no shame, I wish I could knock him down and unload a flurry of punches into that slimy face.

"Are the horses ready, Aldo?" The baron turns his gaze to Aldo, which is why he was preparing the saddles of those two horses.

"The horses are ready to go, my lord." Aldo bows slightly and states that the horses are ready to ride.

"Excellent, viscount, if you allow me, come this way." the knights who have arrived with the viscount follow the nobles to act as escort.

"All this staff to say hello, only to be insulted by that creep. He didn't even wave when he got off the carriage. I certainly didn't expect him to wave to us commoners, but at least a nod to the Baron is for his family." Jeff curses next to me, looking at the viscount's back.

"Yeah, just absolute scum." I agree with what Jeff says.

"That's enough, if someone hears you, or worse the viscount hears you, your head will no longer be attached to your body. Rather go back to work, Jeff, you will postpone your break until later." Aldo punches us on the head, pushing us back into the stable to continue working.

"It's not fair that my break was interrupted by that asshole." Jeff rubs the spot where he was hit as we head towards the stable.

"Did you see the look he gave the Baroness? I bet everyone noticed it, and I'm sure she did it on purpose. Just because he's a viscount doesn't mean he can afford to do everything." I turn to Jeff, to see what he thinks.

"He Surely did it to make us nervous, he knows what the reputation of the Baron and Baroness is, and he knows that the people of this village adore them. I feel sorry for the poor citizens who report directly to him." it's true, there are certainly people who are worse off than us.

"Who knows what the viscount will want to talk about with the baron, it must be something important given the move with the horses. If it's something minor, they could take a room in the mansion." I have to admit I'm curious what that creepy guy is talking about.

"We don't know and maybe it's better this way, come on let's finish our job." Jeff starts raking the hay and I assist him.


It is late afternoon and the viscount and baron have long returned from their ride and are immediately seated in a private room.

Right now I'm in my room in the mansion, which is actually not only mine but also Jeff's, but right now he's not there, so I'm alone.

"Let's review some things I've been studying." in theory the servants of barons and baronets, and even those of viscounts, are poorly educated, enough to do their job well, but the baroness was kind enough to offer us some lessons in her spare time. "time to take notes". I take a notebook from the drawer and start leafing through some pages. Here I have written summaries of what the Baroness educated us in some subjects.

Remaining on the subject of nobility, there are various titles, from the smallest to the most important, that can be found in our kingdom, which in brackets is the kingdom of Hecate, who governs the western part of the continent of Ramnia, the capital of the kingdom it is called Falmond and is located in the southwest of the kingdom, very far from our village which we are in the north of the kingdom.

The noble titles are listed in this ascending order: knight, baronet, baron, viscount, earl, marquis or margrave, duke and finally archduke. Obviously at the top of the pyramid is the king, followed closely by the queen, and princes come not after the main rulers but after the archdukes. This is to avoid giving too much power to princes who are not yet ready to reign, in case something happens to the king.

Still remaining within the realm of nobility, these titles serve not only to give importance to noble houses, but also to assign various tasks and decisions that nobles with those titles can make.

Baronets are expected to govern a village or two to supervise the work of peasants, then report to the baron who is in charge above them. Villages don't always have a baronet, there are some who don't and answer directly to the baron. For example, Baron Endrik has about ten villages under him, half of which are visited by five baronets.

The barons must have at least ten villages under them, they receive information from the baronets under them, of the villages supervised by the latter. If some villages do not have a baronet, the baron himself must supervise that village, obviously he cannot move from village to village to view them, therefore people chosen by the same baron are sent to supervise the aforementioned village. Unlike the information that is sent by baronets once a month, that of villages without a baron arrives once a week. And this information is sent to the viscount.

The viscount is above three or four barons, and his residence is in a small town. He therefore has about thirty villages under him, the information he receives is not sent to the accounts, as the latter do not do anything with the reports of simple villages. The viscount has the task of controlling the territories of the villages and informing the counts if anything has happened.

The counts control five towns and inform their superiors, marquises or margraves of everything. in practice they perform the same work as barons, but are of higher rank.

The marquises, or also called margraves, control six to eight towns, perform the same work as the viscounts, but are always of higher rank.

'In short, it works like a cog that drives a big machine.' finished these thoughts continue to read the notebook.

The dukes control the major cities, which answer directly to the capital. All dukes answer not to several archdukes, but to only one, since there are few archdukes, and they all live in the capital and serve to oversee certain operations within the kingdom: some command the army, others the economy, the politics etc. .