Chereads / Moon Valley's Legendary Farmer / Chapter 16 - 016~The Power of a Summon (1)

Chapter 16 - 016~The Power of a Summon (1)

"Decades ago, the gods of Moon Valley went to war against each other. It was an awful war, one that made the very heaven shake."

"Why did they go to war?" Aya asks. She sits listening to the old woman speak. "Did they have a disagreement?"

Beatrice shakes her head, with a shrug of her shoulders she faces the young elf on her chair.

"No one knows my dear." Beatrice says.

"You said the gods of Moon Valley? All the gods?"

"Yes, my dear, including the patron gods of Bloom Haven, Vaelindor, and Selendriel were called into battle despite not being gods of fight themselves." Beatrice says, shaking her head. "The ensuing battle seemed to last forever. That was when our Harvest guardian disappeared as well."

"What happened to them?" Aya asks, "The previous Harvest guardian."

Beatrice drops her head low with a heavy sigh.

"I was hoping you could find out actually." Beatrice says sheepishly. Aya smiles fondly at the old woman.

"Don't worry, you just leave it to me. I'll investigate the mystery." Aya says.

[Story of the Harvest Guardian 3%]

Aya nods, already expecting the passive story notification. The more she invests in the world of Moon Valley, the more the quests pop up.

"Plenty of mysteries to solve." Aya says, she listens to the old woman go on before asking.

"When was the Harvest Guardian last seen?" Aya asks. The woman rubs her head, avoiding eye contact with the girl sitting in front of her. She turns back to Aya grinning mischievously.

"Well, you can't expect an old woman to know everything, Yvlena." Beatrice says. Aya frowns, but at the same time can't contain the excitement bubbling within her. This world only continues to grow bigger with every little thing she uncovers.

"Well this has certainly kept me playing for hours." she says, picking up her phone to check the time. 2:30 AM flashes across her screen, but it doesn't send Aya into a panic, after all, it's not a work night, and asides from personal obligation, Aya did not have anywhere else to be.

Aya shuts down the PacBook with a yawn. She gets out of her chair to turn off the lights and crawls into her comfy bed for the night.

"Thank God it's the weekend." the girl says to herself. "I have to try out the summons soon." Aya lets herself drift off to sleep, she dreams of Moon Valley and the numerous quests that wait for her.


Aya wakes to the sound of silence, the alarm clock beside her bed quiet in the face of the weekend. She swings her legs over the bed, letting them hit the floor as she stands.

She raises her hands above her head for a deep stretch and walks to the kitchen for a quick breakfast. Aya takes the cereal box out of the shelf, only after shaking the box does she realize it's empty.

"That's right I was supposed to replace that." She says in annoyance. Tossing the cereal box in the trash Aya decides instead to take a shower before she heads to the grocery store.


The girl sighs, walking down the cold streets on the only day she doesn't have to catch the bus. She takes her time walking to the grocery store just around the corner. Lost in thought, she wonders how far she can take Moon Valley.

Becoming a professional player fills her thoughts, but it doesn't interest her enough to pursue it.

"I'll just stick to farming, I am Harvest Guardian after all." she says, the girl finds herself already in front of the convince store.

Pushing the door open, she finds a woman at the counter who greets her enthusiastically. Aya waves and walks past her, browsing the sections on cereal. It's not long before she finds the particular off brand cereal she likes.

Grabbing a few toiletries and more things for her fridge she heads back to the counter to pay.

"That'll be 24.10 Lue." the cashier says. Aya scans her phone into the holder, paying for her groceries while the lady bags up her purchases.

Aya picks the bags up and walks out, heading towards the apartment, on her way there a familiar figure stands in her path talking to someone.

Aya watches a man speak to Mars, hands moving animatedly like a character out of a show. Mars is not impressed. Her dark eyes watch him with a frown on her lips. The man, sensing her mood stops talking and moves to grab her.

Before Aya could lift a stone from the road Mars strikes, delivering two swift blows to the man's neck and stomach. The Perpetuator falls to the ground and Aya runs up to her friend.

"Mars, are you alright?" Aya asks, Mars smiles at her then turns her eyes back to the man groaning in pain on the concrete. He moves to get up but Aya lands a kick of her own, sending the man back down to the ground. The girl grabs Mars by her hand and runs, dragging her along.

"Were you about to be mugged or something?" Aya asks, breathing hard. She can't remember ever having to run that hard in a while. Not even her job as mail delivery required such vigorous movement.

Mars laughs.

"Boy, you really showed him huh?" she says, patting Aya on her back. "Thanks for the help back there, he simply wouldn't leave." Mars says tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Aya stands, straightening her back.

"You're welcome, I guess you're also new to Axen. There's a lot of crime here. So just try to be careful."

"Of course, whatever would I do without my Aya!" Mars says trapping the girl in a sudden hug.

"You're going to break my eggs!" Aya shouts, but there's no edge to her voice only laughter.

"I owe you one." Mars says once they're back in the apartment lobby. She disappears back into her apartment leaving Aya to go back to her own.

After setting the groceries aside and finally having a bit of breakfast, Aya sets her mind towards the goal of saying. With a few taps, she sets aside 100 Lue from her Moon Valley auction sale.

"There now I only need 400 more." she says, walking over to her computer to take a seat. Booting the game up she once again begins her adventures within the world of Moon Valley.


Aya spawns in front of Beatrice's house, having already asked the NPC all she wanted to know. Aya runs through the town, back to the Rose Manor to try out the Cauldron.

"Let's see I have the basic potions recipe from Beatrice so lets try that out." Aya opens the menu, examining the contents of the recipe for herself.

[Simple Health Potion


Type: Recipe

A common health potion.

Restores a sliver of health to the player



Star Root: x2

Bloom Lily:x1]

Aya reads off the ingredients and selects the cauldron from her inventory, she places it on the grassy ground of the Rose Manor and selects the herbs within the recipe.

After a short animation of a bubbling cauldron, she's greeted by a notification.

[Yvlena Acquired

Health Potion (common) x1]

"Well I'm all out of herbs, I wonder what other recipes I can brew with this cauldron. Risel would know." Aya says. She dismisses the cauldron and runs through the gates of the Rose Manor.


"You're back!" Risel greets from the counter she stands at. Aya waves to the elven girl and rushes over to the counter. Pulling up the menu she hits sell and lists her new health potion.

"Huh that's weird, it's listed in a different section than the one I got from the game." Aya says, she shifts her focus as Risel speaks.

"Well the grade isn't very high, I can only give you 50 Moon Points for it." Risel says.

"What do you mean?" Aya asks. As if to answer her question a window pops up with a helpful animation ready to teach Aya something else about Moon Valley.

"Hello Player so you want to know about Item rarity and grades?" the fairy says.

"Item rarity and grades play an important role when trading with in-game merchants or even other players. Items of higher quality tend to be more valuable simply because they have more of an effect, last longer, or are quite hard to craft or find.

As a crafter or production class, you can increase the value, rarity, or grade of your item by leveling up your subclass or occupational skills."

The animation window closes once more and Aya nods in understanding, realizing an item she had just made will likely fall under low grade. It doesn't impress Risel at all. The elven girl still smiles at Aya, accepting the low grade potion and depositing the Moon Points within Aya's inventory.

"Just keep trying and soon you'll be making high grade potions in no time." Risel says.

[Affinity with Risel increased +2]

[Risel considers you an acquaintance]

The notification pleases Aya, now two of the NPCs within Bloom Haven consider her on a friendlier level than a stranger.

"Say Risel, how do I get to the Verdant woods?" Aya asks. The elven girl's ears twitch, she holds her hands to her cheeks in shock at the question.

"But Yvlena it's much too dangerous to head to the Verdant Woods." she says.

"Don't worry about it Risel, I'm very strong even though I'm not that great of an alchemist." Aya jokes. The elf laughs too.

[Affinity with Risel Increased +1]

"It's past the Bloom Meadow, just keep heading South, past the entrance of the Bloom Forest. But Yvlena you have to be careful, not only are the creatures stronger but they've been tainted by the miasma." Risel says.

"I promise to be careful Risel, and bring you some herbs." Aya says. Risel places a hand on her chest touched by Aya's words.

[Affinity with Risel Increased +2]

"Aww, thank you Yvlena. Just be careful alright." the elven girl says. Aya runs out of the apothecary and towards the city gates.

"I wonder if I'm actually prepared to face the Verdant woods." she says. "I guess I could test out my summons in the Bloom Meadow first."

The gate guards greet her again as she flies through the wooden gates and into the Bloom Meadow, ready to face any enemies she comes across.

"I'm sure with two summons and my new sword I'll be able to take on whatever in the Verdant woods." Aya muses.

Aya stops in the middle of the Meadow just behind two horned rabbits going about their day.

"Alright, time to see what these summons are made of." Aya says.